55 research outputs found

    Lipoarabinomannan and related glycoconjugates: structure, biogenesis and role in Mycobacterium tuberculosis physiology and host–pathogen interaction

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    Approximately one third of the world's population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis. This bacterium has an unusual lipid-rich cell wall containing a vast repertoire of antigens, providing a hydrophobic impermeable barrier against chemical drugs, thus representing an attractive target for vaccine and drug development. Apart from the mycolyl–arabinogalactan–peptidoglycan complex, mycobacteria possess several immunomodulatory constituents, notably lipomannan and lipoarabinomannan. The availability of whole-genome sequences of M. tuberculosis and related bacilli over the past decade has led to the identification and functional characterization of various enzymes and the potential drug targets involved in the biosynthesis of these glycoconjugates. Both lipomannan and lipoarabinomannan possess highly variable chemical structures, which interact with different receptors of the immune system during host–pathogen interactions, such as Toll-like receptors-2 and C-type lectins. Recently, the availability of mutants defective in the synthesis of these glycoconjugates in mycobacteria and the closely related bacterium, Corynebacterium glutamicum, has paved the way for host–pathogen interaction studies, as well as, providing attenuated strains of mycobacteria for the development of new vaccine candidates. This review provides a comprehensive account of the structure, biosynthesis and immunomodulatory properties of these important glycoconjugates

    Mycobacteria Target DC-SIGN to Suppress Dendritic Cell Function

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis represents a world-wide health risk and immunosuppression is a particular problem in M. tuberculosis infections. Although macrophages are primarily infected, dendritic cells (DCs) are important in inducing cellular immune responses against M. tuberculosis. We hypothesized that DCs represent a target for M. tuberculosis and that the observed immuno-suppression results from modulation of DC functions. We demonstrate that the DC-specific C-type lectin DC-SIGN is an important receptor on DCs that captures and internalizes intact Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) through the mycobacterial cell wall component ManLAM. Antibodies against DC-SIGN block M. bovis BCG infection of DCs. ManLAM is also secreted by M. tuberculosis–infected macrophages and has been implicated as a virulence factor. Strikingly, ManLAM binding to DC-SIGN prevents mycobacteria- or LPS-induced DC maturation. Both mycobacteria and LPS induce DC maturation through Toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling, suggesting that DC-SIGN, upon binding of ManLAM, interferes with TLR-mediated signals. Blocking antibodies against DC-SIGN reverse the ManLAM-mediated immunosuppressive effects. Our results suggest that M. tuberculosis targets DC-SIGN both to infect DCs and to down-regulate DC-mediated immune responses. Moreover, we demonstrate that DC-SIGN has a broader pathogen recognition profile than previously shown, suggesting that DC-SIGN may represent a molecular target for clinical intervention in infections other than HIV-1

    Helicobacter pylori Modulates the T Helper Cell 1/T Helper Cell 2 Balance through Phase-variable Interaction between Lipopolysaccharide and DC-SIGN

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    The human gastric pathogen Helicobacter pylori spontaneously switches lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Lewis (Le) antigens on and off (phase-variable expression), but the biological significance of this is unclear. Here, we report that Le+ H. pylori variants are able to bind to the C-type lectin DC-SIGN and present on gastric dendritic cells (DCs), and demonstrate that this interaction blocks T helper cell (Th)1 development. In contrast, Le− variants escape binding to DCs and induce a strong Th1 cell response. In addition, in gastric biopsies challenged ex vivo with Le+ variants that bind DC-SIGN, interleukin 6 production is decreased, indicative of increased immune suppression. Our data indicate a role for LPS phase variation and Le antigen expression by H. pylori in suppressing immune responses through DC-SIGN

    Molecular Mimicry between Helicobacter pylori Antigens and H+,K+–Adenosine Triphosphatase in Human Gastric Autoimmunity

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    Autoimmune gastritis and Helicobacter pylori–associated gastric atrophy develop through similar mechanisms involving the proton pump H+,K+–adenosine triphosphatase as autoantigen. Here, we report that H. pylori–infected patients with gastric autoimmunity harbor in vivo–activated gastric CD4+ T cells that recognize both H+,K+–adenosine triphosphatase and H. pylori antigens. We characterized the submolecular specificity of such gastric T cells and identified cross-reactive epitopes from nine H. pylori proteins. Cross-reactive H. pylori peptides induced T cell proliferation and expression of T helper type 1 functions. We suggest that in genetically susceptible individuals, H. pylori infection can activate cross-reactive gastric T cells leading to gastric autoimmunity via molecular mimicry

    Mycobacterium marinum MMAR_2380, a predicted transmembrane acyltransferase, is essential for the presence of the mannose cap on lipoarabinomannan

