436 research outputs found


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    Background: Benzodiazepines are among the most frequently prescribed drugs. Of all their side effects, hip fractures and possibility of developing dependence are usually studied. Objective: The aim of this study was to determine how often do psychiatric outpatients suffer from adverse effects of benzodiazepines, and which adverse effects do they notice. Subjects and method: 109 patients on two consecutive days were asked to fill in the questionnaire. Among them were 29 women and 80 men. Ten women (1/3) and 20 men (1/4) refused to participate in the study. Results: 68% of women and 93% of men used benzodiazepines at least once in a lifetime; 40% of women used benzodiazepines in the last seven days, and 93% of men (32% of women and 44% of men used benzodiazepines every day for the last seven days). Unfortunately, 8% of men used more then one benzodiazepine daily. All of the women who used benzodiazepines had at least one adverse effect; and 91% of men had adverse effects. One third of women and one quarter of men stopped taking benzodiazepines due to adverse effects. The mean number of adverse effects was 4.8 both in men and women. Those who stopped taking benzodiazepines didn\u27t have more adverse effects in comparison to those who continued to use them. More than half of the participants suffered from sleepiness, slowness and fatigue. One third of the participants said they noticed the change in sexual drive. More then 30% of women noticed dizziness and only 6% of men. None of the participants said to have jaundice after using benzodiazepines. The same adverse effects were present in those who stopped taking the drugs and in those who continued to use them. Conclusion: The prevalence of benzodiazepine use is very high in psychiatric patients. Many of them notice adverse effects, but mainly continue to use the drug

    Landslide types in the Slani Potok gully, Croatia

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    The Slani Potok gully (0.48 km2) is situated in the central part of the Vinodol Valley (64.57 km2) in Croatia, and it was formed in the Eocene flysch deposits. So far, the area of Slani Potok has been mainly referred in the scientific literature as being subjected to unusually intense soil erosion processes (i.e., ‘’excessive erosion’’), associated with landslides. However, the landslides were never investigated in detail, given the available research methods only involved field investigations. Therefore, the landslide types according to the most commonly used landslide classifications have remained undetermined. In this paper, landslide types in the Slani Potok gully are presented, identified and mapped based on the visual interpretation of seven different LiDAR topographic derivatives computed from the 1 x 1 m DTM available from March 2012. The geomorphological historical landslide inventory of the Slani Potok gully was created, consisting of 181 landslide phenomena. Landslides cover 69 % of the area (0.33 km2) of the Slani Potok gully. The size of the smallest landslide is 65 m2, and of the largest is 10,563 m2. Landslides are very small to moderate-small, shallow to moderate-shallow, and mainly successive in distribution. Most of the landslides initiate along the margins of the gully channel walls, and extend to the gully channel bottom. Such a large number of identified landslides, as well as their specific spatial arrangement within the gully, indicates that sliding processes predominantly affect the morphologic development of the Slani Potok gully, and that the soil erosion is the secondary process in the study area.</p

    Sexology: body, mind and culture

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    This issue of Klinička psihologija gives you the opportunity to read abstracts of oral and poster presentations. The abstracts are grouped according to content. All areas of modern sexuality were covered: education, paraphilias, psychiatry, sexual health, gender identity, sexual aggression, sexual rights, sexual psychotherapy, basic research, sexual orientation, sexual medicine, sexually transmitted diseases, social sciences. Understandingly, the majority of abstracts cover different aspects of sexaul dysfunctions (aetiology, clinical presentation, therapy, management, etc.). The readers have the opportunity to read the works of hundreds of sexologists around the world (South Korean authors were well represented at the congress) and to get an insight into sexaul therapy and sexaul science of the 21st century

    Ontology in Information Security

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    The past several years we have witnessed that information has become the most precious asset, while protection and security of information is becoming an ever greater challenge due to the large amount of knowledge necessary for organizations to successfully withstand external threats and attacks. This knowledge collected from the domain of information security can be formally described by security ontologies. A large number of researchers during the last decade have dealt with this issue, and in this paper we have tried to identify, analyze and systematize the relevant papers published in scientific journals indexed in selected scientific databases, in period from 2004 to 2014. This paper gives a review of literature in the field of information security ontology and identifies a total of 52 papers systematized in three groups: general security ontologies (12 papers), specific security ontologies (32 papers) and theoretical works (8 papers). The papers were of different quality and level of detail and varied from presentations of simple conceptual ideas to sophisticated frameworks based on ontology

    Key Success Factors of Information Systems Security

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    The issue of information systems security, and thus information as key resource in today\u27s information society, is something that all organizations in all sectors face in one way or another. To ensure that information remain secure, many organizations have implemented a continuous, structured and systematic security approach to manage and protect an organization\u27s information from undermining individuals by establishing security policies, processes, procedures, and information security organizational structures. However, despite this, security threats, incidents, vulnerabilities and risks are still raging in many organizations. One of the main causes of this problem is poor understanding of information systems security key success factors. Identifying and understanding of information security key success factors can help organizations to manage how to focus limited resources on those elements that really impact on success, therefore saving time and money and creating added value and further enabling operational business. This research, based on comprehensive literature review, summarizes most cited key success factors of information systems security identified in scientific articles indexed in relevant databases, of which the top three success factors were management support, information security policy and information security education, training and awareness. At the end, article states identified research gaps and provides readers with possible directions for further researches


