7 research outputs found


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    University professors Gheorghe Palade and Ion Agrigoroaiei researched major problems of Romanian history in the contemporary era. Both university teachers, being born in Bessarabia, had the opportunity to carry out their research in their favourite field only after the fall of communism. Their scientific investigations were accompanied by a prodigious teaching activity, carried out in the most prestigious universities in Chisinau and Iasi. By cultivating the historical knowledge in young people on both sides of the Prut river, their university professors Gheorghe Palade and Ion Agrigoroaiei, were road openers and bridge builders who fortified the spiritual and cultural connection between Bessarabia and its historical homeland Romania. The legacy left by the two teachers is relevant through published books and studies, through formulated thoughts and ideas, through unique historiographical concepts, all being taken over by their many disciples who continue the noble mission of being historians

    Unii factori de mediu şi sănătate

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    Tendinţele de poluare a mediului ambiant duc la apariţia celor mai primejdioase noxe care influenţează starea de sănătate a populaţiei şi duc la apariţia proceselor patologice şi a bolilor. Sunt descrise realizări practice, sociale în vederea protecţiei naturii în perioada de tranziţie la economia de piaţă. Monitoringul socio-igienic vizează sănătatea în relaţie cu mediul, reflectă calitatea factorilor de mediu şi starea sănătăţii populaţiei

    Некоторые факторы окружающей среды и здоровья

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    Environmental pollution trends to the most dangerous impurity influence on the health of the population and cause the appearance of pathological processes and diseases. It describes practical achievements, social to protect nature in the transition to a market economy. Socio-hygienic supervision of health concerns in relation to the environment reflects the quality of the environment and public health.Экологические тенденции загрязнения окружающей среды приводят к самым опасным примесям, влияющих на здоровье населения, и могут привести к появлению патологических процессов и болезней. Описываются практические социальные достижения для защиты природы в процессе перехода к рыночной экономике. Социально-гигиенический надзор проблем здоровья в связи с окружающей средой отражает качество окружающей среды и здоровье населения

    Профилактика заболеваний и укрепление здоровья населения в практике семейного врача

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    Study on the activity of family doctor, his duties under the terms of the compulsory health care insurance at the compartment of diseases prevention and promotion of health. The object of the research is the primary health care system, the territorial program of measures of promoting healthy life’s style for the years 2007-2015 the legislative, normative and methodical framework in the field of health promotion and diseases prophylaxis, the volume and nature of the activities of family doctor. The necessities of performing the study of the primary health care services and the possibilities of their optimization, including diseases prevention and health promotion, depending on the possibilities and actual capabilities of the family doctor. Проведено исследование деятельности семейного врача, его задачи в условиях обязательного медицинского страхования, что касается профилактики заболеваний и укрепления здоровья населения. Объектом исследования является деятельность семейной медицины, Территориальная программа мероприятий по пропаганде здорового образа жизни на 2007-2015 году, законодательные и нормативные акты, методические рекомендации в области здоровья и профилактики заболеваний, объем и характер деятельности семейного врача. Тщательно исследованы услуги, оказанные семейной медициной, оптимизация услуг, включая профилактику заболеваний и укрепление здоровья, в зависимости от возможностей семейного врача.Проведено исследование деятельности семейного врача, его задачи в условиях обязательного медицинского страхования, что касается профилактики заболеваний и укрепления здоровья населения. Объектом исследования является деятельность семейной медицины, Территориальная программа мероприятий по пропаганде здорового образа жизни на 2007-2015 году, законодательные и нормативные акты, методические рекомендации в области здоровья и профилактики заболеваний, объем и характер деятельности семейного врача. Тщательно исследованы услуги, оказанные семейной медициной, оптимизация услуг, включая профилактику заболеваний и укрепление здоровья, в зависимости от возможностей семейного врача