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    Lipoarabinomannan (LAM) is a major glycolipid in the mycobacterial cell envelope. LAM consists of a mannosylphosphatidylinositol (MPI) anchor, a mannan core and a branched arabinan domain. The termini of the arabinan branches can become substituted with one to three α(1→2)-linked mannosyl residues, the mannose cap, producing ManLAM. ManLAM has been associated with a range of different immunomodulatory properties of Mycobacterium tuberculosis during infection of the host. In some of these effects, the presence of the mannose cap on ManLAM appears to be crucial for its activity. So far, in the biosynthesis of the mannose cap on ManLAM, two enzymes have been reported to be involved: a mannosyltransferase that adds the first mannosyl residue of the mannose caps to the arabinan domain of LAM, and another mannosyltransferase that elongates the mannose cap up to three mannosyl residues. Here, we report that a third gene is involved, MMAR_2380, which is the Mycobacterium marinum orthologue of Rv1565c. MMAR_2380 encodes a predicted transmembrane acyltransferase. In M. marinum ΔMMAR_2380, the LAM arabinan domain is still intact, but the mutant LAM lacks the mannose cap. Additional effects of mutation of MMAR_2380 on LAM were observed: a higher degree of branching of both the arabinan domain and the mannan core, and a decreased incorporation of [1,2-14C]acetate into the acyl chains in mutant LAM as compared with the wild-type form. This latter effect was also observed for related lipoglycans, i.e. lipomannan (LM) and phosphatidylinositol mannosides (PIMs). Furthermore, the mutant strain showed increased aggregation in liquid cultures as compared with the wild-type strain. All phenotypic traits of M. marinum ΔMMAR_2380, the deficiency in the mannose cap on LAM and changes at the cell surface, could be reversed by complementing the mutant strain with MMAR_2380. Strikingly, membrane preparations of the mutant strain still showed enzymic activity for the arabinan mannose-capping mannosyltransferase similar to that of the wild-type strain. Although the exact function of MMAR_2380 remains unknown, we show that the protein is essential for the presence of a mannose cap on LAM

    Direct Visualization by Cryo-EM of the Mycobacterial Capsular Layer: A Labile Structure Containing ESX-1-Secreted Proteins

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    The cell envelope of mycobacteria, a group of Gram positive bacteria, is composed of a plasma membrane and a Gram-negative-like outer membrane containing mycolic acids. In addition, the surface of the mycobacteria is coated with an ill-characterized layer of extractable, non-covalently linked glycans, lipids and proteins, collectively known as the capsule, whose occurrence is a matter of debate. By using plunge freezing cryo-electron microscopy technique, we were able to show that pathogenic mycobacteria produce a thick capsule, only present when the cells were grown under unperturbed conditions and easily removed by mild detergents. This detergent-labile capsule layer contains arabinomannan, α-glucan and oligomannosyl-capped glycolipids. Further immunogenic and proteomic analyses revealed that Mycobacterium marinum capsule contains high amounts of proteins that are secreted via the ESX-1 pathway. Finally, cell infection experiments demonstrated the importance of the capsule for binding to cells and dampening of pro-inflammatory cytokine response. Together, these results show a direct visualization of the mycobacterial capsular layer as a labile structure that contains ESX-1-secreted proteins

    Metabolic Network for the Biosynthesis of Intra- and Extracellular alpha-Glucans Required for Virulence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis synthesizes intra- and extracellular alpha-glucans that were believed to originate from separate pathways. The extracellular glucose polymer is the main constituent of the mycobacterial capsule that is thought to be involved in immune evasion and virulence. However, the role of the alpha-glucan capsule in pathogenesis has remained enigmatic due to an incomplete understanding of alpha-glucan biosynthetic pathways preventing the generation of capsule-deficient mutants. Three separate and potentially redundant pathways had been implicated in alpha-glucan biosynthesis in mycobacteria: the GlgC-GlgA, the Rv3032 and the TreS-Pep2-GlgE pathways. We now show that alpha-glucan in mycobacteria is exclusively assembled intracellularly utilizing the building block alpha-maltose-1-phosphate as the substrate for the maltosyltransferase GlgE, with subsequent branching of the polymer by the branching enzyme GlgB. Some alpha-glucan is exported to form the alpha-glucan capsule. There is an unexpected convergence of the TreS-Pep2 and GlgC-GlgA pathways that both generate alpha-maltose-1-phosphate. While the TreS-Pep2 route from trehalose was already known, we have now established that GlgA forms this phosphosugar from ADP-glucose and glucose 1-phosphate 1000-fold more efficiently than its hitherto described glycogen synthase activity. The two routes are connected by the common precursor ADPglucose, allowing compensatory flux from one route to the other. Having elucidated this unexpected configuration of the metabolic pathways underlying alpha-glucan biosynthesis in mycobacteria, an M. tuberculosis double mutant devoid of alpha-glucan could be constructed, showing a direct link between the GlgE pathway, alpha-glucan biosynthesis and virulence in a mouse infection model

