35 research outputs found

    Minat, Aspirasi Kerjaya dan Sikap Terhadap Mata Pelajaran Rekaan dan Jahitan Pakaian dalam Kalangan Murid

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    The study is to explore the career, identify career aspirations, factors which determine attitude of students’ towards the RJP subject and career aspirations. It is also to see the difference in attitude of students towards this subject based on career aspirations and based on their parents’ level of education and occupation. A quantitative survey was carried out among 291 form four students taking RJP subject. Respondents were chosen using a cluster sampling method. Chi-square and ANOVA tests were used to see the relationship and differences between the variables being studied. Level of significance was at p< 0.05. Results show students have career aspirations parallel to the subject they are learning. There is a significant relationship between parents’ factor, [ χ² (6, N=285)=24.542, p=.000, Cramer’s V=.207 ] with respondents career aspiration; between counseling teacher, [ χ² (6, N=288)=20.21, p= .003, Cramer’s V=.187 ] with respondents career aspirations. There is no significant relationship between peers [ χ² (6, N=287)=5.67, p=.458, Cramer’s V=.100 ] with career aspirations of students taking RJP. The findings show those with career aspiration related to RJP have positive attitude towards RJP subject as compared to those with career aspiration not related to RJP F(2,285)=15.77, p≤.05. There is a significant difference between student’s attitude towards RJP based on mother’s occupation, F(8,282)=2.54, p≤.05. However, the result also show there is no significance difference between students attitude towards RJP based on mother’s level of education, F(4,286)=1.49, p≥.05, father’s level of education F(4,286)=.74, p≥.05 and father’s occupation, F(8,282)=0.63, p≥.05. On the whole, students place interest in the Social field as priority and Artistic field as their next area of interest. As such a continuous effort is deemed necessary to develop interest, career aspiration and attitude towards RJP among student enrolled in this subject. This is to enable them to develop interest and career aspiration relevant to RJP

    Selamatkan Planet Kita: Mereka Bentuk Semula Pakaian Terpakai Untuk Pelbagai Kegunaan

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    Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk memberikan maklumat serta kesedaran kepada masyarakat umum berkenaan isu-isu berkenaan kepentingan kitar semula produk tekstil dan pakaian. Ini adalah kerana industri fesyen antara yang paling banyak menghasilkan lebihan bahan buangan yang menyebabkan pencemaran alam sekitar. Sisa buangan hasil bahan-bahan tekstil kini semakin menjadi perkara biasa dalam industri fesyen. Perkara ini berlaku apabila perubahan fesyen berlaku dengan begitu cepat dan pantas. Ini disebabkan industri fesyen kini mengeluarkan banyak pilihan rekaan pakaian dengan menawarkan harga yang rendah. Oleh itu, pengguna mempunyai banyak pilihan stail pakaian untuk dilupuskan dan dikitar semula

    Sustainability of Fashion Apparel Toward Environmental Well-Being and Sustainable Development

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    This paper will look into the agenda of the United Nations (UN) for the planned global, social and environmental progression in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially goals on the quality of education and responsible consumption and production. The combination of these two goals touched on quality education in the field of fashion and also fostered a responsible attitude among producers and consumers. Hence, educators, designers and manufacturers need to ensure the process and production of eco-friendly products do not harm consumers and nature while reducing the amount of waste. Responsibilities of the manufacturers are in terms of producing and adopting sustainable methods in production of textile and clothing products. Furthermore, consumer attitudes and behaviors are also very influential in utilizing of textile products considering the environmental sustainability aspects. In this study, critical review of relevant literature will be conducted. In the context of education for fashion conservation, it is important to raise awareness on the responsibilities of educators, students, consumers and producers on the importance of conserving the environment for future generations. All parties need to play their role in realizing the aspirations of the SDGs agenda. This aspiration can be achieved in an integrated manner through a combination of sustainable practices, positive attitudes and behaviors

