41 research outputs found

    Low Power Multi-Hop Networking Analysis in Intelligent Environments

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    Intelligent systems are driven by the latest technological advances in many different areas such as sensing, embedded systems, wireless communications or context recognition. This paper focuses on some of those areas. Concretely, the paper deals with wireless communications issues in embedded systems. More precisely, the paper combines the multi-hop networking with Bluetooth technology and a quality of service (QoS) metric, the latency. Bluetooth is a radio license-free worldwide communication standard that makes low power multi-hop wireless networking available. It establishes piconets (point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links) and scatternets (multi-hop networks). As a result, many Bluetooth nodes can be interconnected to set up ambient intelligent networks. Then, this paper presents the results of the investigation on multi-hop latency with park and sniff Bluetooth low power modes conducted over the hardware test bench previously implemented. In addition, the empirical models to estimate the latency of multi-hop communications over Bluetooth Asynchronous Connectionless Links (ACL) in park and sniff mode are given. The designers of devices and networks for intelligent systems will benefit from the estimation of the latency in Bluetooth multi-hop communications that the models provide.The research described in this paper was included in AIRHEM IV project and financially supported by the Basque Government Research Program called Elkartek 2015 (code KK_2015/0000085)

    Bluetooth Low PowerModes Applied to the Data Transportation Network in Home Automation Systems

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    Even though home automation is a well-known research and development area, recent technological improvements in different areas such as context recognition, sensing, wireless communications or embedded systems have boosted wireless smart homes. This paper focuses on some of those areas related to home automation. The paper draws attention to wireless communications issues on embedded systems. Specifically, the paper discusses the multi-hop networking together with Bluetooth technology and latency, as a quality of service (QoS) metric. Bluetooth is a worldwide standard that provides low power multi-hop networking. It is a radio license free technology and establishes point-to-point and point-to-multipoint links, known as piconets, or multi-hop networks, known as scatternets. This way, many Bluetooth nodes can be interconnected to deploy ambient intelligent networks. This paper introduces the research on multi-hop latency done with park and sniff low power modes of Bluetooth over the test platform developed. Besides, an empirical model is obtained to calculate the latency of Bluetooth multi-hop communications over asynchronous links when links in scatternets are always in sniff or the park mode. Smart home devices and networks designers would take advantage of the models and the estimation of the delay they provide in communications along Bluetooth multi-hop networks

    Photovoltaic Modules Transient Response Analysis and Correction Under a Fast Characterization System

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    Failures of single photovoltaic (PV) modules lead to significant power losses in large PV systems. Individual and periodic monitoring of each PV module is a powerful way to detect these losses. Recently, a novel monitoring method, named Module to Module Monitoring System (M3S), has been proposed. This monitoring method, without disconnecting the PV module from the rest of the system, is able to produce and measure small variations around the operating point of the PV module. The entire measurement is performed in less than 5 ms, using only low-power components. For current high-efficiency PV modules, these short measurement times generate a hysteresis effect in the current-voltage (I-V) curve during the transient-state, which makes it difficult to directly estimate the static I-V characteristics of the PV module. In this work, the transient response of the PV module is analyzed and a methodology to correct the hysteresis effect and estimate the I-V characteristics is implemented. From the obtained dynamic measurements, the proposed methodology is able to estimate the I-V characteristics of the PV module around the operating point with a mean squared error below 0.8%.This work was supported by the Basque Country Government [Grant No. PRE_2016_1_0016] and [project Promise Elkartek 19/49]; and the Fundacion Iberdrola Espana [Convocatoria de ayudas a la Investigacion en Energia y Medio Ambiente 2018

    An Architecture for On-Line Measurement of the Tip Clearance and Time of Arrival of a Bladed Disk of an Aircraft Engine

