78 research outputs found
Perancangan Palopo Civic Learning Center Di Kota Palopo
Library in Palopo, South of Sulawesi in general builded by government that looking for information and gives knowledge and kind of services that must have general character. In other word it provides some of information and give services to all People in Palopo. So, Library Interior Design has important thing in library design development. But, just a few library that willing to collect the fund for interior design development, much of them move to additional collection. When a good interior design , cause the library visitor feels comfortable, safe and productive
Hidrosefalus Pada Anak
Hydrocephalus is a common clinical problem found in pediatric neurosurgical practice. This condition involves dilatation of cerebral ventricular system due to various etiologies. It is classified into two conditions, communicative and obstruction type. Various etiologies cause different clinical features and need different modality of treatments. Ventriculoperitoneal shunt is the gold standard of treatment, but Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy is considered as a treatment of choice nowadays. This article concerns all aspect of this condition: epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, simptoms and clinical findings, treatment, and prognosis
Persepsi Siswa Terhadap Pelayanan Sirkulasi Di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 4 Kota Ternate
The library has a very important meaning to the intellectual life of the nation in accordance with paragraph 4 of the opening of the constitution of 1945. The presence of libraries in each educational unit in the formal education is a necessity to function as a source of information on teaching and learning activities. Whether or not a library, is closely related to how the circulation of services provided to users. Services circulation is one of the first library services directly related to library users.Library SMAN 4 of Ternate in the business, to support their parent institutions in achieving the goal of providing various kinds of services kapada educators and students including circulation services. Circulation services include a variety of activities, namely lending and pegembalian collection, determining fines, the maintenance of a library membership and billing collection is past time limit borrowing.From the research results obtained by the students of SMAN 4 Ternate only occasionally emnggunakan circulation services, and assume that the system has good circulation. 26.6% were satisfied with the service circulation, 33.3% feel quite complete library collection, 40% still having trouble finding the collections, and 46% said the service was very helpful in finding the circulation of library collections.Expected circulation services can better help the students to find a collection that is needed in the library so that the means of retrieval should be considered
Correlation of Expression Transforming Growth Factor-β1, E-cadherin, and Ki-67 in Meningiomas
BACKGROUND: Meningioma is the most common primary intracranial tumors in adults, accounts for 36% of total intracranial tumors. Obtaining the clinicopathological characteristics of patients with meningioma and investigating, the association between signaling pathways with disease progression could provide a basis for therapeutic development.AIM: This study aims to investigate the expression of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1), E-cadherin, and Ki-67 in meningiomas.MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study examined the expression levels of E-cadherin, Ki-67, and TGF-β1 with respect to the WHO grade in patients with meningioma. A total of 62 meningioma samples were analyzed. By the WHO criteria, 54 specimens were diagnosed as the WHO Grade 1, 6 as Grade 2, and 2 as Grade 3. Grade 1 was classified as low-grade meningioma, while Grade 2 and Grade 3 were classified as high-grade meningioma (HGM).RESULTS: In this study, the mean age diagnosis was 41.97 ± 9.79 years old, with female: male ratio of 8:1. There was no association between age, sex, and tumor location with the progression of meningioma. Immune-characterization revealed that HGM was associated with the higher number of Ki-67+ cells (p < 0.0001) and lower expression of TGF-β1 and E-cadherin (p < 0.001). The number of Ki-67+ cells was inversely correlated with TGF-β1 and E-cadherin (p < 0.05). TGF-β1 expression was positively correlated with E-cadherin expression (p < 0.0001).CONCLUSION: This study concluded that HGM was highly proliferative (high Ki-67+) and invasive (low E-cadherin), with dysregulated TGF-β1 signaling. In addition, younger age at diagnosis and high female: male ratio in our series suggests that Indonesian females might possess specific risk factors for having meningioma
Applications Research-based Learning Environment Education Course For Writing Scientific
The purpose of this study to explain applications research-based learning in educational environment for scientific writing majors social studies department. This study uses a quasi-experimental design with two groups of experimental classes and control classes. The results showed the significant value of 0.002 t-test (<0.05). This means that there is the influence of research-based learning applications on students\u27 ability to write scientific subjects of environmental education with the study of carrying capacity. Four indicators were biggest increase in the introduction, literature review, methods, and the results and discussion
Psikologi anak adalah cabang psikologi yang mempelajari perubahan dan perkembangan struktur jasmani, prilaku, dan fungsi mental manusia yang dimulai sejak terbentuknya makhluk pembuahan hingga menjelang mati. Psikologi anak mempelajari perkembangan kejiwaan usia anak-anak. Psikologi anak sebagai pengetahuan yang mempelajari persamaan dan perbedaan fungsi-fungsi psikologi sepanjang hidup.
Percereaian dalam istilah fiqih disebut “talak” yang berarti membuka ikatan, membatalkan perjanjian. Perceraian dalam istilah fiqih juga sering disebut “furqah” yang artinya bercerai, yaitu lawan dari berkumpul. Kemudian kedua istilah itu digunakan oleh para ahli fiqih sebagai satu istilah yang berarti perceraian suami istri.
Kasus perceraian yang terjadi dikalangan artis, seakan mengesahkan perceraian sebagai suatu hal yang biasa dan mereka menganggap kesakralan perkawinan sudah tidak lagi bermakna. Dampak perceraian yang paling parah dirasakan berdampak bagi anak-anak mereka. Di Perumdam 2 Tanjung Raya Permai dari tahun ke tahun naik turun tingkat perceraiannya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan (field research) yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan dalam kehidupan sebenarnya. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan metode berfikir deduktif. Penentuan sampel dalam penelitian ini teknik purposive sampling adalah salah satu teknik dengan cara menetapkan ciri-ciri khusus yang sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian sehingga diharapkan dapat menjawab permasalahan penelitian, yang ada di Prumdam 2 Tanjung Raya Permai jumlah responden terdapat 8 orang yang bercerai diambil 4 sampel. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan meliputi inteview, observasi, dan dokumentasi.
Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu mengenai faktor yang melatar belakangi perceraian di Perumdam 2 Tanjung Raya Permai sebagian besar disebabkan faktor ekonomi dan perselingkuhan. Perceraian tersebut ternyata membawa dampak terhadap psikologi anak seperti perubahan sikap dan prilaku. Anak tersebut sering marah, malu, minder dan lain sebagainya. Dalam hal kebutuhan hidup anak tersebut mengalami kesulitan. Karena biaya hidup yang biasanya ditanggung dua orang sekarang beralih menjadi satu orang saja. Dalam hal pendidikannya anak juga mengalami kesulitan, karena anak yang biasanya didorong, diarahkan, disemangati oleh kedua orang tuanya sekarang tidak ada yang menyemangati sebab orang tuanya sibuk bekerja. Akibatnya anak akan menjadi malas belajar dan perkembangan psikologinya terganggu.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa faktor penyebab perceraian yang ada di Perumdam 2 Tanjung Raya Permai adalah karena masalah ekonomi, dari populasi 1620 KK, dari jumlah warga yang bercerai 8 KK (0,5%) diambil 4 sampel anak yang berusia 6-12 tahun, dan rata-rata umur ibu-ibu yang bercerai 30-36 tahun di kua 75% kebanyakan karena faktor ekonomi, adanya perselingkuhan yang dilakukan oleh suami. Perceraian tersebut juga membawa dampak terhadap perkembangan psikologi dan ekonomi anak
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