    CD209 Genetic Polymorphism and Tuberculosis Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis causes significant morbidity and mortality worldwide, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. DC-SIGN, encoded by CD209, is a receptor capable of binding and internalizing Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Previous studies have reported that the CD209 promoter single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-336A/G exerts an effect on CD209 expression and is associated with human susceptibility to dengue, HIV-1 and tuberculosis in humans. The present study investigates the role of the CD209 -336A/G variant in susceptibility to tuberculosis in a large sample of individuals from sub-Saharan Africa. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A total of 2,176 individuals enrolled in tuberculosis case-control studies from four sub-Saharan Africa countries were genotyped for the CD209 -336A/G SNP (rs4804803). Significant overall protection against pulmonary tuberculosis was observed with the -336G allele when the study groups were combined (n = 914 controls vs. 1262 cases, Mantel-Haenszel 2 x 2 chi(2) = 7.47, P = 0.006, odds ratio = 0.86, 95%CI 0.77-0.96). In addition, the patients with -336GG were associated with a decreased risk of cavitory tuberculosis, a severe form of tuberculosis disease (n = 557, Pearson's 2x2 chi(2) = 17.34, P = 0.00003, odds ratio = 0.42, 95%CI 0.27-0.65). This direction of association is opposite to a previously observed result in a smaller study of susceptibility to tuberculosis in a South African Coloured population, but entirely in keeping with the previously observed protective effect of the -336G allele. CONCLUSION: This study finds that the CD209 -336G variant allele is associated with significant protection against tuberculosis in individuals from sub-Saharan Africa and, furthermore, cases with -336GG were significantly less likely to develop tuberculosis-induced lung cavitation. Previous in vitro work demonstrated that the promoter variant -336G allele causes down-regulation of CD209 mRNA expression. Our present work suggests that decreased levels of the DC-SIGN receptor may therefore be protective against both clinical tuberculosis in general and cavitory tuberculosis disease in particular. This is consistent with evidence that Mycobacteria can utilize DC-SIGN binding to suppress the protective pro-inflammatory immune response

    Mannose-fucose recognition by DC-SIGN

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    Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN). DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin receptor that recognizes N-linked high-mannose oligosaccharides and branched fucosylated structures. It is now clear that the biological role of DC-SIGN is two-fold. It is primarily expressed by dendritic cells and mediates important functions necessary for the induction of successful immune responses that are essential for the clearance of microbial infections, such as the capture, destruction, and presentation of microbial pathogens to induce successful immune responses. Yet, on the other hand, pathogens may also exploit DC-SIGN to modulate DC functioning thereby skewing the immune response and promoting their own survival. This chapter presents an overview of the structure of DC-SIGN and its expression pattern among immune cells. The current state of knowledge of DC-SIGN-carbohydrate interactions is discussed and how these interactions influence dendritic cell functioning is examined. The molecular aspects that underlie the selectivity of DC-SIGN for mannose-and fucose-containing carbohydrates are detailed. Furthermore, the chapter discusses the role of DC-SIGN in dendritic cell biology and how certain bacterial pathogens exploit DC-SIGN to escape immune surveillance

    Molecular mimicry of host structures by bacterial lipopolysaccharides and its contribution to disease

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    The core oligosaccharides of low-molecular-weight lipopolysaccharide (LPS), also termed lipooligosaccharide (LOS), of pathogenic Neisseria spp. mimic the carbohydrate moieties of glycosphingolipids present on human cells. Such mimicry may serve to camouflage the bacterial surface from the host. The LOS component is antigenically and/or chemically identical to lactoneoseries glycosphingolipids and can become sialylated in Neisseria gonorrhoeae when the bacterium is grown in the presence of cytidine 5\u27-monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid, the nucleotide sugar of sialic acid. Strains of Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae also express similarly sialylated LPS. Sialylation of the LOS influences susceptibility to bactericidal antibody, may decrease or prevent phagocytosis, cause down-regulation of complement activation, and decrease adherence to neutrophils and the subsequent oxidative burst response. The core oligosaccharides of LPS of Campylobacter jejuni serotypes which are associated with the development of the neurological disorder, Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), exhibit mimicry of gangliosides. Cross-reactive antibodies between C. jejuni LPS and gangliosides are considered to play an important role in GBS pathogenesis. In contrast, the O-chain of a number of Helicobacter pylori strains exhibit mimicry of Lewis(x) and Lewis(y) blood group antigens. The role of this mimicry remains to be investigated, but may play a role in bacterial camouflage, the induction of autoimmunity and immune suppression in H. pylori-associated disease