450 research outputs found

    Management Practices and Holistic Development of Dance Troupe in Selected Secondary Schools

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    Management is a procedure of designing and sustaining an environment where everyone works together to attain the organization's goal. The study is a comparative analysis of the management practices of selected secondary public schools' dance troupe. This study is primarily anchored to the Skills Acquisition Theory (SAT). Specifically,  the aims to identify the management practices and holistic development of the dance troupe members. The research study wants to determine the procedures in terms of rehearsals and training, community involvement, qualification of dancers, facilities, financial support, and the level of dancers' attributes in terms of attitude, discipline, and skills. The researcher also wants to determine if there is a significant relationship between the management practices and holistic development on the personal attributes of dance troupe members of the selected secondary public schools. Using a descriptive-quantitative methodology, a self-administered questionnaire was utilized in the survey of 172 dancers. The results revealed that dancers are well-disciplined and highly skilled. The management of the dance troupe struggles in terms of qualifications of the members, facilities, and financial support, which ultimately affect their preparation and training programs. Hence, there is a significant relationship between the management practices and holistic development of dance troupe members. The dance troupe's practices, skills, attitudes, and discipline have to maintain

    Studentsโ€™ dance performances and the utilization of e-materials in physical education

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    As a result of the Covid-19 virus, which has affected everyone, the educational community is in a tough situation right now. Technology's advancement in the teaching-learning instruction process is both a benefit and a drawback of globalization's educational approach. The study was primarily concerned with how the use of e-materials in the classroom might increase students' learning performance in physical education dancing. This study was a correlational investigation of 50 grade 9 students' dance performances and the utilization of e-materials in physical education in Sta. Catalina National High School, Candelaria, Quezon. The research was conducted using a descriptive-quantitative technique and a self-administered questionnaire through Google Form. The findings demonstrated that the use of e-materials in physical education dancing is always noted, and students' performance improves significantly when e-materials are used. Furthermore, there is no relationship between e-materials used to teach dance in physical education and student dance performance. It encouraged students to keep using and employing the effectiveness of e-materials in their dancing performances. This research will help to understand how effective the use of e-materials is in teaching dance in physical education and how it affects student performance and will provide valuable insights on the best practices for teaching dance in physical education and how to maximize the use of e-materials to enhance student performance

    Source identification in acoustics and structural mechanics using Sierra/SD.

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    In this report we derive both time and frequency-domain methods for inverse identification of sources in elastodynamics and acoustics. The inverse/design problem is cast in a PDE-constrained optimization framework with efficient computation of gradients using the adjoint method. The implementation of source inversion in Sierra/SD is described, and results from both time and frequency domain source inversion are compared to actual experimental data for a weapon store used in captive carry on a military aircraft. The inverse methodology is advantageous in that it provides a method for creating ground based acoustic and vibration tests that can reduce the actual number of flight tests, and thus, saving costs and time for the program

    Improving physical education in higher education institutions in the Philippines: Examining teachers' roles and perceptions in the implementation of CHED Memo No. 39, S. 2021

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    This paper examined the implications of the Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 39, Series of 2021 on the roles and perceptions of physical education teachers. The study wants to gain a better understanding of the implications of the CHED memo on physical education teachers. This study employed a qualitative research approach in a phenomenological approach to understand the experiences of PE teachers with regards to the implementation of mentioned CMO. A purposive sample of 12 respondents made up of 9 males and 3 females were selected to answer the interview guide to gather the necessary data. Thematic analysis was the analytical techniques used to analyze the data. Ethical considerations were taken into account to ensure the trust and confidentiality of the respondents. The results revealed the positive impact of CMO 39 on higher learning institutions, including increased access to quality higher education for students, improved teaching, learning, research outcomes, and the development of a more inclusive environment. The research revealed that the implementation of the program was successful in terms of increasing student engagement and positive learning outcomes. It also highlighted the importance of teacher involvement in helping to create an effective learning environment for students. This research provides further evidence of the impact of teacher involvement in the successful implementation of educational programs, emphasizing the need for teacher support in order to ensure that students are able to achieve their learning goals

    Teaching effectiveness: Basis for the development of assessment tool

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    Teachers have an important role to play in delivering quality education (SDG4). The quality of teaching that they deliver to students greatly affects them. This participatory action research (PAR) argues that there are gaps that need to be addressed in teaching effectiveness; (a) developing conceptual framework anchoring in common theory that served as a lens of the study, (b) measure it to ensure that students receive quality education and acquire the skills they need for national development, and (c) develop an assessment tool. This research designed a conceptual framework on teaching effectiveness based on the results of the focus group discussions with key informants (bottom-up evaluation) in selected mid-leveladministrators (coordinators), teachers, students, and alumni from selected sectarian higher education institutions. The researchers also developed indicators and identified items to assess teacher effectiveness through an assessment tool. Teaching effectiveness argues that key players i.e., Teacher's Pedagogy, Content, and Knowledge, Learnerโ€™s performance in school, and adaptation of institutions in Outcomes-Based education are important components in a learning organization. The results revealed that the teaching effectiveness is evident in teachers who exhibit pedagogy, content and knowledge, possess good qualities, humanistic and professional approach, adopt and use varied technologies and online applications to facilitate learning, employ life integration in their lessons, anchored on the schoolโ€™s VMGO, program, course outcomes, and activities. It contributes to student learning. This research concludes that the indicators revealed on the PAR must be used for further research specifically in designing an assessment tool in measuring teaching effectiveness

