6,758 research outputs found

    Recent advances and open challenges in percolation

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    Percolation is the paradigm for random connectivity and has been one of the most applied statistical models. With simple geometrical rules a transition is obtained which is related to magnetic models. This transition is, in all dimensions, one of the most robust continuous transitions known. We present a very brief overview of more than 60 years of work in this area and discuss several open questions for a variety of models, including classical, explosive, invasion, bootstrap, and correlated percolation

    Neutron Charge Radius: Relativistic Effects and the Foldy Term

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    The neutron charge radius is studied within a light-front model with different spin coupling schemes and wave functions. The cancellation of the contributions from the Foldy term and Dirac form factor to the neutron charge form factor is verified for large nucleon sizes and it is independent of the detailed form of quark spin coupling and wave function. For the physical nucleon our results for the contribution of the Dirac form factor to the neutron radius are insensitive to the form of the wave function while they strongly depend on the quark spin coupling scheme.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, Latex, Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Genetic variation and correlation of agronomic traits in meadow bromegrass (Bromus riparius Rehm) clones.

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    Meadow bromegrass (Bromus riparius Rehm.) is a recently introduced pasture grass in western Canada. Its leafy production and rapid regrowth have made it a major grass species for pasturing beef animals in this region. As relatively little breeding work kas been done on this species, there is little information on its breeding behaviour. The main objective of this study was to estimate total genetic variability, broad-sense heritability, phenotypic and genetic correlations. Forty-four meadow bromegrass clones were evaluated for agronomic characters. Genetic variation for dry matter yield, seed yield, fertility index, harvest index, plant height, plant spread, crude protein, neutral de ter gent fiber and acid de ter gent fiber, was significant. Broad-sense heritability estimates exceeded 50% for all characters. Heritability estimates were at least 3.5 times greater than their standard errors. Phenotypic and genetic correlation between all possible characters were measured There was general agreement in both sign and magnitude between genetic and phenotypic correlations. Correlations between the different characters demonstrated that it is possible to simultaneously improve seed and forage yield. Based on the results, it appears that the development of higher yielding cultivars with higher crude protein, and lower acid and neutral detergent fibers concentration should be possible

    Screening effects in flow through rough channels

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    A surprising similarity is found between the distribution of hydrodynamic stress on the wall of an irregular channel and the distribution of flux from a purely Laplacian field on the same geometry. This finding is a direct outcome from numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations for flow at low Reynolds numbers in two-dimensional channels with rough walls presenting either deterministic or random self-similar geometries. For high Reynolds numbers, when inertial effects become relevant, the distribution of wall stresses on deterministic and random fractal rough channels becomes substantially dependent on the microscopic details of the walls geometry. In addition, we find that, while the permeability of the random channel follows the usual decrease with Reynolds, our results indicate an unexpected permeability increase for the deterministic case, i.e., ``the rougher the better''. We show that this complex behavior is closely related with the presence and relative intensity of recirculation zones in the reentrant regions of the rough channel.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Classical and Quantum Elliptical Billiards: Mixed Phase Space and Short Correlations in Singlets and Doublets

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    Billiards are flat cavities where a particle is free to move between elastic collisions with the boundary. In chaos theory these systems are simple prototypes, their conservative dynamics of a billiard may vary from regular to chaotic, depending only on the border. The results reported here seek to shed light on the quantization of classically chaotic systems. We present numerical results on classical and quantum properties in two bi-parametric families of Billiards, Elliptical Stadium Billiard (ESB) and Elliptical-C3C_3 Billiards (E-C3C_3B). Both are elliptical perturbations of chaotic billiards with originally circular sectors on their borders. Our numerical calculations show evidence that the elliptical families can present a mixed classical phase space, identified by a parameter ρc<1\rho_\text{c} < 1, which we use to guide our analysis of quantum spectra. We explored the short correlations through nearest neighbor spacing distribution p(s)p(s), which showed that in the mixed region of the classical phase space, p(s)p(s) is well described by the Berry-Robnik-Brody (BRB) distributions for the ESB. In agreement with the expected from the so-called ergodic parameter α=tH/tT\alpha = t_\text{H}/t_\text{T}, the ratio between the Heisenberg time and the classical diffusive-like transport time signals the possibility of quantum dynamical localization when α<1\alpha < 1. For the E-C3C_3B family, the eigenstates can be split into singlets and doublets. BRB describes p(s)p(s) for singlets as the previous family in the mixed region. However, the p(s)p(s) for doublets are described by new distributions recently introduced in the literature but only tested in a few cases for ρc<1\rho_\text{c} < 1. We observed that as ρc\rho_\text{c} decreases, the p(s)p(s)'s tend to move away simultaneously from the GOE (singlets) and GUE (doublets) distributions.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Desempenho produtivo de ovinos em pastagem cultivada.

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    Retorno da atividade reprodutiva pós-parto em ovelhas deslanadas.

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    Gramíneas forrageiras para uso de caprinos e ovinos em pastejo.

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