14 research outputs found

    Juridical Review of the Role of Society Against Sexual Crimes of Minors Through Gadgets Based on Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions

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    Human rights in Indonesia are highly respected, where children's rights are included and marked by the guarantee of protection and fulfillment of children's rights in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and several laws and regulations. One of the important rights that children should have is the right to get legal protection, where rights are given to children who experience abuse, exploitation, crime/violence, child trafficking, neglect, children living in conflict-prone areas, vulnerable to disasters and other laws. In 2019, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA) recorded 6,454 children being victims of sexual violence. This number increased in 2020 by 8.14 percent. Then in 2021, the increase will be 25.07 percent. The Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (Kemen PPPA) received 10,727 reports of cases of violence against women and children. As many as 11,604 people become victims of sexual violence in 2022, namely 56.5 percent of children become victims. What is the role of the community towards sexual crimes of minors through gadgets based on law number 19 of 2016 concerning information and electronic transactions in reducing sexual crimes. Sexual crime is a crime that is quite high in Indonesia which causes trauma, depression and death. The legal research methodology used is normative legal research or library research. Based on this theory of legal protection, the authors analyze that the use of gadgets by children is mostly uncontrolled. So that it is easier for children to access websites related to sexuality. Because minors are people who are not competent in law, the use of gadgets must be supervised by parents so that they are not used as an example by minors. This is where the role of the government is to be able to block games related to sex, then there are videos like on social media that should be blocked. In addition, the community must be educated about the dangers of using gadgets for the future of children, but on the other hand, there are also positive impacts. The author analyzes that the role of the community is very influential in reducing the number of sexual crimes against minors, because the community has direct contractors, especially parents, relatives and the closest environment who have minors but are required to use gadgets for school purposes, given the changing times and increasingly sophisticated technology

    Study on Optimization of Law Number 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat in Bengkulu City in Giving Productive Zakat

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    Effectiveness in increasing the amount of zakat, infaq and alms, BAZNAS's efforts in collecting are socialization to the community, so that people are aware of paying their ZIS. Then to be more effective, BAZNAS coordinates with UPZs in Bengkulu to help disseminate information to colleagues and the surrounding community to raise their awareness of paying ZIS to develop the economy of people who need it, especially people who want to try to improve the economy. This research uses field research (field research) using qualitative descriptive methods. Descriptive research to analyze the data that the authors have obtained, the authors use a comparative analysis method, namely research that aims to compare systematically, factually, and accurately about facts, situations or events that exist in the field

    Legal Protection for Owner Fishermen and Cultivating Fishermen in Fishery Product Sharing Agreements (Study of the Fisherman Community of Malabero Village, Bengkulu City)

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    Indonesia as an archipelagic country, the existence of fish resources contained in Indonesian waters is quite large, both in terms of quality and various types that can be managed and utilized for the benefit of the nation and state, especially society as a whole. Based on Law Number 16 of 1964 concerning the System for Production Sharing Patterns, cultivator fishermen in marine fisheries will get a share of 75% of the net output if a sailboat is used and 40% if a motor boat is used. This study aims to determine the form of fishery production sharing agreements between owner fishermen and working fishermen in the Malabero fishing community in Bengkulu City, to find out how the profit sharing system is implemented by the Malabero fishing community in Bengkulu City, and to find out how legal protection is for owner fishermen and fishermen. cultivators in a fishery production sharing system. The research method used is empirical and normative. The empirical approach is research conducted by analyzing problems by combining legal materials which are a group of secondary data and combined with primary data obtained in the field. The practice of profit sharing that occurs in the fishing community of Malabero village, Bengkulu City has occurred based on local customs or has been passed down from generation to generation and is a local wisdom carried out by pledging a profit sharing agreement in the form of speech / oral without any written evidence and only attended by a few witnesses Usually, the fishery product sharing carried out by the fishing community of Malabero village, Bengkulu City, the owner fisherman will get a share of 50% of the net result and the cultivator fishermen will get a share of 10% of the net result after the ship departure costs are issued. This explanation is based on fishing gear in the form of net, while fishing gear in the form of owner's trawl will get 50% share and cultivator fishermen will get a share of 25% of the net proceeds after the ship departure costs are incurred. Therefore, it is necessary to have a form of fishery production sharing agreement between owner fishermen and cultivator fishermen which is more legally proven, and there is a need for regulations that can protect fishermen in terms of fishery production sharing patterns, especially for small (traditional) fishermen

    Communication Strategy of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) in Overcoming Drug Users in Bengkulu City

