2 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Upaya Preventif Retensi Personel Rangka Pengendalian Kasus Pemberhentian Tidak Dengan Hormat (PTDH) pada Kepolisian Republik Indonesia

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    This study is important to be carried out in the context of the Indonesian National Police (POLRI). This study analysis the mapping of preventive employee retention efforts that have been carried out by the Indonesian National Police in tackling PTDH. This research uses a post-positivist research paradigm. Data were collected using in-depth interviews and a literature study. The results of the study are, first, preventive efforts, namely the superiors to always check the condition of members from the physical, daily to the psychological side of members. Second, repressive efforts, namely by giving punishments that can deter violators and increase supervision of members. Third, a solution effort is to look for reasons why members do a dissertion and find relevant solution. Based on the results, the efforts of POLRI employee retention in tackling PTDH are considered not optimal, so innovation is needed. One of them is by providing the official home infrastructure with the smart home concept. The implications of this research are expected to provide improvements in terms of existing retention management so as to increase the retention of POLRI membership


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    Sejak tahun 2017 di POLRI terdapat peningkatan kasus PTDH secara signifikan yang disebabkan adanya keterlibatan anggota polisi pada kasus penggunaan narkoba, desersi pelanggaran disiplin, korupsi  perzinahan maupun kekerasan dalam rumah tangga. Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi employee retention pada POLRI.  Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2021. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Teknik pengambilan data menggunaan teknik survei dengan jumlah sampel 80 personel Polri yang mengalami kasus PTDH  dan personal yang sedang menjalani sidang Komisi Kote Etik Polri, dengan lokasi penelitian di Mabes Polri. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda, dengan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji signifikansi t (uji parsial). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komponen organisasi, peluang karir, penghargaan, rancangan tugas dan pekerjaan, dan hubungan anggota terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap employee retention. Pemahaman tentang faktor yang mempengaruhi ritensi personel akan berimplikasi pada strategi pengelolaan personil sehingga diharapkan menurunkan Kasus Pemberhentian Tidak Dengan Hormat (PTDH) di tubuh Polri.Abstract : Since 2017 in the POLRI there has been an increase in PTDH cases caused by the involvement of members in narcotics cases, desertion, disciplinary violations, adultery corruption and domestic violence. The research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the factors that influence employee retention in the Indonesian National Police. This research was conducted in 2021. The research method used quantitative methods. The data collection technique used a survey technique with a sample of 80 Polri personnel who experienced PTDH cases and personal who were undergoing a trial of the National Police Code of Ethics, at Polri Headquarters. Data analysis was performed using multiple linear regression analysis, with hypothesis testing using the t significance test (partial test). The results showed that organizational components, career opportunities, rewards, task and job design, and member relationships proved to have a significant effect on employee retention. An understanding of the factors that affect personnel retention will have implications for personnel management strategies so that it is expected to reduce Cases of Disrespectful Dismissal (PTDH)