7 research outputs found

    Certificações na agropecuária: um estudo de caso do impacto do Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - TECPAR

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Roberto SanquettaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Educação Continuada em Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Projetos Sustentáveis e Inovações AmbientaisInclui referênciasResumo: Certificações são sistemas que permitem a padronização da produção, dando ao consumidor mais ferramentas de escolha. No Brasil, há grande diversidade de entidades certificadoras, mas o Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná – TECPAR é a certificadora pública de maior destaque nacional. Um dos instrumentos do Instituto em parceria com o governo estadual é o programa Paraná Mais Orgânico (PMO). Nosso objetivo foi explorar o impacto do TECPAR no cenário nacional e estadual em termos de número de certificações e distribuição geográfica, assim como o impacto da implementação do programa PMO no número de certificações emitido pelo TECPAR. No contexto nacional, o TECPAR ocupa a quinta colocação (em número de certificações) entre as entidades certificadoras em número de certificações. Embora esteja mais concentrado no Paraná, se comparado ao IBD (principal certificadora nacional), o TECPAR ainda consegue ter mais ação nacional quando comparado ao Instituto Mineiro de Agricultura (a outra entidade certificadora pública utilizada como comparação). Isso indica que o TECPAR é a escolha preferencial dos produtores paranaenses, mas ainda consegue ter alcance nacional. Além disso, o TECPAR vem apresentando constante crescimento no número de certificações (cerca de 50% entre 2017 e 2020), com provável efeito positivo do PMO, que favoreceu uma interiorização das certificações, assim como uma maior Diversidade do escopo dos produtos certificados. Considerando que o TECPAR está vinculado ao governo estadual do Paraná, o instituto mostra-se como uma ferramenta efetiva para ampliar a acessibilidade dos produtores ao processo de certificação, representando um potencial diferencial competitivo para esses produtores tanto em nível regional quando nacional.Abstract: Certifications are systems that allow production standardization, giving the consumers more tools to choose from. In Brazil, there is a great diversity of certifying entities, but the Paraná Institute of Technology – TECPAR is the most prominent public certifier in the country. One of the Institute’s instruments in partnership with the state government is the Paraná Mais Orgânico (PMO) program. Our objective was to explore the impact of TECPAR in the national and state scenario in terms of the number of certifications, as well as the impact of the implementation of the PMO program. In the national context, TECPAR ranks fifth among the certifying entities. Although it has more state concentration, if compared to IBD (the main national certifier), TECPAR still manages to have more national action when compared to the Minas Gerais Agriculture Institute (the other public certifying entity used as a comparison). This indicates that TECPAR is the preferred choice for producers from Paraná but still manages to have national reach. TECPAR has also been showing solid growth in the number of certifications (about 50% between 2017 and 2020). With a likely positive effect from the PMO, which favored an internalization of certifications, as well as greater diversity in the scope of certified products. Considering that TECPAR is linked to the state government of Paraná, the Institute is an effective tool to increase the accessibility of producers to the certification process, representing a potential competitive advantage for these producers both at the regional and national level

    Micronutrient availability in amazonian dark earths and adjacent soils

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    Amazonian Dark Earths (ADEs) are highly fertile soils in areas with predominance of unfertile soils. However, the variation in nutrient availability between regions and the resilience of ADEs to modern agricultural use is still little known, particularly regarding micronutrient contents. Hence, the present study synthesized current information of ADE impacts on extractable micronutrient (Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, Zn, B) contents at different soil depths and assessed in detail the role of both soil depth and land-use type on extractable Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn and Zn in nine ADEs and adjacent (ADJ) soils from different Amazonian regions. The land-use systems chosen were secondary old (OF) or young (YF) forests, and agricultural systems (AS) in Iranduba, Belterra and Porto Velho. Only eight studies compared extractable (Mehlich-1) micronutrient contents at 21 sites with ADEs and ADJ soils, but only four studies included depths greater than 30 cm, and B and Ni were evaluated in only one study. Higher Mn and Zn, but lower Fe contents were found in ADEs both from literature data and in the present study, especially in the first 30 cm depth. Increases in extractable Ni and Cu in ADEs varied according to the site and the land use considered. Micronutrient contents tended to decrease with depth, but varied depending on the element, site, soil type and land use. Sites with modern agriculture showed few differences in extractable micronutrient contents, except for a decrease in Fe in Belterra and Mn in Porto Velho. Considering the high amounts of some micro- and macronutrients in ADEs further work is warranted concerning soil management and nutrient balance in plants grown on these soils

    Certificações na agropecuária: um estudo de caso do impacto do Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - TECPAR

