17 research outputs found


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    Çalısmamızda midede yasa kosut yapısal degisimlerin ısık ve elektron mikroskop düzeyinde incelenmesi geregiyle 1 günlük, 22 günlük, 10 haftalık ve 22 aylık olarak 4 farklı yas grubunda toplam 24 sıçan ile çalıstık. PCNA ve kaspaz-9 isaretleyicileri ile immunohistokimyasal incelemelerin yanısıra, Alsian mavisi-PAS özel boyamasını kullandık. Yaptıgımız özel boyamada; 1 günlük grupta mide dokusunun geliskin yapıda olmadıgını, 22 günlük grupta ise mide çukurcukları ve mide bezlerinin eriskin yapıda oldugunu gösterdik. 22 aylık grupta yasa kosut olarak bezlerde hücresel ayırımın kayboldugunu gözlemledik. Yer yer yozlasmıs alanların varlıgını tespit ettik. PCNA antikoru ile yaptıgımız immunohistokimyasal boyamada; hücre çogalmasının gelismekte olan midede artmakla birlikte, yaslanmaya kosut istatistiksel anlamlı bir degisiklik göstermedigini belirledik. Ilerleyen yas grupları apopitozis açısından degerlendirildiginde; kaspaz-9 immunoreaktivitesinin yaslanmaya kosut arttıgını gözlemledik. Yapılan elektron mikroskobik incelemelerde; 1 günlük grupta yüzey epitel hücrelerinin tam olarak düzgün bir sıra olusturamadıgını, paryetal hücrelerde tübüloveziküler yapıların tam olarak olusmadıgını ve mitokondriyonların fötal mitokondriyon yapısı sergiledigini belirledik. 22 günlük grupta yüzey epitelinin gelisimini henüz tamamlamadıgını, paryetal hücrelerde ise tübüloveziküler yapılar ve intrasellular kanalcıkların sekillenmis, mitokondriyonlar özgün yapıda ve çok sayıda oldugunu gözlemledik. 22 aylık grupta yüzey epitel hücrelerinde granüllü endoplazmik retikulum tubuluslarının yaslanmaya kosut genisledigini belirledik. Paryetal hücrelerde de dejeneratif degisiklikler gözlemledik.In our study, to examine the functional and structural changes in aging stomach, we used 24 rats of 4 different age groups that are 1 day, 22 days, 10 weeks ans 22 months old. Besides immunohistochemical observations with PCNA and caspase-9 markers, we also used a special staining method; Alcian blue-PAS. In our special staining; we observed that gastric mucosa was immature in 1 day old rats, while gastric pits and gastric glands in 22 days old rats were mature. In 22 months old group we were not able to distinguish cells in gastric glands due to aging. There were also corrupted areas in some regions. In our immunohistochemical observations with PCNA marker; we determined that proliferation increases in developing stomach, while the difference between number of proliferating cells in 10 weeks and 22 months old groups were not statistically significant. We also examined caspase-9 immunoreactivity in aging rats and concluded that apoptosis increases with advancing age in gastric glands. In our electron microscopic observations; epithelial cells were not able to form into a regular line and tubulovesicular structures of parietal cells were immature in 1 day old group, where mitochondrions were also observed in fetal structure. In 22 days old group surface epithelial cells were not observed in their mature structure, while tubulovesicular structures in parietal cells were mature with intracellular canaliculi and mitochondrions were in their regular structure. In 22 days old group surface epithelial cells were watched with their enlarged granular endoplasmic reticulum tubules. There were also degenerative changes in parietal cells

    Identification of Genetic Alterations in Periodontitis Patients with Poorly Controlled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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    Purpose Periodontitis and diabetes are highly prevalent chronic diseases associated with upregulated inflammation that may adversely affect each other. The aim of this study is to determine underlying molecular mechanisms via bioinformatic tools as a guide for future studies. Materials and methods Expression data (GSE156993) of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) and Periodontitis (P) patients was selected from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database. Study groups were defined as follows; T2DM-poor (HbA1c≥8.5%, n=7), T2DM-well (HbA1c lt;7.0%, n=7) and P (n=6). The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between groups were analyzed with GEO2R (log2FC≥0 or ≤0). Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) was used for the identification of biological pathways. Protein network was constructed in STRING database and hub genes were detected. Data validation was performed via ELISA assay for two hub genes. Significance was set to P lt;0.05. Results 1008 genes were upregulated, while 610 genes were down-regulated in T2DM-poor group compared to the controls. KEGG analysis revealed that the highest number of down-regulated genes were clustered in cancer pathways and PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, as upregulated genes were purine metabolism, parathyroid hormone metabolism, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway and Rap1 signaling pathway. For increasing and decreasing expression profiles, hub nodes with the highest score were selected as SMAD4, HNF4A, SMARCA4 and SRC, TNF, RFC2, RFC3 genes, respectively. Conclusion Bioinformatic analyses revealed that metabolomic, inflammatory and cancer pathways were altered in periodontitis patients with poorly controlled diabetes. As protein-protein interactions may differ in vivo, further validation of the presented data is needed

