34 research outputs found

    Ispitivanje osobenosti reagovanja morske pastrmke na stresne faktore sredine

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    Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju uticaji dva izdvojena faktora sredine i njihovog kombinovanog delovanja na morsku pastrmku, procenom promena u morfofiziološkim, fiziološkim, imunološkim i mikrobiološkim parametrima kod riba kao odgovor na stres. Primenjene su višestruke istraživačke metode. Nađene su promene u pomenutim parametrima kod mlađi morske pastrmke na stupnju aktivne ishrane pod uticajem pojedinačnih stres faktora (gustina riba, protok vode) i pod njihovim kombinovanim delovanjem. Kombinovano delovanje dva stres faktora sredine u poređenju sa pojedinačnim uticajima izazvalo je mnogo značajnije promene u većini ispitivanih parametara

    Putting pharmaceuticals into the wider context of challenges to fish populations in rivers

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    The natural range of fish species in our rivers is related to flow, elevation, temperature, local habitat and connectivity. For over 2000 years, humans have altered to varying degrees the river habitat. In the past 200 years, we added to the environmental disruption by discharging poorly treated sewage, nutrients and industrial waste into our rivers. For many rivers, the low point arrived during the period of 1950s–1970s, when rapid economic development overrode environmental concerns and dissolved oxygen concentrations dropped to zero. In these more enlightened times, gross river pollution is a thing of the past in the Developed World. However, persistent legacy chemical contaminants can be found in fish long after their discharge ceased. Changes in habitat quality and morphology caused and continue to cause the disappearance of fish species. The range of fish stressors has now increased as temperatures rise, and non-native fish introductions bring new diseases. The threat from pharmaceuticals to fish populations remains hypothetical, and no studies have yet linked change in fish populations to exposure

    Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Heterocyclic Chalcones from 1-Phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3-ol

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    An efficient synthetic route to construct diverse pyrazole-based chalcones from 1-phenyl-1H-pyrazol-3-ols bearing a formyl or acetyl group on the C4 position of pyrazole ring, employing a base-catalysed Claisen–Schmidt condensation reaction, is described. Isomeric chalcones were further reacted with N-hydroxy-4-toluenesulfonamide and regioselective formation of 3,5-disubstituted 1,2-oxazoles was established. The novel pyrazole-chalcones and 1,2-oxazoles were characterized by an in-depth analysis of NMR spectral data, which were obtained through a combination of standard and advanced NMR spectroscopy techniques