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    The purpose of this study was to determine various kinds of developments both in form and substance. In ancient times, drugs were only limited to opium and marijuana (natural), but the impact of the development of science and technology has also developed from the substance and form of drugs by conducting chemical studies by chemists who are used by drug manufacturers. to produce drugs to be more developed and varied so that they can benefit the perpetrators. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research, so that it can be described systematically about a situation, situation, and phenomenon, about the communication strategy of the National Narcotics Agency in tackling drug abuse in Bengkulu. The Bengkulu National Narcotics Agency does not have a specific strategy in conveying communication about the dangers of this drug, but when the researchers conducted interviews there were people who were reluctant to cooperate in eradicating this drug trafficking, even people who were addicted were reluctant to report and were reluctant to be rehabilitated by the National Narcotics Agency. Bengkulu, even though the aim of the Bengkulu National Narcotics Agency is very good to help the dependent

    Legality of Appointment of Village Apparatus according to Article 49 Paragraph (2) of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages in Ujung Padang Village, Alas Maras Subdistrict, Seluma Regency

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the procedures for the appointment of old village officials and new village officials in the village of Ujung Padang and to find out the validity of the appointment of old and new village officials in the village of Ujung Padang in terms of Law Number 6 of 2014. The research method in this paper is the method Qualitative research is research that refers to the legal norms contained in legislation and court decisions as well as norms that live and develop in society. Based on the results of an interview with the Ujung Padang Village Head on July 5, 2022, he explained that, "If we talk about the mechanism for the appointment of village officials, of course the appointment of new and old Village officials is based on the law (Law number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages). ). Only the appointment of the Lamo Village Apparatus used to be filled with direct appointments by the Village Head and in consultation with the Camat, for the appointment of the New Village Apparatus I carried out the Undnag-Undnag Mandate Number 6 of 2014 and the Seluma Regional Government Number 7 of 2016 regarding Village Apparatus. Fill it out through a screening and screening mechanism, selection of prospective candidates, and a written test. After getting the results of the selection then communicated with the Camat on behalf of the Regent. If we talk about the legal legitimacy of the official Village apparatus, both the old and the new, it is certainly not our domain to determine the legal person, and the one who is nedo is legal. That is the realm of the State Administrative Court, which can determine you.

    Effectiveness of Regional Regulation of Livestock Number 19 of 2007 concerning Maintenance and Control of Livestock (Study of Lawang Agung Village, Seluma Regency)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Regional Regulation of Livestock Animals No. 19 of 2007 concerning the Maintenance and Control of Livestock. The research method used is Empirical Research, which is a legal research method that uses empirical facts taken from human behavior, both verbal behavior obtained from interviews and real behavior through direct observation. Empirical research is also used to observe the results of human behavior in the form of physical relics and archives. The effectiveness of the supervision of the Regional Regulation Number 19 of 2007 concerning the Maintenance and Control of Livestock is considered successful. Lack of public awareness in maintaining order in raising livestock

    Study of the Legalization of Children Outside of Marriage in the Perspective of the Marriage Law Number 16 of 2019 and Legislation

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    The objectives of this research are: 1. To find out the legalization of children outside of marriage in the perspective of the Marriage Law Number 16 of 2019 and laws and regulations? 2.To find out and explain the Legalization of a Child Out of Marriage in the Perspective of the Marriage Law Number 16 of 2019 and Legislation? This type of research is normative through library research by tracing various rules related to research, reviewed From various literature, journals, books and judges' decisions which are important study guidelines in this study, this research technique is in the form of collecting data or analyzing research that has been used by previous researchers. Research results 1. Legalization of children outside of marriage in the perspective of the Marriage Law No. 16 of 2019 and statutory regulations. An endorsement must be preceded by an acknowledgment. Likewise with the letter of ratification of a child out of wedlock, it must be preceded by an acknowledgment from both parents. A letter of authorization for a child out of wedlock is a legal tool (rechts middle) to give the child the position (status) as a legitimate child. As a result of the recognition of a child out of wedlock, namely the emergence of a civil relationship between the child and the father or mother who recognizes it. With the emergence of this Civil relationship, the status of children out of wedlock changes to those of children out of wedlock who have been recognized, their position is far better than children out of wedlock who are not recognized. 2. Implementation of Legalization of Children Outside of Marriage in the Perspective of the Marriage Law Number 16 of 2019 and Legislation it applies the provisions of the same law, as if the child was born in a marriage, which means that the child has the same position as children born throughout the marriage. These children obtain the status of legal children, not only to their parents but to the parents' relatives

    The Role of Society towards Incest Crime Prevention Based on Social Control Theory

