2,305 research outputs found

    The Kondo Effect in Non-Equilibrium Quantum Dots: Perturbative Renormalization Group

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    While the properties of the Kondo model in equilibrium are very well understood, much less is known for Kondo systems out of equilibrium. We study the properties of a quantum dot in the Kondo regime, when a large bias voltage V and/or a large magnetic field B is applied. Using the perturbative renormalization group generalized to stationary nonequilibrium situations, we calculate renormalized couplings, keeping their important energy dependence. We show that in a magnetic field the spin occupation of the quantum dot is non-thermal, being controlled by V and B in a complex way to be calculated by solving a quantum Boltzmann equation. We find that the well-known suppression of the Kondo effect at finite V>>T_K (Kondo temperature) is caused by inelastic dephasing processes induced by the current through the dot. We calculate the corresponding decoherence rate, which serves to cut off the RG flow usually well inside the perturbative regime (with possible exceptions). As a consequence, the differential conductance, the local magnetization, the spin relaxation rates and the local spectral function may be calculated for large V,B >> T_K in a controlled way.Comment: 9 pages, invited paper for a special edition of JPSJ "Kondo Effect -- 40 Years after the Discovery", some typos correcte

    Containing, embracing and hyper-activating Britishness: British-based foreign-owned firms

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    There are in the UK ownership forms different to the characteristics of Britishness – British-based foreign-owned firms where dominant owners may have differentiated control interests. These may contain, that is, override, national institutional characteristics embedded in a particular national capitalism. Accordingly, separating the agency of these firms from presumed business system structures may reveal how diverse patterns of firm ownership – those associated with British-based foreign-owned firms – can inform dynamic ownership developments in British capitalism which contain and hyper-activate Britishness. The article theorizes British-based foreign-owned firms and provides empirical detail on how ownership characteristics influence financial commitment and strategic control in 10 of these firms

    Contested resources: unions, employers, and the adoption of new work practices in US and UK telecommunications

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    The pattern of adoption of high-performance work practices has been explained in terms of strategic contingency and in terms of union presence. We compare the post-deregulation/privatization changes in work practice at AT&T, Bell Atlantic and British Telecom. On the basis of these cases, we argue that the choice of new work practices should be understood as a consequence not only of the company's resources or changes in its environment, nor of a simple union presence, but also as a consequence of the practices' effects on union power, the nature of the union's engagement, and the union's strategic choices

    Tunneling into Current-Carrying Surface States of High Tc_c Superconductors

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    Theoretical results for the ab-plane tunneling conductance in the d-wave model for high Tc superconductors are presented. The d-wave model predicts surface bound states below the maximum gap. A sub-dominant order parameter, stabilized by the surface, leads to a splitting of the zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) in zero external field and to spontaneous surface currents. In a magnetic field screening currents shift the quasiparticle bound state spectrum and lead to a voltage splitting of the ZBCP that is linear in H at low fields, and saturates at a pairbreaking critical field of order 3 Tesla. Comparisons with recent experimental results on Cu/YBCO junctions are presented.Comment: 4 pages in a RevTex (3.0) file plus 3 Figures in PostScript. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Human resource management–well‐being–performance research revisited:Past, present, and future

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    The authors provide an up‐to‐date theoretically based qualitative review of research dealing with the relationship between HRM, employee well‐being, and individual/organisational performance (HRM‐WB‐IOP research). The review is based on a systematic critical analysis of all HRM‐WB‐IOP studies (N = 46) published in 13 core HRM and management journals in the 2000 to 2018 period. The authors first identify different theoretical models of the HRM‐WB‐IOP relationship, which they then use to map research in the area. The results show that mutual gains conceptualisations play a dominant role in extant HRM‐WB‐IOP research, at the expense of alternative conflicting outcomes and mutual losses models, which are also shown to receive very limited empirical support across the 46 studies. As part of this mapping exercise, the authors identify important knowledge gaps in the area and conclude by setting out a number of key recommendations for future research to address these gaps

