1,945 research outputs found

    Integration of Host Plant Resistance and Insecticides in the Control of \u3ci\u3eNephotettix virescens\u3c/i\u3e (Homoptera: Cicadelli-dae), a Vector of Rice Tungro Virus

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    Combined effects of levels of vector resistance and insecticide application in control of rice tungro virus (RTV) were determined in three field tests. Cultivar “IR28,” with high levels of resistance to the vector, Nephotettix virescens (Distant), had low RTV infection in all treatments including the untreated check. In moderately resistant “IR36,” RTV decreased with an increase in level of insecticide but did not decrease to a level equaling the untreated “IR28.” The N. virescens-susceptible cultivar “IR22” had extremely high levels of RTV infection at all insecticide levels. Economic analysis indicated that gross profit and net gain were highest in the N. virescens-resistant “IR28,” intermediate in moderately resistant “IR36,” and lowest in susceptible “IR22.

    A New Satellite Image Map of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)

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    The spectroscopic evolution of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis during its 2011 outburst. II.The optically thin phase and the structure of the ejecta in recurrent novae

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    We continue our study of the physical properties of the recurrent nova T Pyx, focussing on the structure of the ejecta in the nebular stage of expansion during the 2011 outburst. The nova was observed contemporaneously with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), at high resolution spectroscopic resolution (R ~ 65000) on 2011 Oct. 11 and 2012 Apr. 8 (without absolute flux calibration), and with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope, at high resolution (R ~ 30000) on 2011 Oct. 10 and 2012 Mar. 28 (absolute fluxes). We use standard plasma diagnostics (e.g. [O III] and [N II] line ratios and the Hβ\beta line fluxes) to constrain electron densities and temperatures. Using Monte Carlo modeling of the ejecta, we derive the structure and filling factor from comparisons to the optical and ultraviolet line profiles. The ejecta can be modeled using an axisymmetric conical -- bipolar -- geometry with a low inclination of the axis to the line of sight, i=15+/-5 degrees, compatible with published results from high angular resolution optical spectro-interferometry. The structure is similar to that observed in the other short orbital period recurrent novae during their nebular stages. We show that the electron density scales as t3t^{-3} as expected from a ballistically ejected constant mass shell; there is no need to invoke a continuing mass outflow following the eruption. The derived mass for the ejecta with filling factor f ~ 3%, M_ej ~ 2E-6$M_sun is similar to that obtained for other recurrent nova ejecta but inconsistent with the previously reported extended optically thick epoch of the explosion. We suggest that the system underwent a common envelope phase following the explosion that produced the recombination event. Implications for the dynamics of the recurrent novae are discussed. (truncated)Comment: accepted for publication in A&A (10 Nov. 2012), 10 pgs, 16 fig

    Aging and Rejuvenation with Fractional Derivatives

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    We discuss a dynamic procedure that makes the fractional derivatives emerge in the time asymptotic limit of non-Poisson processes. We find that two-state fluctuations, with an inverse power-law distribution of waiting times, finite first moment and divergent second moment, namely with the power index mu in the interval 2<mu <3, yields a generalized master equation equivalent to the sum of an ordinary Markov contribution and of a fractional derivative term. We show that the order of the fractional derivative depends on the age of the process under study. If the system is infinitely old, the order of the fractional derivative, ord, is given by ord=3-mu . A brand new system is characterized by the degree ord=mu -2. If the system is prepared at time -ta<0$ and the observation begins at time t=0, we derive the following scenario. For times 0<t<<ta the system is satisfactorily described by the fractional derivative with ord=3-mu . Upon time increase the system undergoes a rejuvenation process that in the time limit t>>ta yields ord=mu -2. The intermediate time regime is probably incompatible with a picture based on fractional derivatives, or, at least, with a mono-order fractional derivative.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Biologia reprodutiva de Rourea induta Planch. (Connaraceae), uma espécie heterostílica de cerrado do Brasil Central.

