1,462 research outputs found

    Jureminha (Desmanthuss virgatus L.), uma leguminosa forrageira promissora.

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    Conversion from forests to pastures in the Colombian Amazon leads to contrasting soil carbon dynamics depending on land management practices

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this recordStrategies to mitigate climate change by reducing deforestation and forest degradation (e.g. REDD+) require country- or region-specific information on temporal changes in forest carbon (C) pools to develop accurate emission factors. The soil C pool is one of the most important C reservoirs, but is rarely included in national forest reference emission levels due to a lack of data. Here, we present the soil organic C (SOC) dynamics along 20 years of forest-to-pasture conversion in two subregions with different management practices during pasture establishment in the Colombian Amazon: high-grazing intensity (HG) and low-grazing intensity (LG) subregions. We determined the pattern of SOC change resulting from the conversion from forest (C3 plants) to pasture (C4 plants) by analysing total SOC stocks and the natural abundance of the stable isotopes (13) C along two 20-year chronosequences identified in each subregion. We also analysed soil N stocks and the natural abundance of (15) N during pasture establishment. In general, total SOC stocks at 30 cm depth in the forest were similar for both subregions, with an average of 47.1 ± 1.8 Mg C ha(-1) in HG and 48.7 ± 3.1 Mg C ha(-1) in LG. However, 20 years after forest-to-pasture conversion SOC in HG decreased by 20%, whereas in LG SOC increased by 41%. This net SOC decrease in HG was due to a larger reduction in C3-derived input and to a comparatively smaller increase in C4-derived C input. In LG both C3- and C4-derived C input increased along the chronosequence. N stocks were generally similar in both subregions and soil N stock changes during pasture establishment were correlated with SOC changes. These results emphasize the importance of management practices involving low-grazing intensity in cattle activities to preserve SOC stocks and to reduce C emissions after land-cover change from forest to pasture in the Colombian Amazon.This study was funded by AXA Research Fund (2012‐Doc‐University‐of‐Exeter‐NAVARRETE‐D)

    Germination, initial growth and cotyledon protein content of bean cultivars under salinity stress.

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    O excesso de sais no sistema radicular inibe a absorção de água, absorção de nutrientes e pode resultar em toxicidade de alguns sais dissolvidos na solução do solo. Excesso de sódio trocável no solo pode destruir a estrutura do solo a um ponto em que a penetração de água e a aeração das raízes se tornam impossível. Além disso, o sódio é tóxico a muitas plantas. Feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é consumido como fonte de proteínas no nordeste do Brasil, no entanto pouco se sabe sobre a tolerância desses feijões à salinidade. Este trabalho objetivou o estudo da germinação de sementes e crescimento inicial de plântulas de duas cultivares de feijão ao estresse salino. As cultivares ?Carioca? e ?Mulatinho? foram submetidas ao teste de germinação em germinador a 250C, no Laboratório de Análises de Sementes da Embrapa Semi Árido, Petrolina, Pernambuco. As sementes germinaram em papel ?germitest? embebido em água destilada ou em soluções de cloreto de sódio (NaCl) nas concentrações de 10, 50, 100 e 200 mol.m-3. Na primeira e segunda contagens do teste de germinação as plântulas normais foram contadas, medidas, pesadas e secadas, obtendo-se dados de vigor e germinação total, massa de matéria fresca e seca, e comprimento de plântulas. O teor de proteínas totais foi quantificado em cotilédones aos 3, 6 e 9 dias após semeadura. Os resultados indicam que ao teor de NaCl influenciou na germinação e que concentrações acima de 50 mol.m-3 inibiram a germinação e o crescimento das plântulas

    Caracterização do perfil patogênico de isolados de Podosphaera xanthii obtidos em cucurbitáceas na região Nordeste do Brasil.

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    O agente causal do oídio das cucurbitáceas, Podosphaera xanthii apresenta especificidade fisiológica em melão. No Brasil, a raça tem sido a predominante. No presente trabalho, 31 isolados de melão, melancia e abóbora foram coletados no Nordeste do Brasil. Estes foram avaliados quanto à virulência e especificidade por hospedeiro numa série de cultivares de melão diferenciadoras de raças, uma cultivar de abóbora, uma de pepino e duas de melancia. Foram identificadas quatro raças conhecidas (1, 2, 3 e 4) e duas outras variantes ainda não descritas na literatura. Este é o primeiro registro da presença das raças 3 e 4 noBrasil. A existência de grande diversidade de raças praticamente inviabiliza os programas de melhoramento visando a incorporação de resistência do tipo raça-específica. Os seis isolados obtidos de melancia mostraram-se específicos, sendo capazes de infectar apenas as duas cultivares desta espécie, indicando uma aparente especialização por hospedeira.Suplemento. Edição dos resumos expandidos do 45. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura; 15. Congresso Brasileiro de Floricultura e Plantas Ornamentais; 2. Congresso Brasileiro de Cultura de Tecidos de Plantas, Fortaleza, ago. 2005. 1 CD-ROM

    Conversion from forests to pastures in the Colombian Amazon leads to differences in dead wood dynamics depending on land management practices

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordDead wood, composed of coarse standing and fallen woody debris (CWD), is an important carbon (C) pool in tropical forests and its accounting is needed to reduce uncertainties within the strategies to mitigate climate change by reducing deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+). To date, information on CWD stocks in tropical forests is scarce and effects of land-cover conversion and land management practices on CWD dynamics remain largely unexplored. Here we present estimates on CWD stocks in primary forests in the Colombian Amazon and their dynamics along 20 years of forest-to-pasture conversion in two sub-regions with different management practices during pasture establishment: high-grazing intensity (HG) and low-grazing intensity (LG) sub-regions. Two 20-year-old chronosequences describing the forest-to-pasture conversion were identified in both sub-regions. The line-intersect and the plot-based methods were used to estimate fallen and standing CWD stocks, respectively. Total necromass in primary forests was similar between both sub-regions (35.6 ± 5.8 Mg ha(-1) in HG and 37.0 ± 7.4 Mg ha(-1) in LG). An increase of ∼124% in CWD stocks followed by a reduction to values close to those at the intact forests were registered after slash-and-burn practice was implemented in both sub-regions during the first two years of forest-to-pasture conversion. Implementation of machinery after using fire in HG pastures led to a reduction of 82% in CWD stocks during the second and fifth years of pasture establishment, compared to a decrease of 41% during the same period in LG where mechanization is not implemented. Finally, average necromass 20 years after forest-to-pasture conversion decreased to 3.5 ± 1.4 Mg ha(-1) in HG and 9.3 ± 3.5 Mg ha(-1) in LG, representing a total reduction of between 90% and 75% in each sub-region, respectively. These results highlight the importance of low-grazing intensity management practices during ranching activities in the Colombian Amazon to reduce C emissions associated with land-cover change from forest to pasture.This study was funded by AXA Research Fund (2012-Doc-University-of-Exeter-NAVARRETE-D)