34 research outputs found

    Phyllobaeis Kalb & Gierl (Baeomycetaceae, Ascomycota) in Southern Brazil

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    Phyllobaeis is mainly a Neotropical genus and contains six species. It has a squamulose primary thallus (except for one species with crustose primary thallus), stipitate podetia, and simple or 1-septate hyaline, ovoid to fusiform ascospores. The species occur mainly on soil in altitudes of 700 to 4,400 m. In Brazil three species are known, recorded mainly from the southeast. The aim of this work is contributing to the knowledge of the distribution of Phyllobaeis in Brazil. We studied specimens from southern Brazil. The morphological, anatomical and chemical analyses follow standard lichenological protocols. We found two species in southern Brazil: Phyllobaeis erythrella, which is the first record to Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul states; and P. rubescens, which is the first record to Paraná and Santa Catarina states. Both occur in environments on the plateau, as well as in high-grasslands, between 700 to 1400 m altitude. A distribution map in Brazil, descriptions, figures and a key to the species of Phyllobaeis are given

    Catillaria, Cladonia, Strigula, and Cresporhaphis species new to Turkey and Asia

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    WOS: 000287379500040Four species of lichen-forming fungi - Catillaria atomarioides, Cladonia cyathomorpha, Strigula brevis, Cresporhaphis wienkampii - are reported as new to Turkey and Asia

    New Bacidia, Opegrapha, and Rhizocarpon records for Turkey and Asia

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    WOS: 000383848200012Bacidia herbarum, Opegrapha dolomitica, Opegrapha saxigena, and Rhizocarpon ridescens are newly recorded from Turkey. Opegrapha dolomitica and O. saxigena also represent new lichen records for Asia. Brief descriptions are provided for each species

    Carbonea, Gregorella, Porpidia, Protomicarea, Rinodina, Solenopsora, and Thelenella lichen species new to Turkey

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    WOS: 000295683300016Seven species of lichenized fungi (Carbonea vorticosa, Gregorella humida, Porpidia tuberculosa, Protomicarea limosa, Rinodina turfacea, Solenopsora holophaea, and Thelenella modesta) are new to Turkey. Gregorella humida is also new to Asia. For each a short description is presented

    Bacidia, Micarea, Sagedia, and Stigmidium species new to Turkey

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    WOS: 000401891900023During lichenological exploration in Turkey, two lichenised fungi (Micarea micrococca, Sagedia zonata) and one lichenicolous fungus (Stigmidium microspilum) were established as new records for Asia, and one lichenised fungus (Bacidia chloroticula) as new for Turkey. Illustrations are accompanied by brief descriptions and comments on habitat, substrate, and geographical distribution

    Five lichens new to Turkey

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    WOS: 000247008400004Five species of lichenized fungi - Arthonia didyma, Arthopyrenia cinereopruinosa, Arthopyrenia salicis, Lecania cyrtellina and Opegrapha niveoatra - are new to Turkey. The latter two are also new to Asia. For each, a short description is presented

    Caliciales, Graphidales and Teloschistales.

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