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    Safety and performance of the turbo-engine in an aircraft is directly affected by the health of its blades. In recent years, several improvements to the sensors have taken place to monitor the blades in a non-intrusive way. The parameters that are usually measured are the distance between the blade tip and the casing, and the passing time at a given point. Simultaneously, several techniques have been developed that allow for the inferencefrom those parameters and under certain conditionsof the amplitude and frequency of the blade vibration. These measurements are carried out on engines set on a rig, before being installed in an airplane. In order to incorporate these methods during the regular operation of the engine, signal processing that allows for the monitoring of those parameters at all times should be developed. This article introduces an architecture, based on a trifurcated optic sensor and a hardware processor, that fulfills this need. The proposed architecture is scalable and allows several sensors to be simultaneously monitored at different points around a bladed disk. Furthermore, the results obtained by the electronic system will be compared with the results obtained by the validation of the optic sensor.Safety and performance of the turbo-engine in an aircraft is directly affected by the health of its blades. In recent years, several improvements to the sensors have taken place to monitor the blades in a non-intrusive way. The parameters that are usually measured are the distance between the blade tip and the casing, and the passing time at a given point. Simultaneously, several techniques have been developed that allow for the inferencefrom those parameters and under certain conditionsof the amplitude and frequency of the blade vibration. These measurements are carried out on engines set on a rig, before being installed in an airplane. In order to incorporate these methods during the regular operation of the engine, signal processing that allows for the monitoring of those parameters at all times should be developed. This article introduces an architecture, based on a trifurcated optic sensor and a hardware processor, that fulfills this need. The proposed architecture is scalable and allows several sensors to be simultaneously monitored at different points around a bladed disk. Furthermore, the results obtained by the electronic system will be compared with the results obtained by the validation of the optic sensor.This work has been funded in part by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad under project TEC2015-638263-C03-1-R; by the Gobierno Vasco/Eusko Jaurlaritza under projects IT933-16 and ELKARTEK (KK-2016/0030, KK-2017/00033, KK-2017/00089 and KK-2016/0059)

    Integrated electronic system for ultrasonic structural health monitoring

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    A fully integrated on-board electronic system that can perform in-situ structural health monitoring (SHM) of aircraft?s structures using specifically designed equipment for SHM based on guided wave ultrasonic method or Lamb waves? method is introduced. This equipment is called Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment (PAMELA III) and is an essential part of overall PAMELA SHM? system. PAMELA III can generate any kind of excitation signals, acquire the response signals that propagate throughout the structure being tested, and perform the signal processing for damage detection directly on the structure without need to send the huge amount of raw signals but only the final SHM maps. It monitors the structure by means of an array of integrated Phased Array (PhA) transducers preferably bonded onto the host structure. The PAMELA III hardware for SHM mapping has been designed, built and subjected to laboratory tests, using aluminum and CFRP structures. The 12 channel system has been designed to be low weight (265 grams only), to have a small form factor, to be directly mounted above the integrated PhA transducers without need for cables and to be EMI protected so that the equipment can be taken on board an aircraft to perform required SHM analyses by use of embedded SHM algorithms. Moreover, the autonomous, automatic and on real-time working procedure makes it suitable for the avionic field, sending the corresponding alerts, maps and reports to external equipment

    Methodology for Detecting Progressive Damage in Structures Using Ultrasound-Guided Waves

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    Damage detection in structural health monitoring of metallic or composite structures depends on several factors, including the sensor technology and the type of defect that is under the spotlight. Commercial devices generally used to obtain these data neither allow for their installation on board nor permit their scalability when several structures or sensors need to be monitored. This paper introduces self-developed equipment designed to create ultrasonic guided waves and a methodology for the detection of progressive damage, such as corrosion damage in aircraft structures, i.e., algorithms for monitoring such damage. To create slowly changing conditions, aluminum- and carbon-reinforced polymer plates were placed together with seawater to speed up the corrosion process. The setup was completed by an array of 10 piezoelectric transducers driven and sensed by a structural health monitoring ultrasonic system, which generated 100 waveforms per test. The hardware was able to pre-process the raw acquisition to minimize the transmitted data. The experiment was conducted over eight weeks. Three different processing stages were followed to extract information on the degree of corrosion: hardware algorithm, pattern matching, and pattern recognition. The proposed methodology allows for the detection of trends in the progressive degradation of structures.This work was partially supported by Aernnova

