8 research outputs found


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    The dominant philosophical conception in Western political thought about the emergence of political societies known is the contractualism. Despite this, such conceptions are strongly ahistorical and continue to be strongly criticized by different chains of thought, sporting weaknesses. This study aims to examine some of the contractualist theorizing compared with tamped concepts in social conflict from models of game theory, using the deductive method. The conclusions are not trivial. The article shows that views about the state of nature as supported by several contractualism sheds are plausible from certain types of games applied to collective action problems. The article also demonstrates the plausibility of certain contractualist conceptions, from the possibility of the emergence of persistent cooperation and interaction patterns regardless of institutionalization. The article argues, finally, that certain views based on conflict can also be considered plausible in certain circumstances from modeling carried out based on Game Theory.El “contratualismo”  es la concepción filosófica dominante en el pensamiento político occidental acerca de la emergencia de las sociedades políticas. Sin embargo las concepciones contratualistas son fuertemente a-históricas y suelen  ser fuertemente criticadas por diversas corrientes de pensamiento, ostentando debilidades. El presente estudio busca examinar algunas de las teorizaciones contratualistas en contraste con las concepciones basadas en el conflicto social a partir de los modelos de la Teoría de los Juegos, según el método deductivo. Las conclusiones no son triviales. El artículo muestra que concepciones sobre el estado de la naturaleza como las sostenidas por diversas doctrinas contratualistas son verosímiles desde ciertos modelos de juegos aplicables a los problemas de acción colectiva. El artículo demuestra aún la plausibilidad de ciertas concepciones contratualistas a partir de la posibilidad de emergencia de patrones de cooperación e interacción persistentes de forma independiente de institucionalización. El artículo trata de demostrar, aún, que algunas concepciones basadas en el conflicto pueden ser consideradas plausibles en circunstancias ejemplares a partir de modelizaciones realizadas con base en la Teoría de los Juegos.A concepção filosófica dominante no pensamento político ocidental acerca da emergência das sociedades políticas consiste, sabidamente, no contratualismo. A despeito disso, tais concepções são fortemente ahistóricas e continuam a ser fortemente criticadas por diversas correntes de pensamento, ostentando fragilidades. O presente estudo pretende examinar algumas das teorizações contratualistas em comparação com concepções calcadas no conflito social a partir de modelos da Teoria dos Jogos, valendo-se do método dedutivo, portanto. As conclusões não são triviais. O artigo demonstra que visões acerca do estado de natureza como as sustentadas por diversas vertentes do contratualismo são plausíveis a partir de determinados modelos de jogos aplicados a problemas de ação coletiva. O artigo demonstra, ainda, a plausibilidade de certas concepções contratualistas, a partir da possibilidade de emergência de padrões de cooperação e interação persistentes, independentemente de institucionalização. O artigo pretende demonstrar, por fim, que certas visões baseadas no conflito igualmente podem ser consideradas plausíveis em determinadas circunstâncias a partir de modelizações realizadas com base na Teoria dos Jogos

    Application of statistical control on water quality in cisterns in the semiarid Pernambucano

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    In the Brazilian semi-arid region, it is necessary to use alternatives for the better use of water, since evapotranspiration rates exceed rainfall rates, which may favor salt accumulation in cistern systems. This work aimed to investigate the water quality of cisterns from communities in the semiarid region of Pernambuco state. Thus, the following physicochemical and microbiological characteristics of cistern water were monitored: color, turbidity, total dissolved solids (T.D.S.), salinity through electrical conductivity (EC), pH and total and fecal coliforms. For monitoring, statistical quality control techniques, control charts and process capacity indices were employed. Results were found with high values for microbiological, total and fecal coliforms in most samples. Control charts showed no abnormality in the process. The probable reasons for the contamination of cistern water is the lack of cleaning of the gutters that are part of the stored water catchment system. In the northeastern semi-arid population, people are looking for ways to use natural resources to ensure survival and water quality is seen as a guarantee for quality of life

    Estoques de carbono do solo e nas frações lábeis da matéria orgânica sob sistema agroflorestal em brejo de altitude pernambucano

