24 research outputs found

    Root-Locus Analysis of Delayed First and Second Order Systems

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    For finite dimensional linear system the root-locus method is well established however for the case of delayed systems the method has some problems due to the transcendental term involved. This work intends to illustrate the problems that arises when a root-locus diagram is performed as well as to develop a Matlab function that provides the root-locus diagram for delayed low order systems. In this way, some comments about the problems that should be tackled to obtain a generalization of the computational method for delayed systems with real m poles and n zero

    Discretizaci贸n exacta de un robot m贸vil con retardo de transporte

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    An exact discrete time model of a mobile robot of the type (2,0) that includes the time-delay induced by a communication network between the sensors and actuators on the mobile robot and the remote control system is presented. Simulations results are provided to show the performance of the proposed exact discrete time model. The performance of obtained model is better compared to the approximate model because it does not need a sampling period sufficiently small.En este trabajo se presenta la obtenci贸n del modelo exacto en tiempo discreto de un robot m贸vil tipo (2,0), bajo la consideraci贸n de la existencia de retardos de transporte en la se帽al de control, producidos por la propagaci贸n de las se帽ales entre los sensores y actuadores del robot y el control remoto. El modelo obtenido es evaluado mediante simulaci贸n, comparando su desempe帽o con un modelo discreto aproximado que incluye tambi茅n retardos de transporte y con el modelo en tiempo continuo del mismo sistema

    Equivalence Of Nonlinear Systems To Prime Systems Under Generalized Output Transformations

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    . Within a linear algebraic framework, we present a new characterization of the class of nonlinear systems which are equivalent to a prime system. We then introduce a class of generalized output transformations that can be thought of as a generalization to the nonlinear setting of a unimodular transformation in the output space. Our main result gives necessary and sufficient conditions for equivalence to a prime system under a certain group of transformations that includes generalized output transformations. Key words. nonlinear systems, output transformation, prime systems, differential forms AMS subject classifications. 93C10, 93B17, 58A10 PII. S0363012996307060 1. Introduction. The problem of characterizing the class of linear systems that are equivalent to prime systems was first posed and solved by Morse [12]. The group of transformations considered in [12] included, besides state space change of coordinates and linear state feedback, output space change of coordinates. Marino,..

    Global Approximate Output Tracking for Nonlinear Systems

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    This paper addresses the global output tracking problem for nonlinear systems with singular points. For nonlinear systems which satisfy a suitable observability condition, we identify a class of smooth output trajectories which the system can track using continuous open loop controls. This class includes all output trajectories generated by smooth state state feedback. We then study the problem of approximate output tracking using discontinuous time-varying feedback controllers. Given a smooth output trajectory for which exact tracking is possible, we construct a discontinuous feedback controller which achieves robust tracking of the desired output trajectory in the face of perturbations. Finally, it is shown that our results can be applied to the control of a chain system, and some numerical results are presented to illustrate the performance of our controller. Keywords: nonlinear systems, global output tracking, singular points, discontinuous state feedback. 1 Introduction The out..

    Non-Collision Conditions in Multi-Agent Virtual Leader-Based Formation Control

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    Formation control is one of the most important issues of group coordination for multi-agent robots systems. Some schemes are based on the leader-followers approach where some robots are considered as group leaders which influence the group behaviour. In this work, we address a formation strategy using a virtual leader which has communication with the rest of the follower robots, considered as omnidirectional robots. The virtual leader approach presents advantages such as analysis simplification and fewer sensing requirements in the control law implementation. The formation control is based on attractive potential functions only. The control law guarantees the convergence to the desired formation but, in principle, does not avoid inter-agent collisions. A set of necessary and sufficient non-collision conditions based on the explicit solution of the closed-loop system is derived. The conditions allow concluding from the initial conditions whether or not the agents will collide. The results are extended to the case of unicycle-type robots

    Infinitesimal Brunovsk媒 form for nonlinear systems with applications to Dynamic Linearization

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    We define, in an infinite-dimensional differential geometric framework, the 'infinitesimal Brunovsk媒 form' which we previously introduced in another framework and link it with equivalence via diffeomorphism to a linear system, which is the same as linearizability by 'endogenous dynamic feedback'

    Control mediante modos deslizantes en tiempo discreto para el seguimiento de trayectorias de un robot m贸vil1

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    Resumen: En este trabajo se presenta una estrategia de control en tiempo discreto para el seguimiento de trayectorias de un robot m贸vil tipo (2,0) controlado remotamente. La estrategia de control se desarroll贸 mediante un enfoque de modos deslizantes, considerando el modelo discreto exacto del veh铆culo en el cual se incluyen los efectos del retardo de transporte causado por la propagaci贸n de las se帽ales sobre una red de comunicaci贸n. El esquema de control garantiza el seguimiento de trayectorias predeterminadas obteni茅ndose convergencia asint贸tica de los errores de seguimiento. La estrategia propuesta es evaluada mediante una serie de resultados por simulaci贸n. Palabras clave: Robot m贸vil, retardos de transporte, control en tiempo discreto, modos deslizante