2 research outputs found

    NGS-Based Molecular Karyotyping of Multiple Myeloma: Results from the GEM12 Clinical Trial

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    Simple Summary Multiple Myeloma (MM) is considered an incurable chronic disease, which prognosis depends on the presence of different genomic alterations. To accomplish a complete molecular diagnosis in a single essay, we have designed and validated a capture-based NGS approach to reliably identify pathogenic mutations (SNVs and indels), genomic alterations (CNVs and chromosomic translocations), and IGH rearrangements. We have observed a good correlation of the results obtained using our capture panel with data obtained by both FISH and WES techniques. In this study, the molecular classification performed using our approach was significantly associated with the stratification and outcome of MM patients. Additionally, this panel has been proven to detect specific IGH rearrangements that could be used as biomarkers in patient follow-ups through minimal residual disease (MRD) assays. In conclusion, we think that MM patients could benefit from the use of this capture-based NGS approach with a more accurate, single-essay molecular diagnosis. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has greatly improved our ability to detect the genomic aberrations occurring in multiple myeloma (MM); however, its transfer to routine clinical labs and its validation in clinical trials remains to be established. We designed a capture-based NGS targeted panel to identify, in a single assay, known genetic alterations for the prognostic stratification of MM. The NGS panel was designed for the simultaneous study of single nucleotide and copy number variations, insertions and deletions, chromosomal translocations and V(D)J rearrangements. The panel was validated using a cohort of 149 MM patients enrolled in the GEM2012MENOS65 clinical trial. The results showed great global accuracy, with positive and negative predictive values close to 90% when compared with available data from fluorescence in situ hybridization and whole-exome sequencing. While the treatments used in the clinical trial showed high efficacy, patients defined as high-risk by the panel had shorter progression-free survival (p = 0.0015). As expected, the mutational status of TP53 was significant in predicting patient outcomes (p = 0.021). The NGS panel also efficiently detected clonal IGH rearrangements in 81% of patients. In conclusion, molecular karyotyping using a targeted NGS panel can identify relevant prognostic chromosomal abnormalities and translocations for the clinical management of MM patients

    Adaptaciones para los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales de la sección de aprendizaje de tareas

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    Seminario para la elaboración de materiales curriculares para a-lumnos con necesidades educativas especiales cuyos objetivos son: elaborar mate-riales de contenidos funcionales y significativos dentro de las áreas de matemá-ticas, lenguaje y habilidades sociales, adaptar el material utilizado en las au-las ordinarias y facilitar el tránsito a la vida adulta de los jóvenes con nece-sidades educativas especiales. Partiendo de las programaciones de aula, se seleccionan y organizan unos contenidos funcionales. Se elaboran materiales para trabajar dichos contenidos intentando que los temas coincidan con los trabajados en el aula. Se plantea una autovaloración del trabajo realizado, centrándose en las dificultades encotradas y haciendo una prospección de futuro. El material elaborado está pendiente de publicación.Gobierno Vasco. Departamento de Educación, Univer- sidades e InvestigaciónPaís VascoES