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    Problema dimensiunilor economică şi socială ale procesului de modernizare a Ţării Moldovei în a doua jumătate a sec. XVIII este actuală prin prisma abordărilor ştiinţifice interdisciplinare. Transformările din societate sunt reflectate prin investigaţiile de ordin istoric, economic, social, demografic, sociologic şi juridic. Tema este cercetată pe dimensiu-nile didactică, economică şi socială. Pe dimensiunea didactică este elucidat conceptul de modernizare, fiind relevate principalele scheme de periodizare a epocii moderne în plan universal şi naţional. Aspectul modernizării pe dimensiunea economică este reflectat prin accentuarea rolului exercitat de centrele urbane în economia ţării şi al atelierelor noi de producţie în cadrul cărora procesul de muncă era organizat după modelul manufacturilor descentralizate. Majoritatea manufacturilor au fost înfiinţate de către domnitori, marii boieri sau la porunca nemijlocită a sultanilor. Dimensiunea socială a procesului de modernizare este relevantă prin sporirea rolului şi a ponderii exercitate de către viitoarea pătură burgheză, reprezentată de negustori, meseriaşi, intelectuali, funcţionari, proprietari de manufacturi şi de mici instalaţii industriale, cămătari, arendaşi de moşii şi de un număr însemnat de alogeni înstăriţi, care, prin activităţile lor, contribuiau la dezvoltarea relaţiilor pre-capitaliste.ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DIMENSIONS OF THE MODERNIYATION PROCCES OF MOLDAVIAN PRINCIPALITY IN SECOND HALF OF XVIII CENTURY The problem of economic and social dimensions of the modernization of Moldavian Principality in the second half of XVIII century is actual through the interdisciplinary scientific approaches. The changes in society are reflected in historical, economic, social, demographic, sociological and judicial investigations. This theme is researched on didactic, economic and social dimensions. On the didactic dimension is elucidated the concept of „modernization”, being revealed main periodization schemes of the modern era on the universal and national levels. Aspect of modernization on the economic dimension is reflected by emphasizing the role played by the urban centers in the country's economy and new production workshops in which the work was organized by the decentralized manufactures model. Most of manufactures have been established by the lords, great nobles or the direct command of the sultan. The social dimension of the modernization process is relevant by increasing the role and a greater share exercised by the forthcoming bourgeoisie represented by merchants, craftsmens, intellectuals, officials, owners of small manufacturing and industrial plants, moneylenders, leaseholders of estates and a large number of wealthy allogenes which, through their activities, contributed to the development of pre-capitalist relations.</p


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    Gubernatorul Basarabiei S.D. Urusov a soluționat „chestiunea armenească” pe cale amiabilă. Armenii basarabeni au acceptat să cedeze statului rus o parte din bani și proprietăți, păstrându-și intacte privilegiile și statutul de odinioară. În Basarabia, spre deosebire de alte gubernii în care au existat tensiuni în acest sens, grație unei politici abile și tolerante, promovate față de armeni de către S.D. Urusov, procesul de expropriere parțială a comunității armenești s-a desfășurat calm și fără excese.SETTLEMENT OF THE „ARMENIAN ISSUE” BY THE GOVERNOR OF BESSARABIA S.D. URUSOV (1903-1904)The governor of Bessarabia S.D. Urusov settled the „Armenian issue” in an amicable way. Armenians from Bessarabiaagreed to cede to Russian state some money and properties, in order to keep intact the privileges and status they held. In Bessarabia, unlike other gubernias, where there were tensions in this regard, thanks to skilful and tolerant policy, promoted by S.D. Urusov, the process of partial expropriation of the Armenian community was held calmly and without excesses.</p


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    În articolul de față sunt investigate principalele izvoare istorice care reflectă problema relațiilor comerciale dintre Țara Moldovei și Polonia în a doua jumătate a secolului al XVIII-lea. Izvoarele istorice sunt prezentate prin prisma gradului de obiectivitate și de relevanță în cercetarea problemei enunțate.THE PROBLEM OF COMMERCIAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE MOLDAVIAN PRINCIPALITY AND POLAND ON THE SECOND HALF OF THE XVIII CENTURY REFLECTED IN THE HISTORICAL SOURCES OF EPOCHThis article explores the main historical sources that reflect the issue of trade relations between the Moldavian Principality andPolandin the second half of the 18th century. Historical sources are presented in terms of the degree of objectivity and relevance in the research of the stated problem.</p