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    The subject of this paper is experimental testing of a polymer and definition of the idealised stress/strain diagram, from which the modulus of elasticity can be easily defined. The analysis was conducted on polymer straps made of ethylene polymer of high density (HDPE). In this case the polyethylene (PE) was produced almost entirely from recycled material and that defines its cost. PE generally has high density and very good mechanical characteristics and resistance to chemicals. As a material it is used in production of reservoirs and containers for various purposes. This paper is trying to define the basic characteristics of polymers by observing their tensile strength, to propose an idealised stress/strain diagram and to define the numerical values of the modulus of elasticity. Also the intention is to create a tool which would enable the definition of the stress / strain diagram for any similar material and broaden the application and use of such types of materials.Predmet ovog rada je ispitivanje nosivosti polimera dobivenog iz recikliranog materijala i definiranje idealiziranog dijagrama naprezanje/deformacija, iz kojeg se lako može definirati modul elastičnosti. Analiza je provedena pomoću polimernih traka koje su izrađene od polimera etilena visoke gustoće (HDPE). U ovom slučaju polietilen (PE) je dobiven, gotovo u cijelosti, od recikliranog materijala, što u konačnici uvjetuje i njegovu cijenu. U pravilu je visoke gustoće i ima vrlo dobre mehaničke karakteristike i otpornost prema kemikalijama. Kao materijal prisutan je u proizvodnji rezervoara te posuda raznih namjena. U ovom radu nastoje se definirati osnovne karakteristike polimera kao materijala kroz rasteznu čvrstoću te predložiti idealizirani radni dijagram. Namjera je također kako bi ovaj rad postao alat kojim bi se mogao definirati dijagram naprezanje/deformacija za bilo koji drugi sličan materijal te otvoriti mogućnosti širokog spektra primjene


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    This paper discusses the assessment of psychopatic traits in perpetrators with schizofrenia in the light of common assumption that perpetrators with schizofrenia are not homogenic group but rather heterogenic group whose future risk does not rest exclusively on the psychopathology of the underlying disease. Our sample consists of 150 perperators with schizofrenia who commited a criminal act and were subjects of forensic evaluation in the Unive throughout a period of 11 years. All data were extracted from written evaluations. In our research, the assessment of psychopatic trait was performed by PCL-R (Psychopathy Checklist- Revised) - the assessment tool rarely used in Croatia. Data were analysed by methods of descriptive statistics and multivariant discriminatory analysis. Our results show that some of psychopatic traits exist in all of our evaluees, but with markedly different intensity. The average PCL-R score was 19,92 (SD=8,30), and by defining the cut off at 26, our subjects were divided into two groups: subjects with a higher level of psychopathy trait (High-P) and those with a lower level of psychopathy trait (Low-P). These two groups showed significant differences in all of the items. The confirmation of our hypothesis opens new areas for discussion and future research: problem of comorbidites in patients with schizofrenia in a forensic setting and a rationale for the routine usage of PCL-R in forensic evaluations

    Submerzni uzgoj micelija tartufa Tuber magnatum

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    The possibility of submerged cultivation of mycelium of T. tnagnatum has been studied in different substrates (glucose, cheese whey and partly deproteinized cheese whey). The yield of mycelium dry substance cultivated in a medium containing 4°/o of glucose, and 3% of corn steep liquor, was 16.0 g/1 (cultivation time — 55 hours). The maximum yield of T. magnatum mycelium dry substance, when cultivated in cheese whey, was achieved after 20 hours of cultivation and amounted to 23.7 g/1. The cultivation parameters were as follows: optimal initial pH value 4.4; specific growth rate (j. 0.137 1/h and substrate yield coefficient 0.44 g/g.Proučavana je mogućnost submerznog uzgoja micelija T. magnatum u različitim supstratima (glukoza, sirutka i djelomično deproteinizirana sirutka). Prinos suhe tvari micelija pri kultivaciji u podlozi koja sadrži 4% glukoze i 3% kukuruznog ekstrakta iznosi 16,0 g/1 (vrijeme uzgoja — 53 sata). Maksimalni prinos suhe tvari biomase T. magnatum pri kultivaciji u sirutki iznosi 23,7 g/1, a postignut je za 20 sati uzgoja. Pokazatelji uspješnosti procesa bili su: optimalna početna pH vrijednost podloge 4.4, specifična brzina rasta p 0.137 1/h, a stupanj prijetvorbe supstrata 0.44 g/g. U djelomično deproteiniziranoj sirutki maksimalno postignuti prinos suhe tvari biomase iznosio je 12.7 g/1 nakon 35 sati uzgoja, a stupanj prijetvorbe laktoze u micelijsku biomasu bio je 0.281 g/g