149 research outputs found

    Stellar populations in the bulges of S0s and the formation of S0 galaxies

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    The stellar populations in the bulges of S0s, together with the galaxies' dynamics, masses and globular clusters, contain very interesting clues about their formation. I present here recent evidence suggesting that S0s are the descendants of fading spirals whose star formation ceased.Comment: 4 pages. To appear in the proceedings of IAU Symposium 245, "Formation and Evolution of Galaxy Bulges," M. Bureau, E. Athanassoula, and B. Barbuy, ed

    Optical and infrared studies of distant galaxies

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    This thesis investigates the evolution of galaxies as a function of look-back time, concentrating on early-type cluster galaxies. We demonstrate that selecting galaxies in the near-infrared produces samples that are representative of the galaxy population at intermediate and high redshift, and that such samples are likely to contain approximately the same proportion of all galaxy classes independently of z, avoiding the biases introduced by optical selection criteria. We have developed observing and data processing techniques using infrared arrays that yield high precision near-infrared photometry to very faint limits. Combining such data with optical photometry for the galaxy samples, we have been able to quantify the amount of colour evolution in early-type cluster galaxies up to redshifts z ~ 0.9.At z = 0.37 the mean colour-luminosity (c-L) relation for early-type cluster galaxies is compatible in slope and zero point with that of present-day ellipticals, indicating that the bulk of the stellar population at that epoch does not show any significant colour evolution. However, the scatter around the main c-L line is significantly larger than the observational errors, and distinctively non-Gaussian. We interpret this as evidence that a large fraction (~ 60%) of the early-type members have suffered a burst of star formation (involving ~ 10% of the galaxy mass) ~ 1 Gyr prior to the epoch of observation. In the redshift range 0.5 < z < 0.9, we detect systematic colour evolution with redshift in the red cluster galaxies. In particular, at z ~ 0.9 there are no galaxies as red as present day ellipticals at all wavelengths. The detected evolution is compatible with the passive ageing of stellar populations formed before z = 2. Superimposed on that, there is evidence for subsequent bursts of star formation happening on a substantial fraction of the cluster galaxies, but affecting only a small fraction of the total galaxy mass. We suggest this may be related to the Butcher-Oemler effect observed at lower redshifts. We did not detect significant amounts of galaxy luminosity evolution at 2µm, in contrast with the results for radio galaxies. We finally propose and test three new approaches to the study of normal field and cluster galaxies beyond z = 1: a study of gravitationally lensed galaxies, a search for galaxies producing clustered metallic absorption lines in QSOs and an infrared follow-up of ROSAT X-ray detected high redshift clusters

    Dissecting halo components in IFU data

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    While most astronomers are now familiar with tools to decompose images into multiple components such as disks, bulges, and halos, the equivalent techniques for spectral data cubes are still in their infancy. This is unfortunate, as integral field unit (IFU) spectral surveys are now producing a mass of data in this format, which we are ill-prepared to analyze effectively. We have therefore been developing new tools to separate out components using this full spectral data. The results of such analyses will prove invaluable in determining not only whether such decompositions have an astrophysical significance, but, where they do, also in determining the relationship between the various elements of a galaxy. Application to a pilot study of IFU data from the cD galaxy NGC 3311 confirms that the technique can separate the stellar halo from the underlying galaxy in such systems, and indicates that, in this case, the halo is older and more metal poor than the galaxy, consistent with it forming from the cannibalism of smaller satellite galaxies. The success of the method bodes well for its application to studying the larger samples of cD galaxies that IFU surveys are currently producing

    Evolution of the brightest cluster galaxies: the influence of morphology, stellar mass and environment

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    Using a sample of 425 nearby brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) from von der Linden et al., we study the relationship between their internal properties (stellar masses, structural parameters and morphologies) and their environment. More massive BCGs tend to inhabit denser regions and more massive clusters than lower mass BCGs. Furthermore, cDs, which are BCGs with particularly extended envelopes, seem to prefer marginally denser regions and tend to be hosted by more massive haloes than elliptical BCGs. cD and elliptical BCGs show parallel positive correlations between their stellar masses and environmental densities. However, at a fixed environmental density, cDs are, on average,∼ 40 per cent more massive. Our results, together with the findings of previous studies, suggest an evolutionary link between elliptical and cD BCGs. We suggest that most present-day cDs started their life as ellipticals, which subsequently grew in stellar mass and size due to mergers. In this process, the cD envelope developed. The large scatter in the stellar masses and sizes of the cDs reflects their different merger histories. The growth of the BCGs in mass and size seems to be linked to the hierarchical growth of the structures they inhabit: as the groups and clusters became denser and more massive, the BCGs at their centres also grew. This process is nearing completion since the majority (∼60 per cent)of the BCGs in the local Universe have cD morphology. However, the presence of galaxies with intermediate morphological classes (between ellipticals and cDs) suggests that the growth and morphological transformation of some BCGs is still ongoing

    Where have all the low-metallicity galaxies gone? Tracing evolution in the mass--metallicity plane since a redshift of 0.7

