85 research outputs found

    Long term effects of tear gases on respiratory system: Analysis of 93 cases

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    Aim. This study aimed to assess the long-term respiratory effects of tear gases among the subjects with history of frequent exposure. Materials and Methods. A questionnaire by NIOSH and pulmonary function tests was performed in 93 males exposed to the tear gases frequently and 55 nonexposed subjects. Results. The mean numbers of total exposure and last 2 years exposure were 8.4 ± 6.4 times, 5.6 ± 5.8 times, respectively. Tear gas exposed subjects were presented with a higher rate for cough and phlegm more than 3 months (24.7% versus 11.3%, > 0.05). Mean FEV1/FVC and % predicted MMFR in smoker exposed subjects are significantly lower than those in smoker controls (81.7% versus 84.1%, = 0.046 and 89.9% versus 109.6%, = 0.0004, resp.). % predicted MMFR in nonsmoker exposed subjects is significantly lower than that in nonsmoker controls (99.4% versus 113.1%, = 0.05). Odds ratios for chest tightness, exercise dyspnea, dyspnea on level ground, winter morning cough, phlegm, and daily phlegm were increased almost 2 to 2.5 folds among tear gas exposed subjects. Conclusion. The rates for respiratory complaints were high in the case of the exposure to the tear gases previously. Tears gas exposed subjects were found to be under the risk for chronic bronchitis

    Göz yaşartan gazların solunum sistemi üstündeki etkileri

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    The acute effects of tear gases such as oleoresincapsicum and 2-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile are well known. Tear gases cause incapacitating inflammatory response in various tissues and organs including the lungs, eyes, nose, throat, skin and others. The final results on the pulmonary system are toxic pneumonitis, asthma aggravation, bronchitis, and rhinitis. Long term effects are irritant induced asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders. The best way to reduce the hazardous effects of these gases is not to use them at all. © 2013 by Turkish Thoracic Society

    Effects of tear gases on respiratory health

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    Göz yaşartan gazların üst ve alt solunum yolları üstündeki etkileri irritan ve inflamasyon yaratan özelliklerine bağlı olarak gözlenmektedir. Bu etkiler rinit, astım, astım alevlenmesi, toksik pnömonitis ve solunum yetmezliği gibi farklı tablolar yaratmaktadır. Korunmada gaz maskesi kullanımı önerilmektedir. İdeal korunma göz yaşartan gazların kullanılmamasıdır.The effects of tear gases on the upper and lower airways are related to their irritant and inflammatory properties. Those effects cause to different diseases including rhinitis, asthma, asthma aggravation, toxic pneumonitis, respiratory insufficiency. Gas masks are adviced for prevention. Ideal prevention is not to use tear gases

    Precautions for the Prevention of Mine Accidents and Related Respiratory Emergencies

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    WOS: 000370845400008PubMed: 29404112Mine accidents and related respiratory emergencies can be prevented. Employers and governments have responsibilities to protect employees from mine accident-associated respiratory emergencies. Effective ventilation in the mines, usage of new mining technologies, and education of employees are the primary routes. Use of the personal protective equipment is valid when general precautions are not adequate

    COVID-19 vaccination and associated factors in Turkish healthcare workers practicing chest medicine

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    Objective: To evaluate the COVID-19 vaccination status and related characteristics of Turkish healthcare workers practicing chest medicine. Methods: A cross-sectional online survey was conducted among the Turkish Thoracic Society members. The survey was started on May 17, 2021, and kept open for seven weeks. The 39-item survey included the COVID-19 vaccination status and demographic, clinical, and occupational characteristics. Results: Of 378 healthcare workers participated in the survey, 354 (93.7%) reported receiving at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. A total of 323 (91.2%) healthcare workers received CoronaVac vs. BioNTech/Pfizer in 31 (8.8%). In the CoronaVac group, 77 (23.8%) contracted COVID-19 when not fully vaccinated, and 13 (4.0%) when fully vaccinated; however, 16 (51.6%) healthcare workers in the BioNTech/Pfizer group got COVID-19 when not fully vaccinated, but any fully vaccinated participants did not contract COVID-19 (P=0.003). Regarding vaccine dosing, 328 (86.8%) were fully vaccinated, while 50 (13.2%) were not. Multiple regression analysis for being a non-fully vaccinated healthcare worker demonstrated a significant relationship with having any SARS-CoV-2 infection history (adjusted OR 9.57, 95% CI 3.93-23.26, P<0.001) and being a non-physician healthcare worker (adjusted OR 5.86, 95% CI 2.11-16.26, P=0.001), but a significant negative relationship with full-time working at the time of survey (adjusted OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.03-0.56, P=0.006). Conclusions: Although a majority of healthcare workers were fully vaccinated, occupational and non-occupational characteristics were related to being non-fully vaccinated. Active surveillance regarding the COVID-19 vaccination in healthcare workers is necessary to address specific parameters as barriers to vaccination