    Comparaciรณn de la respuesta estructural de los mรณdulos B y C de la I. E. Julio Ramรณn Ribeyro considerando y sin considerar la interacciรณn suelo - estructura

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    RESUMEN En Cajamarca la interacciรณn suelo โ€“ estructura no es tomada en cuenta en el anรกlisis y diseรฑo de edificaciones debido a que no estรก considerada en la normativa peruana, ademรกs de contar con poca informaciรณn sobre el tema; sin embargo es importante el estudio de este efecto porque las estructuras no deberรญan aislarse de su base de fundaciรณn debido a que el suelo ayuda a disipar la energรญa liberada por los sismos. Es por esto que la presente investigaciรณn estรก enfocada en un estudio comparativo de la respuesta estructural de los edificios mรณdulo โ€œBโ€ y mรณdulo โ€œCโ€ de la Instituciรณn Educativa Julio Ramรณn Ribeyro considerando y sin considerar la interacciรณn suelo โ€“ estructura. Para el desarrollo de la investigaciรณn se han considerado dos modelos dinรกmicos, el modelo dinรกmico de D. D. Barkan โ€“ O. A. Savinov y el modelo dinรกmico de la Norma Rusa SNIP 2.02.05-87. Los dos modelos dinรกmicos que se desarrollan en la presente investigaciรณn corresponden a las diversas investigaciones publicadas por el Ph. D. Genner Villarreal Castro, donde se refleja su arduo trabajo y gran aporte cientรญfico al campo de la ingenierรญa sรญsmica. Asรญ mismo, las dos edificaciones que se estudiaron son de la categorรญa esencial (NTP E.030, 2006), ademรกs el sistema estructural que presentan son de pรณrticos de concreto armado y la cimentaciรณn es de zapatas conectadas. El modelamiento de ambos edificios fue realizado en el programa ETABS en su versiรณn 2015 teniendo en consideraciรณn los requerimientos dados en el Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. En primera instancia se realizรณ el anรกlisis sรญsmico (anรกlisis estรกtico y dinรกmico espectral) en ambas edificaciones considerando bases empotradas; de dicho anรกlisis se tuvo como resultados periodos de vibraciรณn, derivas de entrepiso y fuerzas internas mรกximas. Del anรกlisis sรญsmico de los edificios con base empotrada se obtuvieron derivas mรกximas de 2.15% para el mรณdulo โ€œBโ€ y de 2.43% para el mรณdulo โ€œCโ€, dichas derivas no cumplieron con lo establecido en la norma sismorresistente E.030 siendo รฉstos edificios muy flexibles lateralmente. Con los datos obtenidos del estudio de mecรกnica de suelos (mรณdulo de elasticidad, coeficiente de Poisson y coeficiente de balasto), se calcularon los coeficientes de rigidez para los modelos dinรกmicos de D. D. Barkan โ€“ O. A. Savinov y la Norma Rusa SNIP 2.02.05-87. Luego se procediรณ al anรกlisis de los edificios considerando la base flexible por ambos modelos dinรกmicos estudiados; obteniendo como resultados periodos de vibraciรณn, derivas de entrepiso y fuerzas internas mรกximas. Cabe indicar que no hay mayor variaciรณn entre los resultados obtenidos con cada uno de los modelos dinรกmicos. Finalmente los resultados obtenidos del anรกlisis de los edificios con base empotrada se compararon con los resultados obtenidos del anรกlisis de los edificios con base flexible, obteniendo como resultado final que el efecto de interacciรณn suelo โ€“ estructura produce que los edificios presenten mejor respuesta estructural siempre y cuando los edificios cumplan con los requerimientos mรญnimos dados en el artรญculo 15.1 de la norma sismorresistente E.030.ABSTRACT In Cajamarca the interaction soil - structure is not taken into account in the analysis and design of buildings because it is not considered in the Peruvian legislation, in addition to little information on the subject; however it is important to study this effect because the structures should not be isolated from its base foundation because the soil helps to dissipate the energy released by earthquakes. That is why this research is focused on a comparative study of the structural response of the module buildings "B" and "C" block of School Julio Ramon Ribeyro considering and not considering the interaction soil - structure. For the development of the research they were considered two dynamic models, the dynamic model of DD Barkan - OA Savinov and the dynamic model of the Russian standard SNIP 2.02.05-87. The two dynamic models developed in this research correspond to various research published by the Ph. D. Castro Villarreal Genner, which reflects their hard work and great scientific contribution to the field of earthquake engineering. Likewise, the two buildings that were studied are the essential category (E.030 NTP, 2006), also having the structural system are reinforced concrete frames and foundation footings is connected. The modeling of both buildings was carried out in the ETABS program in its version 2015, taking into consideration the requirements given in the National Building Regulations. First the seismic analysis (static analysis and dynamic spectral) was performed in both buildings considering recessed base; analysis of the results was taken as periods of vibration, drifts mezzanine and maximum internal forces. Seismic analysis of buildings with ground-based maximum drift of 2.15% for the module "B" and 2.43% for "C" module, these drifts not comply with the provisions of the seismic standard E.030 being these buildings were obtained very flexible laterally. OA Savinov and the Russian standard SNIP 2.02.05-87 - With the data obtained from the study of soil mechanics (elasticity modulus, Poisson's ratio and coefficient of ballast), the stiffness coefficients for dynamic models were calculated DD Barkan. Then he proceeded to the analysis of flexible base buildings considering both studied dynamic models; obtaining as a result of vibration periods, drifts mezzanine and maximum internal forces. It should be noted that there is more variation between the results obtained with each of the dynamic models. Finally the results of the analysis of ground based buildings were compared with the results obtained from analysis of buildings flexible base, obtaining the final result that the interaction effect soil - the buildings structure produces better structural always present and when response buildings meet the minimum requirements given in Article 15.1 of the seismic standard E.030

