17 research outputs found

    Índice de Massa Corporal e fatores associados em mulheres climatéricas

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    Goal: To identify the association between body mass index and sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, eating habits, anthropometric measurements and clinical factors of climacteric women assisted in Health Strategies of Montes Claros. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, analytical epidemiological study with a sample of 874 perimenopausal women selected by simple random sampling. Sociodemographic data, lifestyle, eating habits, and clinical, obstetrical and gynecological factors were collected through standardized questionnaires, in addition to performing anthropometric assessment. The bivariate analysis was performed using the chi-square test. Results: The results showed high prevalence of obesity (36.0%) and overweight (38.1%), as well as associations between body mass index and the the type of school attended (p = 0.009), smoking (p = 0.023), treatment for weight loss (p = 0.000), anthropometric measurements (p = 0.000) and clinical factors (p = 0.000). Conclusion: We conclude that educational interventions to correct or improve the anthropometric profile may result in benefits for the health of climacteric women, since the presence of obesity and overweight was high, and lifestyle habits, anthropometric and clinical factors present themselves associated to morbidity.Objetivo: Identificar la asociación del índice de masa corporal con factores sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, los hábitos alimentarios, mediciones antropométricas y factores clínicos de mujeres climatéricas asistidos en las Estrategias de Salud de Montes Claros. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico transversal, analítico, con una muestra de 874 mujeres perimenopáusicas seleccionadas por muestreo aleatorio simple. Los datos sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, los hábitos alimentarios y los factores clínicos, obstetricia y ginecología se recogieron a través de cuestionarios estandarizados, además de realizar la evaluación antropométrica. El análisis bivariante se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una alta prevalencia de la obesidad (36,0%) y el sobrepeso (38,1%), así como las asociaciones de índice de masa corporal con el tipo de escuela que asistió (p = 0,009), el tabaquismo (p = 0,023 ), el tratamiento para la pérdida de peso (p = 0,000), las mediciones antropométricas (p = 0,000) y los factores clínicos (p = 0,000). Conclusión: Se concluye que las intervenciones educativas para corregir o mejorar el perfil antropométrico pueden resultar en beneficios para la salud de las mujeres climatéricas, ya que la presencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso fue alta, y los hábitos de estilo de vida, antropométricas y factores clínicos asociados presentes para que la morbilidad.Objetivo: Identificar a associação do Índice de Massa Corporal com os fatores sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida, hábitos alimentares, medidas antropométricas e fatores clínicos das mulheres climatéricas assistidas nas Estratégias da Saúde de Montes Claros. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal, analítico, com a amostra composta por 874 mulheres climatéricas selecionadas por meio de sorteio aleatório simples. Os dados sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida, hábitos alimentares e fatores clínicos, obstétricos e ginecológicos foram coletados por meio de questionários padronizados, além da realização de avaliação antropométrica. A análise bivariada foi realizada por meio do teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram prevalência elevada de obesidade (36,0%) e sobrepeso (38,1%), bem como associações do índice de massa corporal com o tipo de escola que frequentou (p=0,009), tabagismo (p=0,023), tratamento para perda de peso (p=0,000), medidas antropométricas (p=0,000) e fatores clínicos (p=0,000). Conclusão: Conclui-se que intervenções educativas visando corrigir ou melhorar o perfil antropométrico poderão resultar em benefícios relativos à saúde da mulher climatérica, uma vez que a presença da obesidade e sobrepeso foi elevada, além de hábitos de vida, fatores antropométricos e clínicos apresentarem associados a essa morbidade

    Non-syndromic oral clefts and risk of cancer: a systematic review

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    Objective: To discuss the risk of cancer among relatives of individuals with cleft lip and palate (CL/P), as well as the risk of CL/P among relatives of individuals with cancer, since studies published currently have suggested  an increased risk of cancer among relatives of cleft individuals. Design: A systematic literature review was carried out in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration Group protocol, including literature search strategy, selection of papers through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, data extraction and quality assessment. PubMed, Scopus and ISI - Web of Science databases were systematically searched using the fallowing search strings: “cleft lip and palate” AND “cancer”, “oral clefts” AND “cancer” and “orofacial clefts” AND “cancer”. Results: From 653 studies accessed, 8 comprised the final sample: 6 investigating CL/P index cases and their family history of cancer and 2 investigating individuals with cancer and their family history for CL/P. The sample sizes were not homogeneous. Oral clefts, the type of cancer and the degree of kinship family were not categorized in all studies. Leukemia, breast cancer and colon cancer were the most cited types, even as first-and-second degree relatives. Conclusions: An increased risk of cancer among relatives of cleft individuals could not be entirely confirmed. However, studies with this specific purpose suggest that first-and-second degrees relatives of cleft individuals have some types of cancer more often than unexposed families, highlighting that future studies should expand their samples to investigate possible common molecular mechanisms that allow relating oral clefts and cancer