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    (Biologia reprodutiva de Rourea induta Planch. (Connaraceae), uma espécie heterostílica de cerrado do Brasil Central). A heterostilia é um polimorfismo floral geralmente associado a sistemas genéticos de intramorfo incompatibilidade. Nós avaliamos aspectos reprodutivos da heterostilia de uma população de Rourea induta Planch. em uma área de cerrado de Brasília, DF. Foram conduzidos estudos sobre sua biologia floral, sistema reprodutivo, produção e maturação de frutos, germinação de sementes, fenologia reprodutiva e visitantes florais. As flores são pequenas (11 mm de diâmetro), com morfologia simples e possuem dois grupos de cinco estames de comprimentos diferentes e cinco pistilos. O comprimento médio de estames e pistilos diferiu significativamente entre o morfo brevistilo e o longistilo. No entanto, não houve hercogamia recíproca completa entre os dois morfos florais. Os dois morfos são intramorfo incompatíveis, mas o morfo brevistilo é completamente auto-incompatível enquanto o longistilo é parcialmente autocompatível. Apesar das diferenças na morfologia floral e no sistema reprodutivo entre os morfos, estes apresentam igual sucesso reprodutivo em condições naturais, uma vez que a produção e a maturação de frutos por planta e a taxa de germinação das sementes não diferiram significativamente. A população de R. induta apresentou floração tipo “pulsed bang” com alta sincronia intra-individual e inter-individual de floração. Grande variedade de insetos, principalmente pequenas abelhas sociais, foi observada visitando as flores. Nossos resultados sugerem que a auto-incompatibilidade parcial, a incompatibilidade intramorfo e as diferenças nas alturas dos verticilos reprodutivos entre os dois morfos reduzem os níveis de autogamia em R. induta. Em última análise, a maior produção de frutos por polinização intermorfo, promoveu a razão isoplética na população estudada e indicou que R. induta é dependente dos polinizadores para a reprodução sexuada

    TiO2-Photocatalyzed degradation of phenol in saline media in an annular reactor: hydrodynamics, lumped kinetics, intermediates, and acute toxicity

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    The photocatalytic degradation of phenol in aqueous suspensions of TiO2 under different salt concentrations in an annular reactor has been investigated. In all cases, complete removal of phenol and mineralization degrees above 90% were achieved. The reactor operational parameters were optimized and its hydrodynamics characterized in order to couple mass balance equations with kinetic ones. The photodegradation of the organics followed a Langmuir-Hinshelwood-Hougen-Watson lumped kinetics. From GC/MS analyses, several intermediates formed during oxidation have been identified. The main ones were catechol, hydroquinone, and 3-phenyl-2-propenal, in this order. The formation of negligible concentrations of 4-chlorophenol was observed only in high salinity medium. Acute toxicity was determined by using Artemia sp. as the test organism, which indicated that intermediate products were all less toxic than phenol and a significant abatement of the overall toxicity was accomplished, regardless of the salt concentration.(FAPERJ) Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de JaneiroFUJBCNPqPADC

    O programa nacional de fortalecimento da agricultura familiar no Brasil: uma análise sobre a distribuição regional e setorial dos recursos.

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    No Brasil, as políticas públicas para o espaço rural sempre tenderam a priorizar a agricultura patronal, em detrimento dos agricultores familiares. Todavia, os estudos realizados pelos órgãos FAO - INCRA deram subsídio para a criação do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF), resultando em um novo direcionamento dos investimentos públicos, os quais passaram a contemplar o segmento dos agricultores familiares. Entende-se o PRONAF como uma política não-compensatória, que, apesar de seus problemas, tem contribuído de fato para mudanças e melhorias no espaço agrário brasileiro. Desde sua criação no final da década de 1990, o PRONAF passou por várias mudanças em sua estrutura administrativa e operacional, a fim de alcançar seus objetivos e adequar-se face a complexa realidade social agrária brasileira. Sendo assim, o presente estudo visa discutir as ações do Estado por meio desse Programa, a partir de suas linhas de atuação, bem como analisar a distribuição de suas concessões de crédito regional e setorialmente. Assim, os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados para a realização deste trabalho compreendem pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, além de pesquisa em fontes secundárias, no intuito de obter dados e informações relevantes para a análise das relações sociais estabelecidas em meio a esse processo de concretização e espacialização desse Programa. Dentre as implicações do PRONAF pode-se notar em âmbito nacional, uma diminuição da disparidade regional brasileira, bem como a preocupação que o Programa tem demonstrado com os aspectos socioculturais locais e regionais, como forma de garantir que seus investimentos perpassem a dimensão econômica, mas valorize outras dimensões, a exemplo dos elementos culturais

    Ground- and excited-state electronic structure of an iron-containing molecular spin photoswitch

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    The electronic structure of the cation of [Fe(ptz)(6)](BF4)(2), a prototype of a class of complexes that display light-induced excited-state spin trapping (LIESST), has been investigated by time-independent and time-dependent density-functional theories. The density of states of the singlet ground state reveals that the highest occupied orbitals are metal centered and give rise to a low spin configuration Fe2+(3d(xy)(up arrow down arrow)3d(xz)(up arrow down arrow)3d(yz)(up arrow down arrow)) in agreement with experiment. Upon excitation with light in the 2.3-3.3 eV range, metal-centered spin-allowed but parity-forbidden ligand field (LF) antibonding states are populated which, in conjunction with electron-phonon coupling, explain the experimental absorption intensities. The computed excitation energies are in excellent agreement with experiment. Contrary to simpler models we show that the LF absorption bands, which are important for LIESST, do not originate in transitions from the ground to a single excited state but from transitions to manifolds of nearly degenerate excited singlets. Consistent with crystallography, population of the LF states promotes a drastic dilation of the ligand cage surrounding the iron. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics