2 research outputs found

    Hypercalcemia during pregnancy: management and outcomes for mother and child

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    Diagnosing and treating hypercalcemia during pregnancy can be challenging due to both the physiological changes in calcium homeostasis and the underlying cause for the hypercalcemia. During pregnancy and lactation there is increased mobilization of calcium in the mother to meet the fetus’ calcium requirements. Here we discuss the diagnostic challenges, management, and patient perspective of hypercalcemia during pregnancy in two particular cases and in other rare conditions causing hypercalcemia

    The IGSF1 deficiency syndrome: Characteristics of male and female patients

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    Context: Ig superfamily member1 (IGSF1) deficiency was recently discovered as a novel X-linked cause of central hypothyroidism (CeH) and macro-orchidism. However, clinical and biochemical data regarding growth, puberty, and metabolic outcome, as well as features of female carriers, are scarce. Objective: Our objective was to investigate clinical and biochemical characteristics associated with IGSF1 deficiency in both sexes.Methods: All patients (n=42, 24 males) from 10 families examined in the university clinics of Leiden, Amsterdam, Cambridge, and Milan were included in this case series. Detailed clinical data were collected with an identical protocol, and biochemical measurements were performed in a central laboratory. Results: Male patients (age 0-87 years, 17 index cases and 7 from family studies) showed CeH (100%), hypoprolactinemia (n = 16, 67%), and transient partial GH deficiency (n = 3, 13%). Pubertal testosterone productionwasdelayed, aswerethe growth spurtandpubic hair development. However, testicular growth started at a normal age and attained macro-orchid size in all evaluable adults. Body mass index, percent fat, and waist circumference tended to be elevated. The metabolic syndrome was present in 4 of 5 patients over 55 years of age. Heterozygous female carriers (age 32-80 years) showed CeH in 6 of 18 cases (33%), hypoprolactinemia in 2 (11%), and GH deficiency in none. As in men, body mass index, percent fat, and waist circumference were relatively high, and the metabolic syndrome was present in 3 cases. Conclusion: In male patients, the X-linked IGSF1 deficiency syndrome is characterized by CeH, hypoprolactinemia, delayed puberty, macro-orchidism, and increased body weight. A subset of female carriers also exhibits CeH