    Semana do agente comunitário de saúde: organização de um evento científico on-line : Community health agent's health team: organization of an online scientific event

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    Dentre os trabalhadores da saúde, o Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) tem se tornado um profissional de extrema importância na estratégia da Atenção Primária.  Mas apesar da grande relevância do ACS na equipe da Estratégia da Família, a realização de eventos científicos voltados para esta classe ainda é incipiente. Assim, a realização da Semana do Agente de Saúde nasceu do anseio de promover a saúde desses profissionais, divulgar conhecimentos científicos e valorizar o trabalho desempenhado por eles junto à comunidade. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de relatar a experiência da organização da primeira “Semana do Agente Comunitário de Saúde: Cuidar de Quem Cuida", que ocorreu entre os dias 04 e 08 de outubro de 2021, no município de Montes Claros, norte de Minas Gerais. A organização do evento iniciou-se em agosto de 2021, com a elaboração do projeto pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação de Cuidados Primários de Saúde (PPGCPS) da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros (UNIMONTES), em parceria com a Secretaria Regional de Saúde (SRS) e a Atenção Primária do município de Montes Claros-MG, através de reuniões semanais pelo google meet. A intervenção educativa foi intitulada como “Semana do ACS: Cuidar de Quem Cuida” e foi organizada de modo a torná-la mais interessante e interativa ao perfil do público participante. Para isso foi utilizada uma linguagem clara e acessível, metodologias ativas de aprendizagem baseadas na problematização e no aprendizado teórico-vivencial. A escolha da programação considerou os diversos prejuízos causados na saúde destes profissionais pela adoção de comportamentos inadequados, além de fatores de risco que podem agravar o processo de saúde/doença, os temas foram levantados através da análise de um estudo longitudinal das condições de trabalho e de saúde dos Agentes Comunitários de Saúde do Norte de Minas Gerais, da UNIMONTES. As palestras on-line com transmissão ao vivo tiveram um total de 6.238 visualizações, com uma média de 1.248 visualizações por dia de evento. A experiência de organização do evento foi muito satisfatória, do ponto de vista dos participantes, muitos elogios foram direcionados à comissão organizadora, tanto em relação à programação, quanto na qualidade do conteúdo.  Verificou-se a importância deste tipo de evento para a integração e valorização dos ACS, bem como para a discussão e aprendizagem de novos temas. A “Semana do ACS: Cuidar de Quem Cuida” alcançou o objetivo de disponibilizar espaço para difusão de conhecimentos científicos, devolutivas de pesquisas e projetos de extensão, reunindo professores, pesquisadores, mestrandos e principalmente os ACS das mais variadas regiões do norte de Minas Gerais

    Profile and scientific production of Brazilian researchers in dental materials

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    Aim: To describe the demographic characteristics and academic production of the National Council for the Development of Science and Technology (CNPq) researchers whose areas of expertise focus on dental materials. Methods: Secondary data were obtained from the details of dentistry researchers registered as receiving a CNPq grant for scientific productivity. Variables such as gender, category of scientific productivity grant, time of completion of PhD program, geographical distribution and affiliated institution, scientific production and human resources training were analyzed. Data from 2007-2009 triennium were considered. Mann-Whitney and chisquare tests compared the variables. Results: Researchers in categories 1A + 1B are those who completed their PhD program more than 14 years ago. All (100%) of dental material researchers are dentists and affiliated to universities, being approximately 92% of those affiliated to public institutions. Male gender (62.2%) and category 2 grant (40.5%) are prevalent, and a high concentration of CNPq grantees in the southeastern region (75.7%) was observed. In general, there was a predominance of publications in CAPES Qualis B journals (59.0%), but a predominance of publications by new doctors in CAPES Qualis A2 and B1 journals was found. A higher mean of publications of book chapters (0.97) compared with full publications of books (0.43) per researcher was observed. Annually, researchers supervised more scientific initiation grants (median = 0.45), followed by doctoral (mean = 0.36) and master students (median = 0.30). Conclusions: There is a high concentration of researchers in the southeastern region, predominance of male gender and scholars in grant category 2. Publications are mainly in CAPES Qualis B journals. and researchers in grant categories 1C and 1D and with less time doctoral produce more publications. The publication of books chapters is larger than entire books. The researchers supervised more undergraduate students, followed by PhD and master’s degree students annually