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Roberto SanquettaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Programa de Educação Continuada em Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Projetos Sustentáveis e Inovações AmbientaisInclui referênciasResumo: Certificações são sistemas que permitem a padronização da produção, dando ao consumidor mais ferramentas de escolha. No Brasil, há grande diversidade de entidades certificadoras, mas o Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná – TECPAR é a certificadora pública de maior destaque nacional. Um dos instrumentos do Instituto em parceria com o governo estadual é o programa Paraná Mais Orgânico (PMO). Nosso objetivo foi explorar o impacto do TECPAR no cenário nacional e estadual em termos de número de certificações e distribuição geográfica, assim como o impacto da implementação do programa PMO no número de certificações emitido pelo TECPAR. No contexto nacional, o TECPAR ocupa a quinta colocação (em número de certificações) entre as entidades certificadoras em número de certificações. Embora esteja mais concentrado no Paraná, se comparado ao IBD (principal certificadora nacional), o TECPAR ainda consegue ter mais ação nacional quando comparado ao Instituto Mineiro de Agricultura (a outra entidade certificadora pública utilizada como comparação). Isso indica que o TECPAR é a escolha preferencial dos produtores paranaenses, mas ainda consegue ter alcance nacional. Além disso, o TECPAR vem apresentando constante crescimento no número de certificações (cerca de 50% entre 2017 e 2020), com provável efeito positivo do PMO, que favoreceu uma interiorização das certificações, assim como uma maior Diversidade do escopo dos produtos certificados. Considerando que o TECPAR está vinculado ao governo estadual do Paraná, o instituto mostra-se como uma ferramenta efetiva para ampliar a acessibilidade dos produtores ao processo de certificação, representando um potencial diferencial competitivo para esses produtores tanto em nível regional quando nacional.Abstract: Certifications are systems that allow production standardization, giving the consumers more tools to choose from. In Brazil, there is a great diversity of certifying entities, but the Paraná Institute of Technology – TECPAR is the most prominent public certifier in the country. One of the Institute’s instruments in partnership with the state government is the Paraná Mais Orgânico (PMO) program. Our objective was to explore the impact of TECPAR in the national and state scenario in terms of the number of certifications, as well as the impact of the implementation of the PMO program. In the national context, TECPAR ranks fifth among the certifying entities. Although it has more state concentration, if compared to IBD (the main national certifier), TECPAR still manages to have more national action when compared to the Minas Gerais Agriculture Institute (the other public certifying entity used as a comparison). This indicates that TECPAR is the preferred choice for producers from Paraná but still manages to have national reach. TECPAR has also been showing solid growth in the number of certifications (about 50% between 2017 and 2020). With a likely positive effect from the PMO, which favored an internalization of certifications, as well as greater diversity in the scope of certified products. Considering that TECPAR is linked to the state government of Paraná, the Institute is an effective tool to increase the accessibility of producers to the certification process, representing a potential competitive advantage for these producers both at the regional and national level

    The neglected contribution of mound-building termites on CH4 emissions in Brazilian pastures

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    Based on previous reports, our study aimed to obtain the first estimate on the contribution of termite mounds to CH4 emissions in Brazilian Cerrado pastures. We estimated that termite mounds occupy an area larger than 200,000 ha in degraded pastures, an important loss of grazing area considering the current scenario of land-use change of pastures to other crops in Brazil. Moreover, mound-building termites in degraded pastures may be responsible for CH4 emissions greater than 11 Mt CO2 eq. yr−1, which would notably affect the greenhouse gases (GHG) balance of grass-fed cattle production in Brazil. In this sense, it is urgent to conduct field-scale studies about the CH4 emissions by mound-building termites in pastures and its contribution to the C footprint of Brazilian bee


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    Agricultural use of soil resources under irrigated conditions requires constant monitoring of the soil quality attributes due to important soil functions related to soil water storage and distribution, aeration and root growth. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of citrus cultivation, under irrigated conditions, on the physical quality of a Yellow Ultisol through determination of soil pore size distribution, bulk density and soil water retention, in the Neópolis flat land irrigated perimeter, Sergipe. Soil core samples were collected from the 0-0,10 m, 0,10-0,30 m and 0,30-0,50 m layers, with three replications, in a 15 ha citrus orchard. The same soil type under native forest was also evaluated as a reference of soil quality. It was observed reduction in soil total porosity, macroporosity as well as available water as a function of citrus cultivation. Such alterations in soil physical quality influence negatively root development and plant productivity and also call attention to the need of soil quality monitoring as well as best irrigation management practices. Evaluation of soil quality under native forest was efficient in showing the magnitude of soil alterations as a result of changing in soil use