    Evaluation of Dentistry Students' Lifelong Learning Tendencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Aim: Dentistry education is a life-long, continuous education. The aim of this study was to determine the lifelong learning (LLL) tendencies of the dental faculty students who were receiving distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods: 258 dentistry students participated the study. Research data was collected by 'Lifelong Learning Disposition Scale' (LDS). In the first part of the questionnaire, students were asked to reply socio-demographic questions and their ability to learn during the distance education process of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the second part, there were questions about LLL. The low score obtained from the scale indicates that the LLL tendency is high. ANOVA and t-test were used for analysis of LDS score, and the Mann Whitney-U and Kruskal Wallis tests were used for sub-dimensions. Results: During the COVID-19 Pandemic, 40.3% of the students stated their status of learning skills as medium, 28.7% as bad and 11.6% as very bad. Students' mean score on the LDS scale was 88.26 ± 9.8. The mean LDS score was statistically significant according to their class, gender and their assessment of learning skills during the COVID-19 pandemic (p lt;0.05). There was no correlation between the monthly income and academic success levels of the students and their LDS scores (p gt; 0.05). Conclusion: In this study, it was determined that the students made their own evaluations correctly during the Covid-19 pandemic. LDS scores of the students who stated their learning status as bad were significantly higher by 1,187 times. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important to communicate using educational methods that aim to support students' learning skills. Therefore, new interventions should be planned to increase students' LLL tendencies

    Electrocardiographic characteristics at initial diagnosis in patients with isolated left ventricular noncompaction

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    Isolated ventricular noncompaction (IVNC) is a primary cardiomyopathy characterized by a specific morphologic pattern. Patients with IVNC may suffer from various arrhythmic complications such as life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias, as well as heart failure or systemic embolic events. The present study was designed to comprehensively analyze the ECG pattern at the time of initial diagnosis in patients with IVNC, and to investigate their correlation with clinical features and echocardiographic findings. ECGs from the time of initial diagnosis of IVNC were available in 78 patients between March 1995 and November 2008. The most common findings were intraventricular conduction delay (especially left bundle branch block), voltage signs of left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, and repolarisation abnormalities. An entirely normal ECG was only present in 10 subjects (13%). However, no ECG findings or patterns specific for IVNC were found. A striking overlap was observed between the presence of intraventricular conduction delay (left bundle branch block, in particular), atrial conduction delay (PR interval prolongation or AV-block), and prolongation of the QTc on the one hand, and reduced systolic LV function and LV / left atrial dilation on the other. Moreover, patients with electrocardiographic voltage signs of LV hypertrophy more often presented with or had a history of systemic embolic events. In conclusion, our study provides a comprehensive analysis of ECG findings of patients newly diagnosed with IVNC; while intraventricular conduction delay, repolarisation abnormalities and LV hypertrophy are frequently present, no ECG patterns are specific for IVNC at the time of first presentation with the disease. Whether these findings indeed have prognostic implications needs to be investigated in long-term controlled studies

    <i>In Vivo</i> acrylamide exposure may cause severe toxicity to mouse oocytes through its metabolite glycidamide

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    High acrylamide (ACR) content in heat-processed carbohydrate-rich foods, as well as roasted products such as coffee, almonds etc., has been found to be as a risk factor for carcinogenicity and genotoxicity by The World Health Organization. Glycidamide (GLY), the epoxide metabolite of ACR, is processed by the cytochrome P-450 enzyme system and has also been found to be a genotoxic agent. The aim of this study was to determine whether ACR and/or GLY have any detrimental effect on the meiotic cell division of oocytes. For this purpose, germinal vesicle-stage mouse oocytes were treated with 0, 100, 500, or 1000 μM ACR or 0, 25, or 250 μM GLY in vitro. In vivo experiments were performed after an intraperitoneal injection of 25 mg/kg/day ACR of female BALB/c mice for 7 days. The majority of in vitro ACR-treated oocytes reached the metaphase-II stage following 18 hours of incubation, which was not significantly different from the control group. Maturation of the oocytes derived from in vivo ACR-treated mice was impaired significantly. Oocytes, reaching the M-II stage in the in vivo ACR-treated group, were characterized by a decrease in meiotic spindle mass and an increase in chromosomal disruption. In vitro GLY treatment resulted in the degeneration of all oocytes, indicating that ACR toxicity on female germ cells may occur through its metabolite, GLY. Thus, ACR exposure must be considered, together with its metabolite GLY, when female fertility is concerned

    Does combining magnetic-activated cell sorting with density gradient or swim-up improve sperm selection?

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    PURPOSE: The present study aimed to evaluate whether combining the magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) with density-gradient (DG) or swim-up (SU) sperm separation techniques can improve sperm selection to obtain higher quality spermatozoa. METHODS: Two commonly used sperm selection techniques, SU and DG, were compared to MACS combined with either SU or DG. Spermatozoa obtained from normozoospermic (n = 10) and oligozoospermic (n = 10) cases were grouped as SU, DG, SU+MACS, and DG+MACS followed by the analysis of sperm morphology, motility, DNA integrity, and the levels of Izumo-1 and PLCZ proteins. RESULTS: Although spermatozoa obtained by SU or DG when combined with MACS have improved aspects when compared to SU or DG alone, results did not reach a statistically significant level. Moreover, separation with MACS caused a significant loss in the numbers of total and rapid progressive spermatozoa. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the cost/benefit ratio, MACS application together with traditional techniques may only be preferred in certain cases having higher concentrations of spermatozoa, but it does not seem to be an ideal and practical sperm selection technique for routine use

    <i>In vitro</i> Effect of ACR on Oocyte Maturation.

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    <p><i>In vitro</i> maturation stages of 0, 100, 500 and 1000 μM ACR-treated oocytes following 18 hours of incubation. There was no significant difference between control and ACR-treated groups in terms of oocytes reaching the M-II stage or degenerated oocytes.</p