119 research outputs found

    Blowing up generalized Kahler 4-manifolds

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    We show that the blow-up of a generalized Kahler 4-manifold in a nondegenerate complex point admits a generalized Kahler metric. As with the blow-up of complex surfaces, this metric may be chosen to coincide with the original outside a tubular neighbourhood of the exceptional divisor. To accomplish this, we develop a blow-up operation for bi-Hermitian manifolds.Comment: 16 page

    Generalised G2G_2-manifolds

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    We define new Riemannian structures on 7-manifolds by a differential form of mixed degree which is the critical point of a (possibly constrained) variational problem over a fixed cohomology class. The unconstrained critical points generalise the notion of a manifold of holonomy G2G_2, while the constrained ones give rise to a new geometry without a classical counterpart. We characterise these structures by the means of spinors and show the integrability conditions to be equivalent to the supersymmetry equations on spinors in supergravity theory of type IIA/B with bosonic background fields. In particular, this geometry can be described by two linear metric connections with skew torsion. Finally, we construct explicit examples by using the device of T-duality.Comment: 27 pages. v2: references added. v3: wrong argument (Theorem 3.3) and example (Section 4.1) removed, further examples added, notation simplified, all comments appreciated. v4:computation of Ricci tensor corrected, various minor changes, final version of the paper to appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Terahertz transverse-magnetic-polarized waves localized on layered superconductor defect in photonic crystals

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    We theoretically study eigenstates of electromagnetic field inside a one-dimensional photonic crystal containing a defect slab of layered superconductor. Basing on the transfer matrix formalism along with the electrodynamics of Josephson plasma, we obtain the dispersion relations describing the THz electromagnetic modes localized on defect. We consider both symmetric and antisymmetric configuration of defect in photonic crystal. The comparison of the dispersion spectra of the localized states for the layered-superconducting defect and the pure insulating defect reveals the features of the studied system.Теоретически исследованы собственные состояния электромагнитного поля в одномерном фотонном кристалле, содержащем дефектную пластину из слоистого сверхпроводника. Основываясь на методе трансфер-матрицы, с использованием электродинамики джозефсоновской плазмы, получены дисперсионные соотношения, описывающие терагерцевые электромагнитные моды, локализованные на дефекте. Рассмотрены симметричная и антисимметричная конфигурации дефекта в фотонном кристалле. Сравнение дисперсионных спектров локализованных состояний для сверхпроводящего и диэлектрического дефектов позволяет выявить особенности изучаемой системы.Теоретично вивчені власні стани електромагнітного поля в одновимірному фотонному кристалі, що містить дефектну пластину з шаруватого надпровідника. Ґрунтуючись на методі трансфер-матриці, з використанням електродинаміки джозефсонівської плазми, отримані дисперсійні співвідношення, які описують терагерцові електромагнітні моди, що локалізовані на дефекті. Розглядаються симетрична і антисиметричну конфігурації дефекту в фотонному кристалі. Порівняння дисперсійних спектрів локалізованих станів для надпровідного і діелектричного дефектів дозволило виявити особливості системи, що досліджується

    A Deformation of Sasakian Structure in the Presence of Torsion and Supergravity Solutions

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    We discuss a deformation of Sasakian structure in the presence of totally skew-symmetric torsion by introducing odd dimensional manifolds whose metric cones are K\"ahler with torsion. It is shown that such a geometry inherits similar properties to those of Sasakian geometry. As an example of them, we present an explicit expression of local metrics and see how Sasakian structure is deformed by the presence of torsion. We also demonstrate that our example of the metrics admits the existence of hidden symmetries described by non-trivial odd-rank generalized closed conformal Killing-Yano tensors. Furthermore, using these metrics as an {\it ansatz}, we construct exact solutions in five dimensional minimal (un-)gauged supergravity and eleven dimensional supergravity. Finally, we discuss the global structures of the solutions and obtain regular metrics on compact manifolds in five dimensions, which give natural generalizations of Sasaki--Einstein manifolds Yp,qY^{p,q} and La,b,cL^{a,b,c}. We also discuss regular metrics on non-compact manifolds in eleven dimensions.Comment: 38 pages, 1 table, v2: version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    Signum Function Method for Generation of Correlated Dichotomic Chains

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    We analyze the signum-generation method for creating random dichotomic sequences with prescribed correlation properties. The method is based on a binary mapping of the convolution of continuous random numbers with some function originated from the Fourier transform of a binary correlator. The goal of our study is to reveal conditions under which one can construct binary sequences with a given pair correlator. Our results can be used in the construction of superlattices and waveguides with selective transport properties.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    M-theory on `toric' G_2 cones and its type II reduction

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    We analyze a class of conical G_2 metrics admitting two commuting isometries, together with a certain one-parameter family of G_2 deformations which preserves these symmetries. Upon using recent results of Calderbank and Pedersen, we write down the explicit G_2 metric for the most general member of this family and extract the IIA reduction of M-theory on such backgrounds, as well as its type IIB dual. By studying the asymptotics of type II fields around the relevant loci, we confirm the interpretation of such backgrounds in terms of localized IIA 6-branes and delocalized IIB 5-branes. In particular, we find explicit, general expressions for the string coupling and R-R/NS-NS forms in the vicinity of these objects. Our solutions contain and generalize the field configurations relevant for certain models considered in recent work of Acharya and Witten.Comment: 45 pages, references adde

    Calibrated cycles and T-duality

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    For Hitchin's generalised geometries we introduce and analyse the concept of a structured submanifold which encapsulates the classical notion of a calibrated submanifold. Under a suitable integrability condition on the ambient geometry, these generalised calibrated cycles minimise a functional occurring as D-brane energy in type II string theories, involving both so-called NS-NS- and R-R-fields. Further, we investigate the behaviour of calibrated cycles under T-duality and construct non-trivial examples.Comment: 43 pages. v4: formalism and T-duality part considerably expande