    Verbal abuse and other violence types against doctors in chest diseases

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    WOS: 000449650901191

    Tear Gas lnhalation lnduced Pulmonary Restriction Case

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    Otuz sekiz yaşında erkek hasta kliniğimize göz yaşar- tıcı gaz maruziyeti sonrası başvurdu. PA Akciğer grafi- sinde interstisyel özellik izlendi. Solunum fonksiyon testinde restriktif patern saptandı. Hastanın bir hafta sonra yapılan solunum fonksiyon testlerinde, zorlu vital kapasitenin maruziyetten hemen sonraki döneme oranla arttığı ancak maruziyet öncesine göre hala düşük seyrettiği görüldü. Göz yaşartıcı gaz inhalasyo- nu sonrası gelişen pulmoner restriksiyon olgusunu sunuyoruz.A 38-year-old man was admitted to our clinic after tear gas inhalation. An interstitial pattern was ob- served in the posteroanterior chest x-ray. The pulmo- nary function test indicated a restrictive pattern. Forced vital capacity increased after a week; howev- er, it did not reach the basal value. Herein, we report a case of tear gas inhalation induced pulmonary restriction

    A case with diffuse granulomatous inflammation mimicking malignancy [Maligniteyi taklit eden yaygın granülomatöz inflamasyon olgusu]

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    A 59-year-old female patient was admitted to outpatient clinic with a 3-week dry cough and a 2-month exercise dyspnea (MRC 2). Within the last 3 months there was a loss of 5 kg. She has never smoked. She was a housewife. In thoracic computed tomography of the patient’s postero-anterior chest x-ray, the right lower quadrant is the opacity of the right atrium. A large number of nodules (5 mm in size) in both upper lobes of the lungs, and a common reticulonodular dancer in the middle lobe of the right lingula. The desired positron emission tomography of the patient with malignancy pre-diagnosis; right lobe of the lungs, reticular densities in the left lung, gastroesophageal junction, stomach fundus and large curvature in the dorsal wall of the nasopharynx, bilateral cervical lymphadenopathies, bilateral cervical lymphadenopathies, bilateral lymph nodes, right lobe of the lungs, right scapula and left iliac bone intense hypermetabolic involvement was detected. The axillary lymph node dissection was diagnosed as granulomatous lymphadenitis. The patient was accepted as sarcoidosis, inhaled steroid therapy was initiated and followed. © 2017, Duzce University Medical School. All rights reserved

    Maligniteyi Taklit Eden Yaygın Granülomatöz İnflamasyon Olgusu

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    Elli dokuz yaşında kadın hasta 3 haftadır devam eden kuru öksürük ve 2 aydır olan efor dispnesi (MRC 2) ile polikliniğimize başvurdu. Son 3 ay içerisinde 5 kg kaybı mevcuttu. Hiç sigara içmemişti. Mesleği ev hanımı idi. Hastanın postero-anterior akciğer grafisinde sağ alt zonda sağ atriyum kenarını silen opasite olması üzerine çekilen toraks bilgisayarlı tomografisinde; her iki akciğer üst loblarda büyüğü 5 mm olmak üzere birkaç adet nodül, solda lingula ve sağda orta lobda yine yaygın retikülonodüler dansiteler izlendi. Hastanın malignite ön tanısıyla istenen pozitron emisyon tomografisinde; nazofarenks dorsal duvarında, bilateral servikal lenfadenopatilerde, her iki akciğerde parankim nodüllerinde, sağ akciğer hiler alanda, sol akciğerde retiküler dansitelerde, gastroözafagial bileşkede, mide fundus ve büyük kurvaturunda, karaciğerde, iliak istasyonlarda multipl lenfadenopatilerde, sağ skapula ve sol iliak kemik iliğinde yoğun hipermetabolik tutulum saptandı. Yapılan axiller lenf nodu diseksiyonu granülomatöz lenfadenit olarak saptandı. Hasta sarkoidoz olarak kabul edildi, inhale steroid tedavisi başlandı ve takibe alındı

    The Perspective of the Turkish Thoracic Society Members on Institutional Preparedness During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkey

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    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to evaluate the perspective of the Turkish Thoracic Society (TTS) members regarding institutional preparedness, in terms of administrative measures and availability of personal protective equipment (PPE), in the first and third months of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Turkey.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 22-item online survey was e-mailed between the first and third months to TTS members, and participants’ responses were evaluated.RESULTS: The number of participants was 295 in the first survey and 141 in the second. In the second survey, the percentage of answers implying availability increased in all 18 control measures, 16 of which were statistically significant. However, there were still less than half of the respondents who reported the availability of psychological and behavioral support and some PPE, including respirators, facial protectors, goggles, and gowns. Statistical significance was observed for provision of a waiting area (P = .008), rooms for aerosol-generating procedures (P = .042), and special wards for patients with suspected or definite COVID-19 (P < .001); testing healthcare workers (HCWs) with a history of contact with a COVID-19 case (P < .001); and surveillance of symptomatic HCWs (P = .048), between tertiary vs. primary and secondary healthcare facilities in the first survey, but provision of special wards (P = .002) and supply for aprons (P = .027) in the second survey.CONCLUSION: Our results showed an improvement in control measures in the third month of the pandemic. However, the persistent low availability of psychological and behavioral support and several items of PPE pointed out the need for action. Considering the health and safety of HCWs, the control measures should be actively monitored and deficiencies eliminatedWOS:0006726408000082-s2.0-8510933071