    Keperluan kompetensi Rekaan Fesyen Pakaian (ReFP) dalam industri fesyen

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    Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau keperluan kompetensi Rekaan Fesyen Pakaian (ReFP) agar graduan dapat menempatkan diri dalam industri fesyen. Kajian kualitatif ini menggunakan kaedah temu bual kumpulan berfokus ke atas dua kumpulan tenaga pengajar seramai 16 orang. Kesemua responden mengajar dalam bidang ReFP di Institut Latihan Kemahiran Awam (ILK) di Malaysia. Majoriti responden berpendapat kompetensi yang paling penting adalah kemahiran perdagangan/ keusahawanan, pengetahuan rekaan dan pengetahuan penilaian tekstil. Responden juga mengemukakan perubahan program yang sering berlaku menghalang mereka untuk mengaplikasikan sebahagian kompetensi yang sangat diperlukan dalam bidang fesyen. Kebanyakan kompetensi pengetahuan ini diaplikasikan secara tidak formal semasa pengajaran dan pembelajaran bergantung pada kesesuaian masa mereka. Oleh yang demikian, sewajarnya pihak yang terlibat dalam penggubalan dasar mahupun pembentukan kurikulum perlulah menjalankan kajian menyeluruh ke atas sesuatu program yang telah dijalankan sebelum membuat sebarang perubahan. Ini bertujuan agar dapat meninjau dan mengenal pasti permasalahan yang berlaku sepanjang pelaksanaan sesuatu program. Ini bertujuan menghasilkan graduan Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) yang berkualiti, mempunyai nilai keboleh pasaran, seiring dengan perubahan teknologi dan boleti menjadi usahawan yang berjaya. Tambahan pula, mereka adalah bakal tenaga kerja yang akan menjadi tulang belakang kepada pembangunan ekonomi berpendapatan tinggi negara

    Jurang integrasi kemahiran employabiliti di Malaysia: satu kajian empirikal graduan kejuruteraan Kolej Komuniti

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    Keperluan adanya kemahiran employability yang mantap dalam kalangan graduan merupakan satu kriteria yang penting untuk membolehkan mereka mendapat tempat di pasaran pekerjaan. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk melihat samaada terdapat jurang atau tidak di antara elemen kemahiran employabiliti yang telah diintergrasikan semasa proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (pdp) dengan kemahiran employabiliti yang penting dan perlu dikuasai oleh graduan bidang elektrik berdasarkan perspektif graduan Kolej Komuniti dengan majikan di industri. Kajian tinjauan ini melibatkan seramai 103 majikan di industri dan 162 graduan bidang elektrik di Kolej Komuniti. Melalui analisis Ujian-T yang dijalankan, hasil dapatan kajian menunjukkanterdapat jurang yang signifikan di antara elemen kemahiran employabiliti iaitu kemahiran komunikasi, kemahiran pengurusan maklumat, kemahiran pengurusan diri, kemahiran etika dan moral profesional, kemahiran kepimpinan dan kemahiran berpasukan yang telah diintergrasikan semasa proses pdp dengan kemahiran tersebut yang penting dan perlu dikuasai oleh graduan bidang elektrik berdasarkan perspektif graduan Kolej Komuniti dengan majikan di industri. Oleh yang demikian, pensyarah-pensyarah di Kolej Komuniti haruslah bertindak dengan memainkan peranan penting serta bertanggungjawab di dalam memberi tumpuan serta mengintergrasikan ke semua kemahiran employabiliti yang dikenalpasti penting dan perlu dikuasai oleh graduan semasa sesi pdp dijalankan. Selain itu, penambahbaikan kurikulum yang melibatkan pihak industri serta komitmen pdp yang efektif dari pensyarah amat penting dalam mengatasi masalah jurang kemahiran yang merangkumi penguasaan kemahiran employabiliti dalam kalangan graduan Kolej Komuniti

    Validity and reliability of clothing fashion design (CFaDC) competency instrument

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    This research intends to determine the validity and reliability of Clothing Fashion Design (CFaDC) Skills instrument among instructors (ITR) in Skills Training Institutes (STI). This instrument was administered on 330 instructors in STI that teaches in the field of fashion and clothing. Rasch Measurement Model and Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to evaluate the construct validity of this instrument. The CFaDC have reached the Cronbach alpha > 0.7 for the reliability of six sub constructs of skills competency. This instrument also obtained consistent and good internal validity which were convergent and discriminant validity. The goodness-of-fit measure of CFI, IFI, TLI > 0.90 and RMSEA < 0.08 further proved the construct validity. In summary, the research findings showed that the CFaDC instrument achieved sound psychometric properties and can be used to measure the competency level of instructors in STI


