80 research outputs found

    Gender in endocrine diseases: role of sex gonadal hormones

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    Gender- and sex- related differences represent a new frontier towards patient-tailored medicine, taking into account that theoretically every medical specialty can be influenced by both of them. Sex hormones define the differences between males and females, and the different endocrine environment promoted by estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, and their precursors might influence both human physiology and pathophysiology. With the term Gender we refer, instead, to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities carried out by the individual in society. In other words, “gender” refers to a sociocultural sphere of the individual, whereas “sex” only defines the biological sex. In the last decade, increasing attention has been paid to understand the influence that gender can have on both the human physiology and pathogenesis of diseases. Even the clinical response to therapy may be influenced by sex hormones and gender, but further research is needed to investigate and clarify how they can affect the human pathophysiology. The path to a tailored medicine in which every patient is able to receive early diagnosis, risk assessments, and optimal treatments cannot exclude the importance of gender. In this review, we have focused our attention on the involvement of sex hormones and gender on different endocrine diseases

    Sar analysis of small molecules interfering with energy-metabolism in mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis remains the world’s top infectious killer: it caused a total of 1.5 million deaths and 10 million people fell ill with TB in 2018. Thanks to TB diagnosis and treatment, mortality has been falling in recent years, with an estimated 58 million saved lives between 2000 and 2018. However, the emergence of multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Mtb strains is a major concern that might reverse this progress. Therefore, the development of new drugs acting upon novel mechanisms of action is a high priority in the global health agenda. With the approval of bedaquiline, which targets mycobacterial energy production, and delamanid, which targets cell wall synthesis and energy production, the energy-metabolism in Mtb has received much attention in the last decade as a potential target to investigate and develop new antimycobacterial drugs. In this review, we describe potent anti-mycobacterial agents targeting the energy-metabolism at different steps with a special focus on structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies of the most advanced compound classes

    Endocrine disrupting chemicals: Effects on endocrine glands

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    In recent years, endocrine disrupting chemicals have gained interest in human physiopathology and more and more studies aimed to explain how these chemicals compounds affect endocrine system. In human populations, the majority of the studies point toward an association between exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and the disorders affecting endocrine axis. A great number of endocrine disrupting chemicals seem to be able to interfere with the physiology of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis; however, every endocrine axis may be a target for each EDCs and their action is not limited to a single axis or organ. Several compounds may also have a negative impact on energy metabolic homeostasis altering adipose tissue and promoting obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes. Different mechanism have been proposed to explain these associations but their complexity together with the degree of occupational or environmental exposure, the low standardization of the studies, and the presence of confounding factors have prevented to establish causal relationship between the endocrine disorders and exposure to specific toxicants so far. This manuscript aims to review the state of art of scientific literature regarding the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on endocrine system

    Recognizing menopause in women with amenorrhea induced by cytotoxic chemotherapy for endocrine-responsive early breast cancer.

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    Abstract Cytotoxic anticancer treatment may induce amenorrhea or menopause to a variable extent. These side effects may not only impair or impede fertility but also cause sexual dysfunction, bone loss, and menopausal symptoms, with a strikingly negative effect on quality of life in many women. Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are a recommended adjuvant endocrine treatment option in postmenopausal patients affected by early breast cancer (EBC) but are contraindicated in premenopausal women and in those with residual ovarian function. Women over 40 years of age with chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea (CIA) and routine hormonal levels consistent with menopause may receive an AI as adjuvant endocrine treatment. For these women, the tools available to identify menopause do not appear to be completely reliable. This review focused on the pathophysiology of ovarian toxicity induced by cytotoxic agents and on potentially useful methods to diagnose chemotherapy-induced menopause in patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy for endocrine-responsive EBC. Moreover, practical approaches are proposed to distinguish true menopausal women, who would benefit from AIs, from those with transient or persistent CIA

    Specific and non-specific biomarkers in neuroendocrine gastroenteropancreatic tumors

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    The diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) is a challenging task: Symptoms are rarely specific, and clinical manifestations are often evident only when metastases are already present. However, several bioactive substances secreted by NETs can be included for diagnostic, prognostic, and predictive purposes. Expression of these substances differs between different NETs according to the tumor hormone production. Gastroenteropancreatic (GEP) NETs originate from the diffuse neuroendocrine system of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic islets cells: These tumors may produce many non-specific and specific substances, such as chromogranin A, insulin, gastrin, glucagon, and serotonin, which shape the clinical manifestations of the NETs. To provide an up-to-date reference concerning the different biomarkers, as well as their main limitations, we reviewed and summarized existing literature