    Structural health monitoring network system with wireless communications inside closed aerospace structures

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    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) requires integrated "all in one" electronic devices capable of performing analysis of structural integrity and on-board damage detection in aircraft?s structures. PAMELA III (Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment, version III) SHM embedded system is an example of this device type. This equipment is capable of generating excitation signals to be applied to an array of integrated piezoelectric Phased Array (PhA) transducers stuck to aircraft structure, acquiring the response signals, and carrying out the advanced signal processing to obtain SHM maps. PAMELA III is connected with a host computer in order to receive the configuration parameters and sending the obtained SHM maps, alarms and so on. This host can communicate with PAMELA III through an Ethernet interface. To avoid the use of wires where necessary, it is possible to add Wi-Fi capabilities to PAMELA III, connecting a Wi-Fi node working as a bridge, and to establish a wireless communication between PAMELA III and the host. However, in a real aircraft scenario, several PAMELA III devices must work together inside closed structures. In this situation, it is not possible for all PAMELA III devices to establish a wireless communication directly with the host, due to the signal attenuation caused by the different obstacles of the aircraft structure. To provide communication among all PAMELA III devices and the host, a wireless mesh network (WMN) system has been implemented inside a closed aluminum wingbox. In a WMN, as long as a node is connected to at least one other node, it will have full connectivity to the entire network because each mesh node forwards packets to other nodes in the network as required. Mesh protocols automatically determine the best route through the network and can dynamically reconfigure the network if a link drops out. The advantages and disadvantages on the use of a wireless mesh network system inside closed aerospace structures are discussed

    Ultrasound-based structural health monitoring methodology employing active and passive techniques

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    Currently, structures are examined during manufacturing by means of Non Destructive Tests (NDT), but there is an increasing interest in monitoring its integrity over its whole life cycle by using Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) strategies. The monitoring of aircraft structures is particularly important as they suffer high strain under extreme atmospheric conditions. There is an extensive literature on SHM for aviation available but there are few references on comprehensive methodologies. This article introduces a methodology, a device and the tests used in its validation. The electronic prototype for structural health monitoring applies ultrasound techniques by means of piezoelectric transducers. It is lightweight, has USB 2.0 connectivity and includes data pre-processing algorithms to improve its performance. It can run in pitch-catch and pulse-echo modes employing passive and active techniques. Passive techniques are used to detect impacts or fiber breakage in composite materials. Tests based on active techniques can bring to light several types of damages such as those caused abruptly or those produced progressively by corrosion, delamination or fatigue

    Integrated phased array transducer for on-board structural health monitoring

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    Permanently bonded onto a structure, an integrated Phased Array (PhA II) transducer that can provide reliable electromechanical connection with corresponding sophisticated miniaturized ?all in one? SHM electronic device installed directly above it, without need for any interface cabling, during all aerospace structure lifecycle phases and for a huge variety of real harsh service environments of structures to be monitored is presented. This integrated PhA II transducer [1], as a key component of the PAMELA SHM? (Phased Array Monitoring for Enhanced Life Assessment) system, has two principal tasks at the same time, reliably transceive elastic waves in real aerospace service environments and serves as a reliable sole carrier or support for associated integrated on-board SHM electronic device attached above. The PhA II transducer successfully accomplished both required task throughout extensive test campaigns which included low to high temperature tests, temperature cycling, mechanical loading, combined thermo- mechanical loading and vibration resistance, etc. both with and without SHM device attached above due to RTCA DO-160F

    Algorithms hardware implementation for ultrasonic data processing in SHM system

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    Nowadays, devices that monitor the health of structures consume a lot of power and need a lot of time to acquire, process, and send the information about the structure to the main processing unit. To decrease this time, fast electronic devices are starting to be used to accelerate this processing. In this paper some hardware algorithms implemented in an electronic logic programming device are described. The goal of this implementation is accelerate the process and diminish the information that has to be send. By reaching this goal, the time the processor needs for treating all the information is reduced and so the power consumption is reduced too