25 research outputs found

    Training Design Enhancement through Training Evaluation: Effects on Training Transfer

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    With recurring changes in the society, in terms of economy and technology, companies need to ensure that their human capital is aligned with these transformations in order to sustain in a competitive industry. To date, organizations view training as a requirement to increase their employees’ efficiencies and productivity, and reduce their attrition rates. Despite investment in employee training, research shows a lack of transfer of learning to job and as a result minimal return on investment. This issue is due to many barriers, but can be addressed by learning professionals. Poor learning design and training evaluation practices have been identified as the barriers that may result in failure of training transfer. The purpose of this study was to investigate the linkage between training evaluation, learning design, and training transfer. This study used a new training evaluation model (i.e., learning-transfer evaluation model [LTEM]). This research argued that considering adequate evaluation measures in the learning design process would inform learning professionals to enhance their training programs, diagnose learning and skill challenges, and target long-term retention and transfer of training through robust assessments and feedback. Practice-based research was the overarching theoretical framework along with design-based research method. In this study, five tiers of the LTEM (Tier 3: learner perception, Tier 4: knowledge, Tier 5: decision-making, Tier 6: task competence, and Tier 7: transfer) were aimed to be measured based on the targeted goals expressed by the stakeholders with reference to LTEM. Based on these measures, an orientation training program for newly hired nurses at a medical center was improved in an iterative design cycle. The participants consisted of four groups of trainees (i.e., Baseline, Treatment Group 1, Treatment Group 2, and Treatment Group 3). In addition, a nurse educator and trainers also participated in the study due to the collaborative nature of the theoretical framework and research method employed in this study. To determine whether LTEM led to redesign of training, qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were employed. Results indicated that the LTEM model influenced training design enhancement with a positive shift in the mindset of the stakeholders by focusing more on skills practice to achieve the expected outcomes. Moreover, results of the pre-, post-, and delayed post-tests indicated that the Treatment Groups had higher mean scores than the Baseline Group in their knowledge and decision-making competence. However, despite higher mean scores in transfer of Treatment Groups, there was no significant difference among the groups in their degree of transfer. This could be due to difference of evaluation matrices applied in the study and by the hospital, nurses’ levels of experience, or their opportunities to practice the acquired skill (i.e., restraining a patient)

    Psychometric Properties of the Dichotomous Thinking in Eating Disorders Scale (DTEDS)

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    Introduction: The Dichotomous Thinking in Eating Disorders Scale (DTEDS) is a short, self- assessment of the presence of a rigid, “black-and-white” cognitive thinking style. This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of Dichotomous Thinking in eating disorders in Iran.Methods: For this purpose, a sample of 362 women with nutritional problems referring to health centers, nutrition clinics, and beauty institutes of Shiraz (2019-2020) were selected by convenience sampling method and Eating Attitudes Scale. In this descriptive and cross-sectional study, participants responded to the Persian version of Dichotomous Thinking Eating Disorders and Positive and Negative Perfectionism Scales. Finally, based on the data collected, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, convergent and divergent validity were employed to determine the construct validity. Moreover, the reliability of the questionnaire was assessed via internal consistency (Cronbach alpha).Results: factor analysis supported the original two-factor model of the questionnaire, and fit indices indicated a good model fit. The questionnaire's convergent and divergent validity and internal consistency were also adequate. For two factors, Cronbach’s alpha ranges from 0.74 to 0.88, suggesting satisfactory reliability of the Persian version of the DTEDS.Conclusion: The Persian version of the DTEDS has adequate validity and reliability in Iranian society and is a good self-report for research and clinical settings


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    Abstract The Main objective Determining the effect of training of self-regulation strategies, assessment as learning and interacting with the families on self-concept and students' academic achievement in mathematics and comparing the effectiveness of these methods with each other. The study sample consisted of all female students of third grade in the middle schools of Arak city in academic year of 2011-2012, including 171 classes accounting for over 5094 students enrolled in this city. In this study, four subjects groups (three experimental groups and one control group) were needed. Since the selected sample in each group included 31-38 subjects, and the total sample consisted of 137 female students in the third grade of middle school, the current study is considered as a semiexperimental study. Analysis of data showed that the training of assessment components as learning can increase the self-concept and academic achievement in math in female students in the third grade of middles school. Based on collected data analysis on the second research hypothesis, suggesting "training self-regulation strategies increases the self-concept and academic achievement in mathematics of female students", the second research hypothesis was also confirmed. As a conclusion, assessment as learning can have a great impact on academic achievement and self-concept of the students. In fact, this type of assessment has gone far beyond the assessment for learning, since the assessment for learning is an educational tool that not only monitors the students' learning and control to, but also increases the evaluation of learning

    Using Digital Tools to Train Health Emergencies Personnel in Fragile Contexts

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    The Leadership in Emergencies learning programme, launched in 2019, was designed to strengthen the competencies of World Health Organization (WHO) and Member State staff in teamwork, decision-making and communication, key skills required to lead effectively in emergencies. While the programme was initially used to train 43 staff in a workshop setting, the COVID-19 pandemic required a new remote approach. An online learning environment was developed using a variety of digital tools including WHO's open learning platform, OpenWHO.org. The strategic use of these technologies enabled WHO to dramatically expand access to the programme for personnel responding to health emergencies in fragile contexts and increase participation among key groups that were previously underserved.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Effect of Curcuma zedoaria hydro-alcoholic extract on learning, memory deficits and oxidative damage of brain tissue following seizures induced by pentylenetetrazole in rat

