25 research outputs found


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    We explore the influence of a neutral cheap talk script in three typical scenarios used in the CV literature devoted to the valuation of air pollution effects. We show that cheap talk has a differentiated effect depending on the scenario implemented. It decreases protest responses with no effect on WTP values in the scenario based on a new drug. When a move to a less polluted city is involved, it has no effect on protest responses but decreases WTP values. Surprisingly, cheap talk increases protest responses but decreases WTP values when new regional air pollution regulations are at stake.Willingness to pay ; contingent valuation ; cheap talk ; context ; field experiment ; air pollution

    Willingness to Pay of Committed Citizens: A Field Experiment

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    In this paper, we propose a behavioural approach to determine the extent to which the consumer/citizen distinction affects interpretations of monetary values. We perform a field experiment dealing with air pollution, where some (randomly selected) subjects are given the opportunity to behave politically by signing a petition for environmental protection prior to stating their private preferences in a standard contingent valuation exercise. We show that the petition has the potential to influence respondents' willingness to pay and that whether the effect is negative or positive depends on the degree of (dis)similarity between the petition and the scenario in which willingness to pay are elicited. We interpret the results using the theory of commitment borrowed from social psychology.Field Experiment, Citizen, Consumer, Contingent Valuation, Willingness to pay, Commitment, Air Pollution

    Structure des taux d’intérêt et consommation

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    Sous l’hypothèse de prévisions parfaites et en horizon infini, nous proposons un modèle des choix de consommation d’un agent représentatif dont le revenu, à chaque période, se compose de son salaire et du rendement du stock d’actifs qu’il détient. Une partie de sa consommation est financée par la monnaie et le solde éventuel par un crédit à la consommation. Nous montrons que l’agent peut faire appel au crédit alors qu’il détient des actifs dont le rendement est inférieur au taux d’emprunt. Nous mettons en évidence l’effet positif sur la consommation. Ce résultat est confirmé par une étude empirique portant sur des données trimestrielles françaises


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    We explore the influence of a neutral cheap talk script in three typical scenarios used in the CV literature devoted to the valuation of air pollution effects. We show that cheap talk has a differentiated effect depending on the scenario implemented. It decreases protest responses with no effect on WTP values in the scenario based on a new drug. When a move to a less polluted city is involved, it has no effect on protest responses but decreases WTP values. Surprisingly, cheap talk increases protest responses but decreases WTP values when new regional air pollution regulations are at stake

    Willingness to Pay of Committed Citizens: A Field Experiment

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    In this paper, we propose a behavioural approach to determine the extent to which the consumer/citizen distinction affects interpretations of monetary values. We perform a field experiment dealing with air pollution, where some (randomly selected) subjects are given the opportunity to behave politically by signing a petition for environmental protection prior to stating their private preferences in a standard contingent valuation exercise. We show that the petition has the potential to influence respondents' willingness to pay and that whether the effect is negative or positive depends on the degree of (dis)similarity between the petition and the scenario in which willingness to pay are elicited. We interpret the results using the theory of commitment borrowed from social psychology

    Heterogeneous anchoring and the shift effect in iterative valuation questions

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    In this article, we consider starting point bias as a heterogeneous phenomenon, that is, respondents in CV surveys do not anchor in the sameway. We study the consequences of a mistaken assumption of homogeneous anchoring for the analysis of the shift effect in multiple-bounded dichotomous choice format, when respondents really have heterogeneous anchoring. We show that the shift effect, generally interpreted as incentive incompatibility or “yea”-saying, can be the spurious outcome of disregarded heterogeneous anchoring

    Consommation privée, dette publique et structure à terme des taux d'intérêt. L'exemple de la France et de l'Italie

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    This paper is aimed at assessing households ability to counterbalance changes in the stock of government bonds and in the tax level in their consumption schemes. Empirical findings on quarterly data from G7 countries over the last decades establish in the fashion of Dalamagas (1993) that the bigger the debt/ GDP ratio is, the slighter the debt illusion and fiscal illusion are likely to be. Evi­dence is given for France and Italy.Cet article cherche à évaluer la manière dont les ménages réagissent dans leur plan de consommation aux variations de la dette publique et du niveau des impôts auxquels ils sont soumis. Les résultats obtenus à partir de variables trimestrielles sur les pays du G7 au cours des dernières décennies montrent, à l'instar de Dalamagas [1993], que plus le ratio dette/PIB est important, moins l'illusion de la dette et l'illusion fiscale sont fortes. Une illustration est donnée pour la France et l'Italie.Aprahamian Frédéric, Paraponaris Alain. Consommation privée, dette publique et structure à terme des taux d'intérêt. L'exemple de la France et de l'Italie. In: Revue économique, volume 49, n°3, 1998. pp. 687-698

    Consommation privée, dette publique et structure à terme des taux d'intérêt. L'exemple de la France et de l'Italie

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    [eng] This paper is aimed at assessing households ability to counterbalance changes in the stock of government bonds and in the tax level in their consumption schemes. Empirical findings on quarterly data from G7 countries over the last decades establish in the fashion of Dalamagas (1993) that the bigger the debt/ GDP ratio is, the slighter the debt illusion and fiscal illusion are likely to be. Evi­dence is given for France and Italy. [fre] Cet article cherche à évaluer la manière dont les ménages réagissent dans leur plan de consommation aux variations de la dette publique et du niveau des impôts auxquels ils sont soumis. Les résultats obtenus à partir de variables trimestrielles sur les pays du G7 au cours des dernières décennies montrent, à l'instar de Dalamagas [1993], que plus le ratio dette/PIB est important, moins l'illusion de la dette et l'illusion fiscale sont fortes. Une illustration est donnée pour la France et l'Italie.