2 research outputs found

    To get vaccinated or not? Social psychological factors associated with vaccination intent for COVID-19

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    Pandemic control not only requires effective COVID-19 vaccines but also that they are accepted by at least 80% of the population. For this reason, understanding the social psychological variables associated with vaccination intent is essential to achieve herd immunity. Drawing on the theory of reasoned action, this study seeks to analyze vaccination intent using the beliefs about vaccine effectiveness, conspiracy theories, and injunctive norms as predictors. A non-probabilistic national online survey was conducted during December 2020. A sample of 1,033 people in Chile answered a questionnaire with the study variables. Using structural equation models, it was found that vaccination intent was explained in 62.1% by beliefs about vaccine effectiveness and injunctive norms, controlling for age, political orientation, socioeconomic status, educational level, and gender. Specifically, beliefs about vaccine effectiveness are based on people's experience with previous immunization processes, which predict vaccination intent. Regarding injunctive norms, they act by influencing and encouraging vaccination by seeking the approval of significant others. Contrary to expected, conspiracy beliefs were not directly associated with the intention to receive a COVID-19 vaccine but were highly related to lower beliefs about vaccine effectiveness. This study suggests that to enhance the vaccination intent, socio-psychological and structural variables need to be considered

    Inmigración en La Araucanía, ¿cómo viven este proceso haitianos, colombianos y venezolanos?

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    The migration process and adaptation to the host culture present a series of unique challenges for immigrants, which affect their level of psychosocial adjustment. This study seeks to characterise three groups of immigrants. Using an intentional snowball-type sampling, 150 immigrants were surveyed, from Colombia (n = 50), Venezuela (n = 50), and Haiti (n = 50). All were over 18 years and resided in the region of La Araucanía. The participants answered scales of acculturative stress, perceived discrimination, emotions associated with discrimination, acculturation strategies, social support, dispositional optimism, and sociodemographic questions. The data were analysed through descriptive and comparative analyses between groups. Results revealed that the three groups used the integration strategy to a greater extent. However, the acculturation process presented differences according to the country of origin. Thus, Haitian immigrants reported the most unfavourable indicators, while Venezuelans presented the most favourable. These results allow us to understand the migratory process in context, considering particular characteristics of each group, and the conditions of the host culture. Each group presents a differentiated profile that informs how the cultural interactions typical of migration are experienced.El proceso migratorio y la adaptación a la cultura receptora presentan una serie de desafíos únicos para los inmigrantes, los cuales repercuten en su nivel de ajuste psicosocial. Este estudio busca caracterizar a tres grupos de inmigrantes. Usando un muestreo intencionado de tipo bola de nieve se encuestó a 150 inmigrantes, provenientes de Colombia (n = 50), Venezuela (n = 50) y Haití (n = 50). Todos eran mayores de edad y residían en la región de La Araucanía. Los participantes contestaron escalas de estrés aculturativo, discriminación percibida, emociones asociadas a la discriminación, estrategias de aculturación, apoyo social, optimismo disposicional y preguntas sociodemográficas. Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis descriptivos y comparativos entre grupos. Los resultados revelaron que los tres grupos utilizaron, en mayor medida, la estrategia de integración. Sin embargo, el proceso de aculturación presentó diferencias según el país de origen. Así, los inmigrantes haitianos reportaron indicadores más desfavorables, mientras que venezolanos presentaron los más favorables. Estos resultados permiten comprender el proceso migratorio en contexto, considerando las características particulares de cada grupo y las condiciones de la cultura receptora. Así, cada grupo presenta un perfil diferenciado que informa sobre cómo se experimentan las interacciones culturales propias de la migración