28 research outputs found

    Trichomonas vaginalis Pathogenesis: a Narrative Review

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    In the latest articles which were published during 2013-2014, Trichomonas vaginalis (T. vaginalis) was mentioned as a neglected sexual transmission disease (STD), while the exact mechanism of its pathogenesis has not been cleared yet. Although trichomonasiasis is easy curable, there is concern that resistance to drug are increasing. This common infection as concerning the important public health implications needs more research to be done for understanding the diagnosis, treatment, immunology and pathogenesis. In this review we searched all valuable and relevant information considering the pathogenesis of T. vaginalis. We referred to the information databases of Medline, PubMed, Scopus and Google scholar. The used keywords were the combinations of T. vaginalis and words associated with pathogenicity. This review discusses the host-parasite interaction and pathogenicity of this parasite

    What is the Role of the Anti-Parasitic Drugs in the Treatment of Coronavirus Disease 2019?

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    Background: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a rapidly emerging viral infection causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The first report of the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, originated in Wuhan, China, in early December 2019 . Currently, there are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved drugs for the treatment of patients with COVID-19. A great deal of effort is ongoing to find effective therapeutics and preventive measures against this transmissible virus with high mortality. As result, available data are limited, and there are minimal randomized controlled trial (RCT) data on the efficacy of antiviral or immunomodulatory agents for the treatment of COVID-19 . Most of the treatment protocols are based on observational studies and anecdotic reports

    Which Test to Perform for Cystic hydatic Diagnosis and When?

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    Echinococcosis is one of the 17 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) recognized by the World Health Organization. The two major species of medical importance are Echinococcus granulosus and Echinococcus multilocularis (1).There are many studies about diagnostic method of hydatidosis, but there is still the question that which test to perform and when

    Blastocystis: Emerging Protozoan Parasite with High Prevalence in Iran

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    Background: Blastocystis is a zoonotic protozoan parasite habit in intestinal tract of humans and wide range of animals. Because of the mysterious nature and unknown or less-known aspects of Blastocystis, comprehensive information about epidemiology of this parasite is not available. The objective of this study was to investigate the available parasitology studies during the last decade in Iran and determine the prevalence of Blastocystis and its position among other intestinal parasites. As well as, investigate the effective factors in its prevalence.Materials and Methods: All available studies related to the prevalence of intestinal parasites in Iran during the recent decade were collected using information databases. After determinant the mean prevalence of each parasite, the most common parasites, and effective factors on their prevalence were assessed and analyzed.Results: Different studies showed that the most common intestinal parasite at this period of time was Blastocystis spp. with 14.6% prevalence rate. Additionally, in 44.5% of cases Blastocystis spp. allocated the first and in 100% of cases, the first to third rank of the most common intestinal parasites in Iran. Giardia lamblia and Entamoeba coli were in the next category.Conclusion: To our knowledge, the present study is the first survey in which the Blastocystis spp. introduces as one of the most common intestinal parasites in human. Various factors, including the low sensitivity of routine diagnostic methods, hosts multiplicity, easy transportation and unknown impressive factors are effective in the increased prevalence of this parasite. The results of this study could improve the attitude of teachers and researchers towards Blastocystis spp

    Prevalence of HIV Infection among Hemodialysis Patients

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    Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) belongs to human retrovirus family and transmitted by blood transfusion and blood products. 36.9 million People were living with HIV infection worldwide in 2014 approximately1, during which 2 million (1.9–2.2 million) new infections with HIV had occurred. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients treated by hemodialysis (HD) are more susceptible for infection by human immunodeficiency virus infection. Renal failure can be an associated condition or could be a direct consequence of HIV infection2,3. Advanced HIV disease which is indicates by a low CD4 cell count is development of renal diseases subsequently4, however many other causes now may cause renal failure in patients with HIV, including drug-induced toxicity, hypertensive nephroangiosclerosis, and diabetes5. HIV infection and hemodialysis have same consequences such as cardiovascular diseases, immunosuppression, anemia, weight loss, and osteodystrophy6,7.Compared with rate of infection with other viral infection such as hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus (HCV), the risk of HIV infection among hemodialysis patients is lower as the contact with contaminated sources.Although intensive HIV research has been done for 20 years, we have a little knowledge about mortality risk factor in ESRD on HIV-infected patients. Hemodialysis patients who have HIV-infected are assumed to a high risk for death4.The finding the current study demonstrated the prevalence of HIV in hemodialysis patients which was conducted in 5 hemodialysis centers in Tehran province, Iran, in the 2016. All the enrolled participants were informed about study and written informed consent was obtained. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS version 16 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Among 360 patients, 213 (59.17%) of patients were men and 147 (40. 83%) were females; the mean age of patients was 53.43. HIV Ab was negative in all cases. This result has been confirmed in other studies as well8. The highest frequency for duration of dialysis is 1-5 years.Nowadays viral transmission via hemodialysis routes is controlled and limited since more effective screening of blood donor. Screening and early diagnosis of kidney disease will improve outcomes in patients with HIV infection.Considering all of these evidences, further studies are recommended strongly to evaluate the real prevalence of HIV in these patients