    Teams between Neo-Taylorism and Anti-Taylorism

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    The concept of teamworking is the product of two distinct developments. One: a neo- Tayloristic form of organization of work, of which Toyota has shown that it can be very profitable, was packaged and reframed to make it acceptable to the Western public. Two: anti-Tayloristic ways of organizing work, inspired by ideals of organizational democracy, were relabeled to make these acceptable to profit-oriented managers. Drawing on empirical research in Scandinavia, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK, as well as on published case studies of Japanese companies, the paper develops a neo-Tayloristic and an anti-Tayloristic model of teamworking. Key concerns in the teamworking literature are intensification of work and the use of shop floor autonomy as a cosmetic or manipulative device. Indeed, all the features of neo-Tayloristic teamworking are geared towards the intensification of work. However, one of the intensification mechanisms, the removal of Tayloristic rigidities in the division of labor, applies to anti-Tayloristic teamworking as well. This poses a dilemma for employee representatives. In terms of autonomy, on the other hand, the difference between neo-Tayloristic and anti-Tayloristic teamworking is real. In anti-Tayloristic teamworking, there is no supervisor inside the team. The function of spokesperson rotates. All team members can participate in decision-making. Standardization is not relentlessly pursued; management accepts some measure of worker control. There is a tendency to alleviate technical discipline, e.g. to find alternatives for the assembly line. Buffers are used. Remuneration is based on proven skill level; there are no group bonuses. In contrast, in neo-Tayloristic teamworking, a permanent supervisor is present in the team as team leader. At most, only the team leader can participate in decision-making. Standardization is relentlessly pursued. Management prerogatives are nearly unlimited. Job designers treat technical discipline, e.g. short-cycled work on the assembly line, as unproblematic. There are no buffers. A substantial part of wages consists of individual bonuses based on assessments by supervisors on how deeply workers cooperate in the system. Group bonuses are also given. The instability and vulnerability of anti-Tayloristic teamworking imply that it can only develop and flourish when managers and employee representatives put determined effort into it. The opportunity structure for this contains both economic and political elements. In mass production, the economic success of Toyota, through skillful mediation by management gurus, makes the opportunity structure for anti-Tayloristic teamworking relatively unfavorable

    Theory of Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of a Magnetic Adatom on a Metallic Surface

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    A comprehensive theory is presented for the voltage, temperature, and spatial dependence of the tunneling current between a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip and a metallic surface with an individual magnetic adatom. Modeling the adatom by a nondegenerate Anderson impurity, a general expression is derived for a weak tunneling current in terms of the dressed impurity Green function, the impurity-free surface Green function, and the tunneling matrix elements. This generalizes Fano's analysis to the interacting case. The differential-conductance lineshapes seen in recent STM experiments with the tip directly over the magnetic adatom are reproduced within our model, as is the rapid decay, \sim 10\AA, of the low-bias structure as one moves the tip away from the adatom. With our simple model for the electronic structure of the surface, there is no dip in the differential conductance at approximately one lattice spacing from the magnetic adatom, but rather we see a resonant enhancement. The formalism for tunneling into small clusters of magnetic adatoms is developed.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Self-Consistent First-Principles Technique Having Linear Scaling

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    An algorithm for first-principles electronic structure calculations having a computational cost which scales linearly with the system size is presented. Our method exploits the real-space localization of the density matrix, and in this respect it is related to the technique of Li, Nunes and Vanderbilt. The density matrix is expressed in terms of localized support functions, and a matrix of variational parameters, L, having a finite spatial range. The total energy is minimized with respect to both the support functions and the elements of the L matrix. The method is variational, and becomes exact as the ranges of the support functions and the L matrix are increased. We have tested the method on crystalline silicon systems containing up to 216 atoms, and we discuss some of these results.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX, 2 figure