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    Intense soil preparation and disturbance in crops, over time, reduces the quantity and quality of soil organic matter. Given this context, this work aimed to determine soil carbon stocks and labile fractions under agroforestry system (AFS) and toposequences in an altitude marsh, Taquaritinga do Norte, Pernambuco, Brazil. The study was carried out at the Yaguara farm, and the areas studied were native forest with 4.57 ha and coffee plantation in shade with native forest with 25.59 ha. Soil samples were collected in four trenches measuring 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.60 m, with a distance of 50 meters. Soils were collected at depths of 0–20, 20–40 and 40-60 cm, followed by chemical, physical and density analyzes to determine soil carbon stocks and labile fractions. The area with shaded coffee showed higher values ​​of soil carbon stocks at depths of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm. At a depth of 40-60 cm, the AFS top toposequence showed the highest carbon stock with 11.73 Mg ha-1, followed by the area with native vegetation with 10.6 Mg ha-1, slope with 9.23 Mg ha-1 and pediment with 7.00 Mg ha-1. It was found that the top toposequence with shaded coffee exhibited a greater stock of labile carbon at depth 0-20 cm with a value of 1.06 Mg ha-1, followed by the bedding areas (SAF) with 0.88 Mg ha-1, native forest with 0.79 Mg ha-1 and slope with 0.67 g kg-1. However, the area of native vegetation showed the highest value of labile carbon at a depth of 40-60 cm. It was concluded that the area with shaded coffee in the top toposequence showed great capacity to increase total carbon stocks and labile carbon stocks of soil organic matter.O intenso preparo e revolvimento do solo em cultivos, com o tempo, reduz a quantidade e a qualidade da matéria orgânica do solo. Diante desse contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os estoques de carbono do solo e frações lábeis sob sistema agroflorestal (SAF) e topossequências em brejo de altitude, em Taquaritinga do Norte, Pernambuco, Brasil. O estudo foi desenvolvido na fazenda Yaguara, e as áreas estudadas foram mata nativa com 4,57 ha e plantio de café sombreado com mata nativa com 25,59 ha. As amostras de solos foram coletadas em quatro trincheiras 1,5 x 1,5 x 0,60 m, com distância de 50 metros. Foram coletados solos nas profundidades de 0–20, 20–40 e 40-60 cm, seguido de análises químicas, físicas e densidade para determinação dos estoques de carbono no solo e frações lábeis. A área com café sombreado apresentou maiores valores de estoques de carbono no solo nas profundidades de 0-20 cm e 20-40 cm. Na profundidade de 40-60 cm, a topossequência de topo do SAF apresentou maior estoque de carbono com 11,73 Mg ha-1, seguido da área com vegetação nativa com 10,6 Mg ha-1 , encosta com 9,23 Mg ha-1 e pedimento com 7,00 Mg ha-1. Verificou-se que a topossequência de topo com café sombreado exibiu maior estoque de carbono lábil na profundidade 0-20 cm com o valor de 1,06 Mg ha-1, sucedido das áreas de pedimento (SAF) com 0,88 Mg ha-1, mata nativa com 0,79 Mg ha-1e encosta com 0,67 Mg ha-1. No entanto, a área de vegetação nativa apresentou o maior valor de carbono lábil na profundidade de 40-60 cm. Concluiu-se que a área com café sombreado na topossequência topo mostrou grande capacidade para elevar os estoques de carbono total e estoques de carbono lábil da matéria orgânica do solo

    Use of multivariate statistical methods for classification of olive oil

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    Multivariate statistical methods can contribute significantly to classification studies of extra virgin and common olive oil groups. Therefore, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to discriminate olive oil samples, multivariate statistical techniques Principal Component Analysis - PCA, Fuzzy Cluster, Silhouette Validation Method to describe and classify. The groups' distinction into organic and common was observed by applying the non-hierarchical Fuzzy grouping with a distinction between the two groups with a 65% confidence interval. The validation was performed by the silhouette index that presented S (i) of 0.73, which showed that the adopted grouping presented adequate strength and distinction criterion. However, PCA only analyzed the behaviors of data from extra virgin olive oil. Thus, the Fuzzy clustering method was the most suitable for classifying extra virgin olive oil


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    As ações propostas na Agenda 21, com ênfase na construção de indicadores ambientais vem possibilitar um aperfeiçoamento nos modelos de gerenciamento dos recursos naturais, através da avaliação das medidas adotadas e monitoramento das ações estratégicas a serem empregadas com vistas ao desenvolvimento sustentável. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo a construção de indicadores ambientais relacionados ao processo erosivo na margem direita do Baixo São Francisco Sergipano. Foi adotada a metodologia da OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Econômico), o modelo de Indicadores de Pressão-Estado-Impacto-Efeito-Resposta (PEI/ER), para a construção de uma matriz de indicadores. A quantificação do processo erosivo através de trinta indicadores ambientais vem subsidiar políticas e ações voltadas para a mitigação dos efeitos nocivos da degradação ambiental naquela área. Palavras-chave: Indicador ambiental, Erosão marginal, Rio São Francisco

    Cotton Growth and Nutrient Uptake after Rock Phosphate, Gliricidia Prunings or Chemical Fertiliser Application in Soils of Semiarid Northeast Brazil

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    Several studies have demonstrated that organic fertilisers or ground rocks may be a viable alternative to industrialised chemical fertilisers in some agricultural systems. The present study aimed to compare the effects of ground phosphate rocks, gliricidia prunings and chemical fertilisers as nutrient sources to cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) cultivated in two types of soil (Fluvic Entisol and Oxisol) of the Brazilian semiarid northeast region. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the Federal University of Pernambuco, in a completely randomised design with twelve treatments and four replications, consisting of three phosphate sources (MB-4 rock powder, Bahia rock powder and triple superphosphate), two nitrogen sources (urea and gliricidia) and a control without fertilisation. The aboveground biomass of cotton plants in the second growing cycle showed higher values of nitrogen with the combined use of gliricidia and MB4. The results indicated that the uses of green manure combined with natural phosphate may be a viable alternative to supply phosphorus and nitrogen to cotton plants in the Brazilian semiarid region. This can be a potential source of phosphorus and nitrogen in familiar agriculture and can replace mineral fertilisation