2 research outputs found

    Construcció d'un làser de diòxid de carboni, tota una aventura

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    En el present article s'expliquen les diferents parts necessàries per a construir un làser, des de la idea fins a la seva consecució . També s'explica la raó per la qual s'ha escollit un làser de diòxid de carboni. No es pretén arribar fins a l'última peça del làser en aquest article, sinó tan sols conèixer les diferents opcions que hi ha per a solucionar els problemes que presenta la construcció del làser esmentat, tot exposant els avantatges i desavantatges que tenen cada una d'elles.The differents parts required to construct a laser from start to finish are discussed. The reason why a Carbon Dioxide laser was selected is also explained. Without going into minute details of the laser, the differents options available to solve the problems araising from its construction are compared and the avantatges and disavantatges of each option are assessed

    Application of genetic algorithms to minimization of the reproduction error of natural objects in calibrated CRT display using the GOG model

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    We have applied a genetic algorithm to minimization the reproduction error of natural objects in a calibrated CRT display. The GOG model of calibrated CRT display provides the relative scalar values (R,G,B) of each channel-colour. With these values the CRT Display reproduces the colour of natural objects. The reproduced colour in the CRT display is different of the colour of natural object under the selected illuminant (D65). We have perturbed each relative scalar values RGB with one increment (ΔR, ΔG, ΔB) to minimize the reproduced colour error. We obtain these increments using a genetic algorithm. The genetic algorithm uses the relative scalar values (R,G,B) provided by the GOG model to generate the initial population and the colour difference ΔE94 of CIELAB system as merit function. We have applied a genetic algorithm to minimization the reproduction error of 24 natural objects of ColorChecker chart in the calibrated CRT display. The ColorChecker chart is uniform illuminated with 90π lx of illuminant D65