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    Criminal law policy regulates the crime of incest, crime is a social phenomenon that has developed in society since ancient times until now. The crime of incest is a sexual relationship committed by two people who are still in a relationship or blood relationship or marriage. The legal research method used, which is normative-empirical, is basically a combination of a normative legal approach with the addition of various empirical elements. The crime of incest, a crime that often occurs but many are not made public. Here the researcher states that incestuous crime requires an important role from society by using social control theory. Control theory refers to any perspective that discusses controlling human behavior, the object (target) of social control. Judging from the number of incest cases, it turns out that the community or family members of victims of incest crimes are still unwilling or afraid to report this crime because they feel ashamed/disgraced so that this crime is not entirely processed legally. In the theory of social control, it is also necessary to understand or socialize the law against the crime of incest

    Pengawasan Terhadap Mantan Narapidana Kasus Kekerasan Seksual Pada Anak Studi Kasus Di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong

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    Sexual crime is a crime that is quite high in Indonesia which causes trauma, depression and death. A similar case which was quite shocking also occurred before in 2016, the murder and rape of a 14 year old girl by 14 perpetrators in Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu. Based on the facts of the cases mentioned, acts of sexual violence against children may be committed by anyone, anywhere, with any mode or motive and in any scope. Based on the description that has been described, the authors formulate the problem, namely how the supervision is carried out by government officials and law enforcement against ex-convicts who commit sexual violence against children in Rejang Lebong Regency. The legal research method used, namely normative-empirical, is basically a combination of normative legal approaches with the addition of various empirical elements. Supervision is needed for ex-convicts in cases of sexual violence against children. Until now, there has not been found any systematic supervision of ex-convicts in cases of sexual violence against children in Rejang Lebong Regency, especially for perpetrators who have blood ties to the victims such as the victims' fathers, brothers, uncles and grandfathers. Supervision of ex-convicts in cases of sexual violence against children is important as an effort to prevent repetition of cases. Then considering the psychological condition of victims and perpetrators of crime, this supervision has an urgency to carry out.Kejahatan seksual merupakan kejahatan yang cukup tinggi di indonesia yang menyebabkan trauma, depresi hingga kematian. Kasus serupa yang cukup menggemparkan juga terjadi sebelumnya pada tahun 2016, pembunuhan dan pemerkosaan gadis 14 tahun oleh 14 pelaku di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu. Berdasarkan fakta kasus yang telah disebutkan, tindak kekerasan seksual pada anak berkemungkinan dilakukan oleh siapapun, dimanapun, dengan modus atau motif dan dalam lingkup apapun. Berdasarkan uraian yang telah dijabarkan, penulis merumuskan masalah yaitu bagaimana pengawasan yang dilakukan oleh aparatur pemerintah dan penegak hukum terhadap mantan narapidana yang melakukan kekerasan seksual pada anak di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Metode penelitian hukum yang digunakan yaitu normatif-empiris ini pada dasarnya ialah penggabungan antara pendekatan hukum normatif dengan adanya penambahan dari berbagai unsur-unsur empiris. Diperlukan pengawasan terhadap mantan narapidana kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak. Hingga saat ini belum ditemukan adanya sistematika pengawasan terhadap mantan narapidana kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong terutama bagi pelaku kejahatan yang memiliki ikatan darah terhadap korban seperti ayah, kakak, paman, dan kakek korban. Pelaksanaan pengawasan terhadap mantan narapidana kasus kekerasan seksual pada anak penting untuk dilakukan sebagai upaya pencegahan terhadap repetisi kasus. Kemudian mengingat kondisi psikologis korban dan pelaku kejahatan, pengawasan ini memiliki urgensitas untuk dilakukan

    Implementation of Regional Regulation No. 8/2017 on Investment in Increasing Regional Investment in Bengkulu Province

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    This thesis research aims to examine and analyze the implementation of PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in Increasing Regional Investment in Bengkulu Province and to examine and analyze what efforts can be made in optimizing PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in Increasing Regional Investment in Bengkulu Province. The method used is empirical and the results of this study indicate that the implementation of PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in increasing regional investment in Bengkulu Province has not gone well, this is due to several factors including: a. There are still unclear arrangements in PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment and there are still several articles that overlap; b. Not yet supported by arrangements that should be outlined by the relevant Pergub; c. Convoluted and unclear flow and changes in rules that can hinder processing and extend investment licensing time; d. Not many human resources who have not mastered the evaluation of investment licensing; e. There is a lack of understanding of the evaluation of investment licensing. There are not many human resources who have not mastered the evaluation and licensing process, especially in the field of mining and transportation of mining products. The efforts made by the government in optimizing PERDA Number 8 of 2017 concerning Investment in increasing regional investment in Bengkulu Province have not run optimally and optimally, this is due to two factors including: internal factors and external factors