    Gestiรณn administrativa y atenciรณn en salud mental, Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario San Ramรณn, Provincia de Chanchamayo โ€“ 2022

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    El problema que se ha podido percibir en la bรบsqueda de un tema especรญfico fue a raรญz de los hechos evidentes de trastornos mentales que sufren gran parte de la poblaciรณn no solamente de nuestro paรญs, sino a nivel mundial, debido a efectos del estrรฉs o problemas que se tiene dรญa a dรญa en el quehacer habitual de las personas de todos los grupos etarios; mรกs aรบn como consecuencia de la pandemia que estamos todavรญa soportando; ya que si no son atendidas a tiempo pueden ocasionar una enfermedad mental o devenir comportamiento en actos de violencia afectando a la sociedad; todo ello relacionado a la gestiรณn administrativa de los centros de salud mental creados para atender en forma eficiente y oportuna. En este orden de ideas, el objetivo general establecido para su desarrollo fue, determinar la relaciรณn entre la Gestiรณn Administrativa y la Atenciรณn en Salud Mental, Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario San Ramรณn; La metodologรญa que se ha aplicado fue con el mรฉtodo general cientรญfico y como especรญfico el hipotรฉtico- deductivo; tipo de investigaciรณn aplicada, a nivel correlacional, acorde con el diseรฑo no experimental de corte transversal; para el acopio de informaciรณn de campo fue con la tรฉcnica de la encuesta y el cuestionario como instrumento, habiendo elaborado 18 reactivos, nueve para cada variable; con respuestas de tipo escala Likert; aplicado a 35 colaboradores de la misma entidad. Los resultados obtenidos se plasman en la conclusiรณn general la misma que, se ha determinado que, existe relaciรณn significativa entre la Gestiรณn Administrativa y la Atenciรณn en Salud Mental, Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario San Ramรณn, Provincia de Chanchamayo โ€“ 2022; con coeficiente de correlaciรณn Rho de Spearman de rs = 0.382, positiva baja; p-valor calculado de 0.024 < 0.05. Como principales recomendaciones es a que, a los directivos, funcionarios y personal mรฉdico y administrativo, tengan un mejor desempeรฑo profesional en cuanto a la gestiรณn administrativa para brindar la mayor y mejor atenciรณn a los usuarios del Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario San Ramรณn de la Provincia de Chanchamayo en forma integral; adicionalmente tambiรฉn se recomienda a los investigadores tomar en cuenta los resultados alcanzados sirva como fuente para sus investigaciones futuras en otras realidades

    12-Ethยญoxy-2,3,8,9-tetraยญmethoxyยญbenzo[c]phenanthridine dichloroยญmethane solvate

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    The title compound, C23H23NO5ยทCH2Cl2, was obtained via the alkylยญation of the 12-hydrยญoxy-2,3,8,9-tetraยญmethoxyยญbenzo[c]phenanthridine salt. The benzo[c]phenanthridine ring system is essentially planar, with a mean out-of-plane deviation of 0.026โ€…ร…. A dicloromethane molยญecule of solvation is present and located between the sheets of phenanthridine molยญecules, preventing any significant interยญmolecular hydrogen-bonding or ฯ€โ€“ฯ€ interยญactions
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