    A rare case of pituitary melanoma metastasis: a dramatic and prolonged response to dabrafenib-trametinib therapy

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    Introduction: Pituitary metastases (PM) are rare events and to date only very few cases of melanoma PM have been described in literature up to now. Case Presentation: We describe the clinical history of a 33-year-old male patient who underwent surgical excision of an inter-scapular melanoma in 2008. The subsequent follow-up was negative for ~10 years. In September 2018, due to the onset of a severe headache, the patient underwent a brain magnetic resonance imaging, which showed an expansive mass in the saddle and suprasellar region with a maximum diameter of 17 mm. Pituitary function tests and visual field were normal. Worsening of the headache and the appearance of a left eye ptosis led the patient to surgical removal of the lesion in October 2018. The histological examination unexpectedly showed metastasis of the melanoma. Post-operative hormonal assessment showed secondary hypothyroidism and hypoadrenalism, which were both promptly treated, and a mild hypogonadism. Three months after surgery, a sellar MRI showed a persistent, increased pituitary mass (3 cm of diameter); fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) detected an increased radiopharmaceutical uptake in the sellar region. Due to the persistence of the disease and the evidence of a BRAF V600E mutation, in February 2019, the patient underwent a combined treatment with dabrafenib (a BRAF inhibitor) and trametinib (mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulate kinase inhibitor). Sellar MRI performed 6 months later showed no evidence of mass in the sellar region. The patient was in a good clinical condition and did not complain of headaches or other symptoms; there were no significant side-effects from the anticancer therapy. After 13 months of treatment, the patient showed no recurrence of the disease on morphological imaging. Anticancer therapy was confirmed, replacement therapies with hydrocortisone and levothyroxine continued and the pituitary-gonadal axis was restored. Conclusion: This is a very interesting case, both for the rarity of the pituitary melanoma metastasis and for the singular therapeutic course carried out by the patient. This is the first case of a pituitary melanoma metastasis with BRAF mutation, successfully treated with the combination of dabrafenib and trametinib after incomplete surgical removal

    Case Report: Ipilimumab-Induced Panhypophysitis: An Infrequent Occurrence and Literature Review

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    BackgroundImmune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), by unleashing the anticancer response of the immune system, can improve survival of patients affected by several malignancies, but may trigger a broad spectrum of adverse events, including autoimmune hypophysitis. ICI-related hypophysitis mainly manifests with anterior hypopituitarism, while the simultaneous involvement of both anterior and posterior pituitary (i.e., panhypophysitis) has rarely been described.Case PresentationIn June 2015, a 64-year-old man affected by liver metastases of a uveal melanoma was referred to us due to polyuria and polydipsia. Two months prior, he had started ipilimumab therapy (3 mg/kg iv every 21 days). The treatment was well-tolerated (only mild asthenia and diarrhea were reported). A few days before the fourth cycle, the patient complained of intense headaches, profound fatigue, nocturia, polyuria (up to 10 L urine/daily), and polydipsia. Laboratory tests were consistent with adrenal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, and transient central diabetes insipidus. The pituitary MRI showed an enlarged gland with microinfarcts, while the hypophyseal stalk was normal, and the neurohypophyseal 'bright signal' in T1 sequences was not detected. The treatment included dexamethasone (then cortisone acetate at replacement dose), desmopressin, and levothyroxine. Within the next five days, the symptoms resolved, and blood pressure, electrolytes, glucose, and urinalysis were stable within the normal ranges; desmopressin was discontinued while cortisone acetate and levothyroxine were maintained. The fourth ipilimumab dose was entirely administered in the absence of further side effects.ConclusionAs ICIs are increasingly used as anticancer agents, the damage to anterior and/or posterior pituitary can be progressively encountered by oncologists and endocrinologists in their clinical practice. Patients on ICIs and their caregivers should be informed about that risk and be empowered to alert the referring specialists early, at the onset of panhypopituitarism symptoms, including polyuria/polydipsia

    Indirect basal metabolism estimation in tailoring recombinant human TSH administration in patients affected by differentiated thyroid cancer: A hypothesis-generating study

