4,296 research outputs found

    Adjustable thermal ''tree''

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    Tree mounts 10 thermocouples on extensible arms to provide a reliable heat profile of conditions within heat treating devices, such as ovens and autoclaves, and within environmental test chambers

    Observation of quantum spin noise in a 1D light-atoms quantum interface

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    We observe collective quantum spin states of an ensemble of atoms in a one-dimensional light-atom interface. Strings of hundreds of cesium atoms trapped in the evanescent fiel of a tapered nanofiber are prepared in a coherent spin state, a superposition of the two clock states. A weak quantum nondemolition measurement of one projection of the collective spin is performed using a detuned probe dispersively coupled to the collective atomic observable, followed by a strong destructive measurement of the same spin projection. For the coherent spin state we achieve the value of the quantum projection noise 40 dB above the detection noise, well above the 3 dB required for reconstruction of the negative Wigner function of nonclassical states. We analyze the effects of strong spatial inhomogeneity inherent to atoms trapped and probed by the evanescent waves. We furthermore study temporal dynamics of quantum fluctuations relevant for measurement-induced spin squeezing and assess the impact of thermal atomic motion. This work paves the road towards observation of spin squeezed and entangled states and many-body interactions in 1D spin ensembles

    Formalizing Size-Optimal Sorting Networks: Extracting a Certified Proof Checker

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    Since the proof of the four color theorem in 1976, computer-generated proofs have become a reality in mathematics and computer science. During the last decade, we have seen formal proofs using verified proof assistants being used to verify the validity of such proofs. In this paper, we describe a formalized theory of size-optimal sorting networks. From this formalization we extract a certified checker that successfully verifies computer-generated proofs of optimality on up to 8 inputs. The checker relies on an untrusted oracle to shortcut the search for witnesses on more than 1.6 million NP-complete subproblems.Comment: IMADA-preprint-c

    Generation and detection of a sub-Poissonian atom number distribution in a one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We demonstrate preparation and detection of an atom number distribution in a one-dimensional atomic lattice with the variance −14-14 dB below the Poissonian noise level. A mesoscopic ensemble containing a few thousand atoms is trapped in the evanescent field of a nanofiber. The atom number is measured through dual-color homodyne interferometry with a pW-power shot noise limited probe. Strong coupling of the evanescent probe guided by the nanofiber allows for a real-time measurement with a precision of ±8\pm 8 atoms on an ensemble of some 10310^3 atoms in a one-dimensional trap. The method is very well suited for generating collective atomic entangled or spin-squeezed states via a quantum non-demolition measurement as well as for tomography of exotic atomic states in a one-dimensional lattice

    Hyperfine interaction and electronic spin fluctuation study on Sr2−x_{2-x}Lax_xFeCoO6_6 (x = 0, 1, 2) by high-resolution back-scattering neutron spectroscopy

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    The study of hyperfine interaction by high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering is not very well known compared to the other competing techniques viz. NMR, M\"ossbauer, PACS etc. Also the study is limited mostly to magnetically ordered systems. Here we report such study on Sr2−x_{2-x}Lax_xFeCoO6_6 (x = 0, 1, 2) of which first (Sr2_2FeCoO6_6 with x = 0) has a canonical spin spin glass, the second (SrLaFeCoO6_6 with x = 1) has a so-called magnetic glass and the third (La2_2FeCoO6_6 with x = 2) has a magnetically ordered ground state. Our present study revealed clear inelastic signal for SrLaFeCoO6_6, possibly also inelastic signal for Sr2_2FeCoO6_6 below the spin freezing temperatures TsfT_{sf} but no inelastic signal at all for for the magnetically ordered La2_2FeCoO6_6 in the neutron scattering spectra. The broadened inelastic signals observed suggest hyperfine field distribution in the two disordered magnetic glassy systems and no signal for the third compound suggests no or very small hyperfine field at the Co nucleus due to Co electronic moment. For the two magnetic glassy system apart from the hyperfine signal due only to Co, we also observed electronic spin fluctuations probably from both Fe and Co electronic moments. \end{abstract

    Symposium in Celebration of the Fixed Target Program with the Tevatron

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    This document is an abridgement of the commemorative book prepared on the occasion of the symposium "In Celebration of the Fixed Target Program with the Tevatron" held at Fermilab on June 2, 2000. The full text with graphics contains, in addition to the material here, a section for each experiment including a "plain text" description, lists of all physics publications, lists of all degree recipients and a photo from the archives. The full text is available on the web at: http://conferences.fnal.gov/tevft/book

    Binary pattern tile set synthesis is NP-hard

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    In the field of algorithmic self-assembly, a long-standing unproven conjecture has been that of the NP-hardness of binary pattern tile set synthesis (2-PATS). The kk-PATS problem is that of designing a tile assembly system with the smallest number of tile types which will self-assemble an input pattern of kk colors. Of both theoretical and practical significance, kk-PATS has been studied in a series of papers which have shown kk-PATS to be NP-hard for k=60k = 60, k=29k = 29, and then k=11k = 11. In this paper, we close the fundamental conjecture that 2-PATS is NP-hard, concluding this line of study. While most of our proof relies on standard mathematical proof techniques, one crucial lemma makes use of a computer-assisted proof, which is a relatively novel but increasingly utilized paradigm for deriving proofs for complex mathematical problems. This tool is especially powerful for attacking combinatorial problems, as exemplified by the proof of the four color theorem by Appel and Haken (simplified later by Robertson, Sanders, Seymour, and Thomas) or the recent important advance on the Erd\H{o}s discrepancy problem by Konev and Lisitsa using computer programs. We utilize a massively parallel algorithm and thus turn an otherwise intractable portion of our proof into a program which requires approximately a year of computation time, bringing the use of computer-assisted proofs to a new scale. We fully detail the algorithm employed by our code, and make the code freely available online
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