154 research outputs found

    A cluster-based approach using smartphone data for bike-sharing docking stations identification: Lisbon case study

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    Urban mobility is a massive issue in the current century, being widely promoted the need of adopting sustainable solutions regarding transportation within large urban centres. The evolution of technologies has democratised smart cities to better plan and manage their mobility solutions, without compromising the social, economic, and environmental impacts. Pursuing the carbon neutrality and the climate agreement goals, soft mobility is one of the most popular emerging methods to provide greener alternatives regarding mobility. Among these transportation modes are the bicycle, which has been widely used in several public systems across the world, one of them being in Lisbon. This article provides a decision support system for bike-sharing docking stations for three council parishes of the city, namely, Parque das Nações, Marvila, and Beato. Taking advantage of clustering methods and GSM data from a telecommunication operator, this study pretends to highlight a novel approach to identify soft mobility hotspots, in specific bike-sharing docking stations, for suited mobility management systems in Lisbon’s city centre.This research was funded by ANI—Agência Nacional de Inovação within the R&D Units Project Scope: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-045919/2019

    Experimental assessment of the performance and emissions of a spark-ignition engine using waste-derived biofuels as additives

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    The use of biofuels for spark ignition engines is proposed to diversify fuel sources and reduce fossil fuel consumption, optimize engine performance, and reduce pollutant emissions. Additionally, when these biofuels are produced from low-grade wastes, they constitute valorisation pathways for these otherwise unprofitable wastes. In this study, ethanol and pyrolysis biogasoline made from low-grade wastes were evaluated as additives for commercial gasoline (RON95, RON98) in tests performed in a spark ignition engine. Binary fuel mixtures of ethanol + gasoline or biogasoline + gasoline with biofuel incorporation of 2% (w/w) to 10% (w/w) were evaluated and compared with ternary fuel mixtures of ethanol + biogasoline + gasoline with biofuel incorporation rates from 1% (w/w) to 5% (w/w). The fuel mix performance was assessed by determination of torque and power, fuel consumption and efficiency, and emissions (HC, CO, and NOx). An electronic control unit (ECU) was used to regulate the air–fuel ratio/lambda and the ignition advance for maximum brake torque (MBT), wide-open throttle (WOT)), and two torque loads for different engine speeds representative of typical driving. The additive incorporation up to 10% often improved efficiency and lowered emissions such as CO and HC relative to both straight gasolines, but NOx increased with the addition of a blend.This work was supported by FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units, MEtRICs Project Scope: UIDP/04077/2020. Joaquim da Costa was supported through a PhD Grant from Fundo de Desenvolvimento Capital Humano of the Government of Timor Leste

    Performance and emissions of a spark ignition engine operated with gasoline supplemented with pyrogasoline and ethanol

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    The partial replacement of fossil fuels by biofuels contributes to a reduction of CO2 emissions, alleviating the greenhouse effect and climate changes. Furthermore, fuels produced from waste biomass materials have no impact on agricultural land use and reduce deposition of such wastes in landfills. In this paper we evaluate the addition of pyrolysis biogasoline (pyrogasoline) as an additive for fossil gasoline. Pyrogasoline was produced from used cooking oils unfit to produce biodiesel. This study was based on a set of engine tests using binary and ternary mixtures of gasoline with 0, 2.5, and 5% pyrogasoline and ethanol. The use of ternary blends of gasoline and two different biofuels was tested with the purpose of achieving optimal combustion conditions and lower emissions, taking advantage of synergistic effects due to the different properties and chemical compositions of those biofuels. The tests were performed on a spark-ignition engine, operated at full load (100% throttle, or WOT—wide open throttle) between 2000 and 6000 rpm, while recording engine performance and exhaust gases pollutants data. Binary mixtures with pyrogasoline did not improve or worsen the engine’s performance, but the ternary mixtures (gasoline + pyrogasoline + ethanol) positively improved the engine’s performance with torque gains between 0.8 and 3.1% compared to gasoline. All fuels presented CO and unburned hydrocarbons emissions below those produced by this type of engine operated under normal (fossil) gasoline. On the other hand, NOx emissions from oxygenated fuels had contradictory behaviour compared to gasoline. If we consider the gains achieved by the torque with the ternary mixtures and reductions in polluting emissions obtained by mixtures with pyrogasoline, a future for this fuel can be foreseen as a partial replacement of fossil gasoline.This work was partially funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia: UIDB/04077/2020

    La comunicación pública como un proceso de ciudadanía: el rol de las midias sociales en una sociedad democratica

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    Pode-se dizer que por meio da comunicação pública a sociedade exercita sua cidadania. Com o propósito de refletir sobre a comunicação pública nesse contexto, faz-se pertinente o debate sugerido no presente texto. A partir da sociedade midiatizada, tecem-se considerações acerca do papel das mídias sociais na construção da cidadania e sua relevância em uma sociedade democrática. One could say that the society exercises its citizenship through public communication. For the purpose of reflecting on public communication in this context, the debate suggested in this text is pertinent. Considering a mediaintense society, one develops issues concerning the social media in the building of citizenship and its relevance in a democratic society.Se puede considerar que la sociedad ejerce su ciudadanía por medio de la comunicación pública. Con el propósito de reflexionar sobre la comunicación pública en este contexto es pertinente el debate sugerido en el presente texto. A partir de la sociedad mediatizada, se hacen consideraciones sobre el papel de los medios de comunicación social en la construcción de la ciudadanía y su importancia en una sociedad democrática

    El uso de los medios sociales por el gobernador del estado de Goiás: ¿estrategia de marketing o comunicación pública?

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    Este artigo é fruto de uma pesquisa de mestrado, que tem como intuito reconhecer se as mídias sociais podem ser umlocus para o exercício da comunicação pública. Para isso, apresentamos resultados de um estudo de caso do twitter dogovernador de Goiás, Marconi Perillo. Com este estudo, pretende-se lançar algumas luzes sobre a discussão e o debatedesse tema considerado nodal e recente na área da comunicação.This article reflects a graduate research the main objective of which is a study whether the social media could be a spacefor practice of public communication. For this we present the results of a case study of the Twitter of the governor of Goiás,Marconi Perillo. With this study one intends to highlight the discussion and debate of this theme that is considered to benodal and recent in the area of communication.Este artículo es fruto de una investigación de maestría, que tiene como objetivo reconocer si los medios sociales pueden serun locus para el ejercicio de la comunicación pública. Por eso, presentamos resultados de un estudio de caso del twitter delgobernador de Goiás, Marconi Perillo. Con el estudio, buscamos lanzar algunas luces para el debate y la discusión de esetema considerado nodular y reciente para el área de la comunicación

    Antiguidade oriental e conceitos matemáticos em geometria euclidiana espacial: uma ação pedagógica para aluno com necessidades especiais

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    Neste texto, aborda-se a educação inclusiva no viés da educação matemática, especialmente em um caso da construção de conceitos em geometria espacial – Pirâmides, para um aluno com necessidades especiais. A ação ocorreu de modo colaborativo entre a professora de História e a professora do Atendimento Educacional Especializado em uma escola pública estadual do município de Vila Velha – ES. Nessa abordagem prática, foi feito um link entre as aulas de História (antiguidade oriental – Egito) e Matemática (pirâmides). Utilizou-se de materiais manipulativos e outros recursos para caracterizar os diferentes tipos das pirâmides e a diferenciação entre figuras geométricas planas. Como resultado, foi possível perceber que o aluno conseguiu avançar na construção de significados, fazendo distinções da natureza das pirâmides, dentre outros conceitos matemáticos
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