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    Purpose: Recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) is currently used in follow-up of patients affected by differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). Age, sex, weight, body mass index, body surface area (BSA) and renal function are known factors affecting serum TSH peak levels, but the proper rhTSH dose to deliver to single patient remains elusive. In this study, the correlations of basal metabolic rates with serum TSH peak following rhTSH administration were investigated.Methods: We evaluated 221 patients affected by thyroid cancer that received a standard dose rhTSH. Blood samples were collected at pre-established time points. Data on body weight, height, and BSA were collected. The Mifflin-St Jeor and Fleisch equations were used to assess basal metabolism.Results: The median value (range) of serum TSH peaks was 142 +/- 53 mu U/ml. Serum TSH peaks were significantly lower in males than in females (p = 0.04). TSH values also increased with age. Data showed a significant decrease of TSH peak levels at day 3 from the administration of rhTSH when basal metabolic rates increased (p = 0.002 and p = 0.009, respectively). Similar findings were observed at day 5 (p = 0.004 and p = 0.04, respectively). A multivariate analysis of several factors revealed that patients' basal metabolism (obtained using the Mifflin-St Jeor but not Fleisch equation) predicts serum TSH level peak at day 3 (p < 0.001). These results were used to generate a new formula based on Mifflin-StJeor equation which reveals as a promising tool in tailoring rhTSH dose.Conclusion: Basal metabolism appears an improving factor in tailoring diagnostic rhTSH dose in patients affected by DTC

    A multicenter epidemiological study on second malignancy in non-syndromic pheochromocytoma/paraganglioma patients in Italy

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: As no previous studies had assessed the risk of second malignant tumors in patients with pheochromocytomas/paragangliomas (PPGLs), we aimed to evaluate whether these patients could have an increased risk of additional malignancy, comparing them with patients in the general population who had a first malignancy and developed a second malignant tumor. We demonstrated that PPGL patients had higher incidence of additional malignant tumors and the risk of developing a second malignant tumor increased with age at diagnosis. As the main tumors were prostate, colorectal and lung/bronchial cancers in males, and breast cancer, differentiated thyroid cancer and melanoma in females, our findings could have an impact on the surveillance strategy. ABSTRACT: No studies have carried out an extensive analysis of the possible association between non-syndromic pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) and other malignancies. To assess >the risk of additional malignancy in PPGL, we retrospectively evaluated 741 patients with PPGLs followed-up in twelve referral centers in Italy. Incidence of second malignant tumors was compared between this cohort and Italian patients with two subsequent malignancies. Among our patients, 95 (12.8%) developed a second malignant tumor, which were mainly prostate, colorectal and lung/bronchial cancers in males, breast cancer, differentiated thyroid cancer and melanoma in females. The standardized incidence ratio was 9.59 (95% CI 5.46–15.71) in males and 13.21 (95% CI 7.52–21.63) in females. At multivariable analysis, the risk of developing a second malignant tumor increased with age at diagnosis (HR 2.50, 95% CI 1.15–5.44, p = 0.021 for 50–59 vs. 60- vs. <50-year). In patients with available genetic evaluation, a positive genetic test was inversely associated with the risk of developing a second tumor (HR 0.25, 95% CI 0.10–0.63, p = 0.003). In conclusion, PPGLs patients have higher incidence of additional malignant tumors compared to the general population who had a first malignancy, which could have an impact on the surveillance strategy

    Acromegaly is associated with increased cancer risk: A survey in Italy

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    It is debated if acromegalic patients have an increased risk to develop malignancies. The aim of the present study was to assess the standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of different types of cancer in acromegaly on a large series of acromegalic patients managed in the somatostatin analogs era. It was evaluated the incidence of cancer in an Italian nationwide multicenter cohort study of 1512 acromegalic patients, 624 men and 888 women, mean age at diagnosis 45 \uc2\ub1 13 years, followed up for a mean of 10 years (12573 person-years) in respect to the general Italian population. Cancer was diagnosed in 124 patients, 72 women and 52 men. The SIRs for all cancers was significantly increased compared to the general Italian population (expected: 88, SIR 1.41; 95% CI, 1.18-1.68, P &lt; 0.001). In the whole series, we found a significantly increased incidence of colorectal cancer (SIR 1.67; 95% CI, 1.07-2.58, P = 0.022), kidney cancer (SIR 2.87; 95% CI, 1.55-5.34, P &lt; 0.001) and thyroid cancer (SIR 3.99; 95% CI, 2.32-6.87, P &lt; 0.001). The exclusion of 11 cancers occurring before diagnosis of acromegaly (all in women) did not change remarkably the study outcome. In multivariate analysis, the factors significantly associated with an increased risk of malignancy were age and family history of cancer, with a non-significant trend for the estimated duration of acromegaly before diagnosis. In conclusion, we found evidence that acromegaly in Italy is associated with a moderate increase in cancer risk
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