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    This study is a need analysis of the development of sketch module for secondary D&amp;T students. This study is in a form of a survey using questionnaire as a research instrument. A total of 287 teachers were involved in the study sample. The study sample was randomly selected. The data were analyzed using a descriptive analysis to meet the objectives of the study. The findings show that teachers are facing difficulties in implementing D&amp;T teaching in schools. The majority of teaching teachers consist of non-option D&amp;T teachers, lack of D&amp;T knowledge and skills, intensive course requirements, less teaching aids and less conducive workshops. Students found that it was difficult to master topics that the teachers teach, especially the topic of sketching. The majority of teachers agree that the topic of sketching ought to be developed in a way to enhance students understanding, and along with helping the less skilled teachers. The implication of the study is that this module can be used by D&amp;T teachers and students as a reference to improve the teaching and learning to become more effective

    Fashion and clothing instrument for Malaysian fashion lecturers: an analysis of the instructors’ competency scale

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    A latest fashion and clothing instrument that has high validity and reliability can serve as a predictor in measuring the competency of lecturers in the field of fashion. Indirectly, with this instrument, it is expected to improve the competency content that still needs to be explored and refined. Apart from that, this kind of exploration opens up new opportunities to enrich theories and models in the fashion and clothing field. This study aims to validate the knowledge competency scale of fashion and clothing among lecturers. The questionnaires consisted of 45 items, ranging from multiple choice questions to matching questions, right and wrong questions, and fill-in-blank questions. The validation of the constructs was carried out in two phases, firstly, using the Rasch Measurement Model (RMM), and secondly using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results from the RMM analysis showed that there were 18 misfit items that needed to be removed. Additionally, through the CFA (convergent and discriminant validity), the instrument recorded a consistent internal validity scales of good, acceptable, and fit to the model. All four sub-constructs were also recorded as having high validity, since the overall model showed a good and acceptable fit. In the regard, the scale was deemed successful in fulfilling the psychometric standard and the instrument was adequately stable and could be used at any given time for samples that possessed the same or almost the same criteria

    The influence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on Malaysian academics participation in the national innovation strategy

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    The practice of workplace motivation is always use in activating, directing and maintaining people’s behaviors towards specific courses of actions. In this study, the attentions are focus on studying the factors that motivating Malaysia academic citizens in participating in Malaysia National Innovation Strategy. The methodology of this exploratory study involve a quantitative designed, web-based survey method. Population include all academicians with Malaysia citizenships in all twenty Malaysia public universities, while actual samples collected consist of 833 respondents. Results were analyzed by Kruskall-Wallis test (SPSS) and Structural Equation Modelling-Partial Least Square (SmartPLS). Findings has presented that the eight motivation factors of Equity, Trust, Responsibility, Actualization, Physical Condition, Culture, Career Prospect, and Work-Life Integration have different significant results among the three categories of Malaysia public universities. Implication of this study has revealed the significance of motivation factors National Innovation Strategy, as well as the differences of significances among the three categories of public universities

    Impact of fashion entrepreneurship programme on entrepreneurial interests, intention and competencies

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    Entrepreneurship education has traditionally focused on formal education, but many initiatives have been taken parallel with the 21st century teaching and learning strategies to engage student experience through learning by doing. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurship interest, intentions and competencies by implementing fashion entrepreneurship program. This study was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia for a period of five months. Samples were selected among undergraduate students who enrolled in Entrepreneurship Courses in First Semester 2016/2017. Screening process comprises interviews and basic sewing test were conducted to select 40 students as the respondents of the program. This program emphasized mentor-mentees system which involved 10 fashion entrepreneurs from the community. Respondents were exposed to entrepreneurship seminars, business and skills trainings, e-marketing workshops, sewing classes as well as evaluation sessions. Qualitative data were gathered through questionnaires adapted from Mc Clellandand Mc Ber & Co (1985) as well as questionnaires by Hisyamudin Hassan (2007). Meanwhile qualitative data were collected through continuous observations and the output of the fashion products. The findings indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between entrepreneurship interests with entrepreneurship intentions. Although the findings showed no significant relationship between fashion entrepreneurship program with entrepreneurship intentions and competencies, respondents’ perceptions towards their interest, intentions and competencies at the end of the program are high. Due to time constraints, it was suggested that future entrepreneurship program should be scheduled more structured and in a timely manner to ensure that student can gain benefit throughout the program and the objective of the program can be achieved