    Repair of amalgam restorations with composite resin and bonded amalgam: A microleakage study

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    Background: Total replacement is the most common technique for defective amalgam restorations, and it represents a major part of restorative dental treatment. Repair is an alternative option for amalgam restorations with localized defects. Aims: This study compared microleakage of amalgam restorations repaired by bonded amalgam or composite resin. Materials and Methods: Thirty extracted human pre-molars were prepared and restored with class I amalgam. A simulated defect was prepared that included the cavosurface margin on restorations, and the pre-molars were assigned to two treatment groups (n=15): In group 1, premolars were treated by composite resin (34% Tooth Conditioner Gel + Adper Single Bond 2 + Z100) and in group 2, premolars were repaired by bonded amalgam (34% Tooth Conditioner Gel + Prime and Bond 2.1 + Permite C). The teeth were immersed in a 50% silver nitrate solution, thermocycled, sectioned longitudinally and then observed by three examiners using a stereomicroscope. Microleakage was evaluated using a 0-4 scale for dye penetration, and data was analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Dunn tests. Results: Neither of the two methods eliminated microleakage completely. Composite resin was significantly the most effective for repair/tooth interface sealing (score 0 = 80.0%; P=0.0317). For the repair/restoration interface, composite resin was also statistically more effective as a sealant (score 0=66%; P=0.0005) when compared to the bonded amalgam technique (score 0=13%; P=0.0005). Conclusions: The use of adhesive systems significantly affected the ability to seal the repair/ tooth interface. However, at the level of the repair/restoration interface, the bonded amalgam technique may increase microleakage

    Profile and scientific production of Brazilian researchers in dental materials

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    describe the demographic characteristics and academic production of the National Council for the Development of Science and Technology (CNPq) researchers whose areas of expertise focus on dental materials. Methods: Secondary data were obtained from the details of dentistry researchers registered as receiving a CNPq grant for scientific productivity. Variables such as gender, category of scientific productivity grant, time of completion of PhD program, geographical distribution and affiliated institution, scientific production and human resources training were analyzed. Data from 2007-2009 triennium were considered. Mann-Whitney and chisquare tests compared the variables. Results: Researchers in categories 1A + 1B are those who completed their PhD program more than 14 years ago. All (100%) of dental material researchers are dentists and affiliated to universities, being approximately 92% of those affiliated to public institutions. Male gender (62.2%) and category 2 grant (40.5%) are prevalent, and a high concentration of CNPq grantees in the southeastern region (75.7%) was observed. In general, there was a predominance of publications in CAPES Qualis B journals (59.0%), but a predominance of publications by new doctors in CAPES Qualis A2 and B1 journals was found. A higher mean of publications of book chapters (0.97) compared with full publications of books (0.43) per researcher was observed. Annually, researchers supervised more scientific initiation grants (median = 0.45), followed by doctoral (mean = 0.36) and master students (median = 0.30). Conclusions: There is a high concentration of researchers in the southeastern region, predominance of male gender and scholars in grant category 2. Publications are mainly in CAPES Qualis B journals. and researchers in grant categories 1C and 1D and with less time doctoral produce more publications. The publication of books chapters is larger than entire books. The researchers supervised more undergraduate students, followed by PhD and masters degree students annually