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    Even over relatively recent epochs, galaxies have evolved significantly in their location in the mass-metallicity plane, which must be telling us something about the latter stages of galaxy evolution. In this paper, we analyse data from the LEGA-C survey using semi-analytic spectral and photometric fitting to determine these galaxies' evolution up to their observed epoch at z0.7z \sim 0.7. We confirm that, at z0.7z \sim 0.7, many objects already lie on the present-day mass-metallicity relation, but with a significant tail of high-mass low-metallicity galaxies that is not seen in the nearby Universe. Similar modelling of the evolution of galaxies in the nearby MaNGA survey allows us to reconstruct their properties at z0.7z \sim 0.7. Once selection criteria similar to those of LEGA-C are applied, we reassuringly find that the MaNGA galaxies populate the mass-metallicity plane in the same way at z0.7z \sim 0.7. Matching the LEGA-C sample to their mass-metallicity "twins" in MaNGA at this redshift, we can explore the likely subsequent evolution of individual LEGA-C galaxies. Galaxies already on the present-day mass--metallicity relation form few more stars and their disks fade, so they become smaller and more bulge-like. By contrast, the high-mass low-metallicity galaxies grow their disks through late star formation, and evolve rapidly to higher metallicities due to a cut-off in their wind-driven mass loss. There are significant indications that this late cut-off is associated with the belated end of strong AGN activity in these objects.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Clustering of red Galaxies near the Radio-loud Quasar 1335.8+2834 at z=1.1

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    We have obtained new deep optical and near-infrared images of the field of the radio-loud quasar 1335.8+2834 at z=1.086z=1.086 where an excess in the surface number density of galaxies was reported by Hutchings et al. [AJ, 106, 1324] from optical data. We found a significant clustering of objects with very red optical-near infrared colors, 4RK64 \lesssim R-K \lesssim 6 and 3IK53 \lesssim I-K \lesssim 5 near the quasar. The colors and magnitudes of the reddest objects are consistent with those of old (12 Gyr old at z=0) passively-evolving elliptical galaxies seen at z=1.1z=1.1, clearly defining a `red envelope' like that found in galaxy clusters at similar or lower redshifts. This evidence strongly suggests that the quasar resides in a moderately-rich cluster of galaxies (richness-class 0\geq 0). There is also a relatively large fraction of objects with moderately red colors (3.5<RK<4.53.5 < R-K < 4.5) which have a distribution on the sky similar to that of the reddest objects. They may be interpreted as cluster galaxies with some recent or on-going star formation.Comment: 14 pages text, 5 PostScript figures, 1 GIF figure, and 1 combined PS file. Accepted for ApJ, Letter

    Semi-analytic spectral fitting: simultaneously modelling the mass accumulation and chemical evolution in MaNGA spiral galaxies

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    We develop a novel semi-analytic spectral fitting approach to quantify the star-formation histories (SFHs) and chemical enrichment histories (ChEHs) of individual galaxies. We construct simple yet general chemical evolution models that account for gas inflow and outflow processes as well as star formation, to investigate the evolution of merger-free star-forming systems. These models are fitted directly to galaxies’ absorption-line spectra, while their emission lines are used to constrain current gas phase metallicity and star formation rate. We apply this method to spiral galaxies selected from the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey. By fitting the co-added absorption-line spectra for each galaxy, and using the emission-line constraints on present-day metallicity and star formation, we reconstruct both the SFHs and the ChEHs for all objects in the sample. We can use these reconstructions to obtain archaeological measures of derived correlations such as the mass–metallicity relation at any redshift, which compare favourably with direct observations. We find that both the SFHs and ChEHs have strong mass dependence: massive galaxies accumulate their stellar masses and become enriched earlier. This mass dependence causes the observed flattening of the mass–metallicity relation at lower redshifts. The model also reproduces the observed gas-to-stellar mass ratio and its mass dependence. Moreover, we are able to determine that more massive galaxies have earlier gas infall times and shorter infall time-scales, and that the early chemical enrichment of low-mass galaxies is suppressed by strong outflows, while outflows are not very significant in massive galaxies

    Spectroscopic decomposition of the galaxy and halo of the cD galaxy NGC 3311

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    Information on the star-formation histories of cD galaxies and their extended stellar haloes lie in their spectra. Therefore, to determine whether these structures evolved together or through a two-phase formation, we need to spectroscopically separate the light from each component. We present a pilot study to use BUDDI to fit and extract the spectra of the cD galaxy NGC 3311 and its halo in an Integral Field Spectroscopy datacube, and carry out a simple stellar populations analysis to study their star-formation histories. Using MUSE data, we were able to isolate the light of the galaxy and its halo throughout the datacube, giving spectra representing purely the light from each of these structures. The stellar populations analysis of the two components indicates that, in this case, the bulk of the stars in both the halo and the central galaxy are very old, but the halo is more metal poor and less ?-enriched than the galaxy. This result is consistent with the halo forming through the accretion of much smaller satellite galaxies with more extended star formation. It is noteworthy that the apparent gradients in age and metallicity indicators across the galaxy are entirely consistent with the radially-varying contributions of galaxy and halo components, which individually display no gradients. The success of this study is promising for its application to a larger sample of cD galaxies that are currently being observed by IFU surveys

    From the outside looking in: what can Milky Way Analogues tell us about the star formation rate of our own galaxy?

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    The Milky Way has been described as an anaemic spiral, but is its star formation rate (SFR) unusually low when compared to its peers? To answer this question, we define a sample of Milky Way Analogues (MWAs) based on stringent cuts on the best literature estimates of non-transient structural features for the Milky Way. This selection yields only 176 galaxies from the whole of the SDSS DR7 spectroscopic sample which have morphological classifications in GZ2, from which we infer SFRs from two separate indicators. The mean SFRs found are log(SFR SED /M yr −1) = 0.53 with a standard deviation of 0.23 dex from SED fits, and log(SFR W4 /M yr −1) = 0.68 with a standard deviation of 0.41 dex from a mid-infrared calibration. The most recent estimate for the Milky Way's star formation rate of log(SFR MW /M yr −1) = 0.22 fits well within 2σ of these values, where σ is the standard deviation of each of the SFR indicator distributions. We infer that the Milky Way, while being a galaxy with a somewhat low SFR, is not unusual when compared to similar galaxies