    Nanomedicine: The Novel Weapon against Parasitic Infections

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    Due to the side effects of drugs and resistance to the used chemicals in the treatment of tropical diseases such as malaria, leishmaniosis, trypanosomiasis and Schistosomiasis, which millions of people around the world are infected, nowadays nanomedicine usage with the production of nanofibers and nanoparticles (nanopowders, nanocrystal or nanocluster). The particles with a diameter of less than 100 nanometers is considered as a special treatment in parasitic diseases1,2. Due to the intracellular nature of some parasites, their treatment is a major challenge for researchers to develop new drugs. Findings show that Chitosan nanoparticles and metals such as silver, gold, and metal oxides have a lethal or inhibitory effect on various parasites, including giardiasis, leishmaniosis, malaria, or toxoplasma and insect larvae1.  The effects of drug release from chitosan nanofibers have also been performed in various external and internal evaluations on lesions caused by Leishmania major and the therapeutic effect of gold and silver nanoparticles on malaria and their concomitant use with bioresonance waves on leishmaniasis2,4. The main purpose of using nanoparticles is to use it as a drug delivery system and to release the drug agent in order to affect the specific site. Recently, the use of particle systems such as nanomedicine as a physical tool to improve the pharmacokinetic properties of various types of drug molecules in vivo is being developed1,4. The endocytic pathway transfers nanoparticles to the site of pathogens. The breakdown of these substances by lysosomal enzymes releases drugs into the phagocytic or lysosomal vesicle, or this process is released into the cytoplasm by a diffusion phenomenon. Specific transmission depends on the physical and chemical nature of the molecules1. In recent years, the use of nanoparticles for the treatment of parasitic diseases has considered, although limited research has conducted in this regard (Table 1). Finally, it can be concluded that according to recent findings on the inhibitory and long-term effects of nanofibers and nanoparticles on different parasites with less side effects than conventional drugs, more effective and less side effects drugs can be developed. Useful vaccines have also been developed to control parasitic diseases

    Acute Meningitis on Account of Orbital Bone Fracture: A Case Report

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    Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) is a gram-positive pathogen bacteria which causes a variety of diseases, including otitis media, bacteremia, and meningitis.Cases Report: A 19-year-old man with paroxysm was admitted to emergency department of hospital. He was diagnosed with S. pneumoniae meningitis on the basis of an analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid and blood culture.Conclusion: We present a rare case of meningitis. The treatment was successful by just relying on the antibiogram test results. Vancomycin treatment was discontinued, and the patient fully recovered with Ceftriaxon

    Impact of Social Media on Psychological Health: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Background and Aim: During the past few years, social networking has become very popular. Currently, there is a lack of information about the uses, benefits, and limitations of social media for health communication in society.Material and Methods: This paper will review some of challenges and opportunities to use social and their impact on psychological health. In this review we searched all valuable and relevant information considering the social media impact on psychological health. We referred to the information databases of Medline, PubMed, Scopus and Google scholar.Conclusion: Social media brings a new dimension to health care, offering a platform used by the public, patients, and health professionals to communicate about health issues with the possibility of potentially improving health outcomes. More study is required to establish whether social media has impact on mental health in both the short and long terms

    Imported Malaria in an Iraqi Immigrant to Iran: Relevance for the Maintenance of Elimination Status

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    Background: Effective malaria control strategies require an accurate understanding of the epidemiology of locally transmitted Plasmodium species. Emerging evidence indicates that migrants from malaria endemic regions are at risk of delayed presentation of Plasmodium spp. and malaria infection.Cases Report: We reported a case of P. vivax malaria occurring after arrival in Iran. Patient was originally from Iraq. A 48-year-old male patient who was hospitalized with fever attacks, chills, and headache after arriving from Iraq to Tehran.Conclusion: In this patient, new prevention and screening strategies should be studied and blood safety policies adapted. Thus, ultimate elimination of malaria in Iran will require national malaria control program to adopt policy and practice aimed at all human species of malaria since neighbor country are still face to problem to control of malaria

    A survey of Free-Living Amoebae (FLAs) in Nasal Mucosa of Healthy Individuals using Culture-based Method

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    Free-living amoebas (FLAs) are facultative parasites, and some of them can be highly pathogenic for animals and humans. These protozoan are found in abundance in environmental resources such as freshwater and soil, and thus the possible colonization of such FLA is probable. Our previous studies showed that Acanthamoeba spp. can colonize nasal mucosa of immunosuppressed patients. However, there was no report of colonization of free-living amoebae in healthy individuals in Iran.  The present study was conducted to investigate the possibility that FLAs are the normal flora of the nasal mucosa. Overall, 46 nasal swab samples were collected from healthy individuals and cultured on a 1.5% non-nutrient agar (NNA) plate enriched with a lawn of heat-killed Escherichia coli. The plates were incubated at room temperature. After one week, the plates were microscopically examined, and this was continued for one month. None of the samples were found positive for FLAs. Our findings may indicate that FLAs are not the normal flora of the nasal mucosa, or their number is so limited in the nasal mucosa that they cannot be isolated by the method used. However, supplementary and comprehensive studies are recommended