    Body Mass Index and associated factors in climacteric women

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    Objetivo: Identificar la asociación del índice de masa corporal con factores sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, los hábitos alimentarios, mediciones antropométricas y factores clínicos de mujeres climatéricas asistidos en las Estrategias de Salud de Montes Claros. Metodología: Se trata de un estudio epidemiológico transversal, analítico, con una muestra de 874 mujeres perimenopáusicas seleccionadas por muestreo aleatorio simple. Los datos sociodemográficos, estilo de vida, los hábitos alimentarios y los factores clínicos, obstetricia y ginecología se recogieron a través de cuestionarios estandarizados, además de realizar la evaluación antropométrica. El análisis bivariante se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado. Resultados: Los resultados mostraron una alta prevalencia de la obesidad (36,0%) y el sobrepeso (38,1%), así como las asociaciones de índice de masa corporal con el tipo de escuela que asistió (p = 0,009), el tabaquismo (p = 0,023 ), el tratamiento para la pérdida de peso (p = 0,000), las mediciones antropométricas (p = 0,000) y los factores clínicos (p = 0,000). Conclusión: Se concluye que las intervenciones educativas para corregir o mejorar el perfil antropométrico pueden resultar en beneficios para la salud de las mujeres climatéricas, ya que la presencia de la obesidad y el sobrepeso fue alta, y los hábitos de estilo de vida, antropométricas y factores clínicos asociados presentes para que la morbilidad.RESUMO: Objetivo: Identificar a associação do Índice de Massa Corporal com os fatores sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida, hábitos alimentares, medidas antropométricas e fatores clínicos das mulheres climatéricas assistidas nas Estratégias da Saúde de Montes Claros. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal, analítico, com a amostra composta por 874 mulheres climatéricas selecionadas por meio de sorteio aleatório simples. Os dados sociodemográficos, hábitos de vida, hábitos alimentares e fatores clínicos, obstétricos e ginecológicos foram coletados por meio de questionários padronizados, além da realização de avaliação antropométrica. A análise bivariada foi realizada por meio do teste qui-quadrado. Resultados: Os resultados apontaram prevalência elevada de obesidade (36,0%) e sobrepeso (38,1%), bem como associações do índice de massa corporal com o tipo de escola que frequentou (p=0,009), tabagismo (p=0,023), tratamento para perda de peso (p=0,000), medidas antropométricas (p=0,000) e fatores clínicos (p=0,000). Conclusão: Conclui-se que intervenções educativas visando corrigir ou melhorar o perfil antropométrico poderão resultar em benefícios relativos à saúde da mulher climatérica, uma vez que a presença da obesidade e sobrepeso foi elevada, além de hábitos de vida, fatores antropométricos e clínicos apresentarem associados a essa morbidade.ABSTRACT: Goal: To identify the association between body mass index and sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, eating habits, anthropometric measurements and clinical factors of climacteric women assisted in Health Strategies of Montes Claros. Methods: This is a cross-sectional, analytical epidemiological study with a sample of 874 perimenopausal women selected by simple random sampling. Sociodemographic data, lifestyle, eating habits, and clinical, obstetrical and gynecological factors were collected through standardized questionnaires, in addition to performing anthropometric assessment. The bivariate analysis was performed using the chi-square test. Results: The results showed high prevalence of obesity (36.0%) and overweight (38.1%), as well as associations between body mass index and the the type of school attended (p = 0.009), smoking (p = 0.023), treatment for weight loss (p = 0.000), anthropometric measurements (p = 0.000) and clinical factors (p = 0.000). Conclusion: We conclude that educational interventions to correct or improve the anthropometric profile may result in benefits for the health of climacteric women, since the presence of obesity and overweight was high, and lifestyle habits, anthropometric and clinical factors present themselves associated to morbidity

    Ophthalmic changes in cleft lip and palate

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    ABSTRACT The current study aimed to analyze through a literature review evidence of association between ocular changes and non-syndromic cleft lip and/or palate (NSCL/P). A literature review was carried out in accordance with the Cochrane Collaboration Group protocol. PubMed, Scopus, Academic Google and ISI Web of Science databases were systematically searched. A total of 16 studies were accessed, and three made up the final sample.All three studied ocular abnormalities in patients with NSCL/P.The articles found ocular abnormalities in 6.21%, 17.54% and 1.03% of patients respectively.The presence of ocular abnormalities in patients with NSCL/P was significant in this systematic review, but the articles all agreed that future studies should explore the possibility of a greater occurrence of ocular changes in individuals with NSCL/P


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    O Agente Comunitário de Saúde (ACS) compõe a equipe de atenção primária e o caráter do seu trabalho pode representar risco para surgimento de morbidades. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os fatores associados ao estilo de vida em ACS no Município de Montes Claros, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, analítico e censitário. Foram utilizados instrumentos autoaplicáveis, contemplando fatores sociodemográficos, laborais, comportamentais, clínicos e o Questionário de Estilo de Vida Fantástico. Participaram do estudo 675 ACS, com média de idade 36.7±9.8. Cerca de 10% apresentaram estilo de vida regular. Observou-se uma baixa prevalência do estilo de vida regular entre ACS. Após a análise multivariada o estilo de vida regular manteve-se associado ao Índice de Capacidade para o Trabalho (ICT) inadequado (OR = 2.25; IC95: 1.30 - 3.91), a pior percepção do estado de saúde (OR = 2.66; IC95: 1.46 - 4.84). Os ACS que apresentaram Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) alterado tiveram maiores chances de apresentar estilo de vida regular (OR = 2.33; IC95: 1.20 - 4.52). Observou-se neste estudo que fatores laborais e clínicos influenciam no estilo de vida dos ACS. Esses achados são relevantes, à medida que colocam em perspectiva elementos importantes que impactam a saúde dos ACS e que podem ser modificados através da implantação de programas de saúde ocupacional