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    Background Previous studies have shown that seizures can cause cognitive disorders. On the other hand, theCurcuma zedoaria(CZ) has beneficial effects on the nervous system. However, there is little information on the possible effects of the CZ extract on seizures. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of CZ extract on cognitive impairment and oxidative stress induced by epilepsy in rats. Methods Rats were randomly divided into different groups. In all rats (except the sham group), kindling was performed by intraperitoneal injection of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) at a dose of 35 mg/kg every 48 h for 14 days. Positive group received 2 mg/kg diazepam + PTZ; treatment groups received 100, 200 or 400 mg/kg CZ extract + PTZ; and one group received 0.5 mg/kg flumazenil and CZ extract + PTZ. Shuttle box and Morris Water Maze tests were used to measure memory and learning. On the last day of treatments PTZ injection was at dose of 60 mg/kg, tonic seizure threshold and mortality rate were recorded in each group. After deep anesthesia, blood was drawn from the rats' hearts and the hippocampus of all rats was removed. Results Statistical analysis of the data showed that the CZ extract significantly increased the tonic seizure threshold and reduced the pentylenetetrazol-induced mortality and the extract dose of 400 mg/kg was selected as the most effective dose compared to the other doses. It was also found that flumazenil (a GABA(A)receptor antagonist) reduced the tonic seizure threshold compared to the effective dose of the extract. The results of shuttle box and Morris water maze behavioral tests showed that memory and learning decreased in the negative control group and the CZ extract treatment improved memory and learning in rats. The CZ extract also increased antioxidant capacity, decreased MDA and NO in the brain and serum of pre-treated groups in compared to the negative control group. Conclusion: It is concluded that the CZ extract has beneficial effects on learning and memory impairment in PTZ-induced epilepsy model, which has been associated with antioxidant effects in the brain or possibly exerts its effects through the GABAergic system. Keywords:Curcuma zedoaria; Pentylenetetrazole; Repeated seizures; Oxidative stress; Memor

    The mediating role of depression and pain intensity on the relationship between strategies of emotion regulation and quality of life in patients with chronic pain

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    Chronic pain is a debilitating status which has undesirable impacts on life quality. Depression and pain intensity are from the important determinatives of life quality that emotion dysregulation is one of the factors which initiate these problems. Thus, the present study was carried out to examine the mediating role of depression and pain intensity on the relationship between strategies of emotion regulation and quality of life. method of present study was correlation. One hundred twenty patients with chronic pain that participated through convenience sampling completed the short form of quality of life, emotion regulation, Multidimensional pain questionnaires and Beck depression Inventory. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Baron and Kenny Method. Results showed that strategies of emotion regulation, depression and pain intensity had significant association with quality of life (p<0.001). Depression and pain intensity don’t play a mediating role on the relationship between strategies of emotion regulation and QOL in the present study. In general, our findings indicate that strategies of emotion regulation, depression and pain intensity should be the core of clinical focus in improving QOL for patients suffering from chronic pain

    Effect of insitu synthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the mechanical and biological properties of a wood-polymer composite

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    The current research work was planned to investigate the possibility of zinc oxide nanoparticles synthesis using hydrothermal method in wood structure and its effect on mechanical and biological properties of wood-polymer composite. Test samples were divided to control and treated with styrene, zinc oxide nanoparticles, nanocomposite and nano/Styrene. Mechanical and biological tests samples according toASTM-D143 and EN113 respectively were treated by vacuum- pressure method using cylinder experimental. The mechanical tests were considered for each level 5 repeat and for biological test for each level 10 repeat. The presence of zinc oxide nanoparticles on cell wall and styrene in the cell cavities were confirmed by Scanning electron microscopy. According to the results, bending strength, bending modulus, hardness and pressure parallel to grain for nano/styrene samples with highest improvement were increased 36.74, 40.23, 60.58 and 25.07 in comparison with control respectively. Also, decay resistance of treated samples increased, so that maximum and least weight loss were recorded for control and nano/styrene samples with 25.81 and 3.37% weight loss

    Assessment of memory impairment during early full remission phase in methamphetamine abusers

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    Substance abuse is one of the most important social threats. In next decades this phenomenon will increase explosively. So, it seems quite important to examine all its aspects. Nowadays, substance abuse experts are focusing on impacts of dependency to methamphetamine. Cognitive disorders can be mentioned as one of the most noticeable impacts of  methamphetamine. This research was carried out with the aim of assessing various aspects of memory deficits in the individuals in their early full remission phase of methamphetamine dependence, the present study was quasi-experimental research. 40 subjects from the hospitalized addicts in Ebne-Sina Psychiatric Hospital of Mashhad city were selected through convenience sampling who were accompanied by 39 non-addict relatives equalized in view of demographic information, they performed Wechsler Memory Scale. Data were analyzed with Chi2 Pearson Tests, Multivariate Regression Analysis and T independent groups. The study of the deficits of memory quotient and its various aspects showed that with the exception of mental control, the mean standard score in all of the assessed aspects of memory in control group were greater than the experimental group. (p<0.001). Results proved the long-term influence of taking methamphetamine on memory aspects even during abstinence

    Promoting Learning Retention and Nudging Behavior Change through Learning Design Practices for WHO Online Platform

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    This article aims to present learning strategies that can be applied to OpenWHO online courses to primarily increase learning retention and nudge behavior change where applicable. This paper draws on existing research on learning strategies and takes an innovative approach to recommend how these strategies could be applied to learning design to support online learners. Thus, by examining recent cognitive science literature, this critical reflection paper presents approaches to design effective online courses that improve learning retention or nudge changes in behavior where necessary.Peer reviewe