16 research outputs found

    Marta Requejo Isidro (Ed.). Brussels I Bis. A Commentary on Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012

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    Este artículo reseña:  Marta Requejo Isidro (Ed.). Brussels I Bis. A Commentary on Regulation (EU)No 1215/2012. Elgar Commentaries in Private International Law series, 2022, 1024 pp. ISBN: 978 1 78990 816

    Recognition of Russian personal status judgments in Greece: a case Law survey

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    Russia and Greece have strong historical, cultural, social and financial bonds for centuries. In the aftermath of the 2nd World War, many people of Greek origin were forced to leave Greece for political reasons; they moved to the USSR, where they started a new life. Soon after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and following supporting Greek legislation for their return to the homeland, a significant number of people decided to resettle in Greece. In order to cope with Greek bureaucracy regarding personal status matters, certain documents and court decisions of USSR (meanwhile Russian) origin had to be recognized in Greece. The present article provides a first glance at the bilateral Convention on judicial assistance in civil and criminal matters signed in 1981 between the Hellenic Republic and the ex-USSR. This сonvention applies since December 1995 in Greek – Russian civil and criminal matters. The article will focus on Ch. V of the Convention, dealing exclusively with the issue of recognition and enforcement of judgments and authentic instruments in civil matters. At the same time it serves as a survey of reported and unreported Greek case law on the matter.</span

    Αναγνώριση και εκτέλεση ερήμην αλλοδαπών αποφάσεων: ελληνικό δίκαιο-διμερείς συμβάσεις-κοινοτικό δίκαιο

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    The thesis deals the issue recognition and enforcement of foreigh default judgements on three different levels : firstly from the Greek point of view according to the Greek Code of Civil Procedure, together with the bilateral treaties concluded from Greece. Secondly from a comparative perspective which explored the topic in the European States. Thirdly the same issue is presented in relation to the regulations 44/2001, 1347/2000 and 1348/2000. The problem is at all levels the same and can be formulated as follows : how can we ensure the right to a fair trial for the respondent who didn't appear in the court of the first state without damaging at the same time the right to an efficient protection for the plaintiff in the state, where execution will take place? The thesis reaches the conclusions that the new provisions of the aforementioned regulations are protecting sufficiently the right to a fair hearing for the plaintiff who seeks enforcement of judgements. These provisions followed the direction that prevails in the Greek Civil Procedure and the Greeks junsprudence.Η διατριβή πραγματεύεται το ζήτημα της αναγνώρισης και εκτέλεσης ερήμην αλλοδαπών αποφάσεων σε τρία επίπεδα : στο πρώτο εξετάζεται η προβληματική κατά το ΚπολΔ και τις διμερείς συμβάσεις που έχει συνάψει η χώρα μας. Στο δεύτερο επιχειρείται η συγκριτική παράθεση του ζητήματος στις έννομες τάξεις των ευρωπαϊκών χωρών που απαρτίζουν την ΕΕ και τη ΕΖΕΣ. Τέλος, στο τρίτο επίπεδο παρουσιάζεται το θέμα στο πλαίσιο των Συμβρ/ΣυμΛουγκ, και των καν.44/2001, 1347/2000 και 1348/2000. Το ζητούμενο είναι κοινό και στα τρια επίπεδα και συμπυκνώνεται στο εξής ερώτημα : πως δύναται να διασφαλιστεί το δικαίωμα ακρόασης του εναγόμενου καλού, ο οποίος ερημοδικάζεται στο πρώτο κράτος ή κράτος προέλευσης, χωρίς να ακυρωθεί παράλληλα η αξίωση παροχής έννομης προστασίας του ενάγοντος-αιτούντος στο δεύτερο κράτος ή κράτος υποδοχής; η διατριβή καταλήγει στο συμπέρασμα ότι οι νέες ρυθμίσεις των ανωτέρω κανονισμών κατοχυρώνουν το δικαίωμα ακρόασης του ενάγομένου επαρκώς, ενώ παράλληλα διασφαλίζουν και την αξίωση παροχής έννομης προστασίας του ενάγοντος-αιτούντος την κήρυξη εκτελεστώτητας της αλλοδαπής απόφασης, κατά τρόπο που ακολουθείται πάγια από τον Ελληνικό Κώδικα Πολιτικής Δικονομίας

    Признание в Греции российских судебных решений о персональном статусе: обзор прецедентного права

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    Russia and Greece have strong historical, cultural, social and financial bonds for centuries. In the aftermath of the 2nd World War, many people of Greek origin were forced to leave Greece for political reasons; they moved to the USSR, where they started a new life. Soon after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and following supporting Greek legislation for their return to the homeland, a significant number of people decided to resettle in Greece. In order to cope with Greek bureaucracy regarding personal status matters, certain documents and court decisions of USSR (meanwhile Russian) origin had to be recognized in Greece. The present article provides a first glance at the bilateral Convention on judicial assistance in civil and criminal matters signed in 1981 between the Hellenic Republic and the ex-USSR. This сonvention applies since December 1995 in Greek – Russian civil and criminal matters. The article will focus on Ch. V of the Convention, dealing exclusively with the issue of recognition and enforcement of judgments and authentic instruments in civil matters. At the same time it serves as a survey of reported and unreported Greek case law on the matter.У России и Греции сложились сильные исторические, культурные, социальные и финансовые связи, существующие на протяжении многих веков. После 2-й мировой войны много людей греческого происхождения были вынуждены оставить Грецию по политическим причинам; они переехали в СССР, где они начали новую жизнь. Вскоре после распада Советского Союза, и последующей поддержкой греческого законодательства для их возвращения в родину, значительное количество людей решило переселиться в Грецию. Чтобы справиться с греческой бюрократией относительно вопросов личного статуса, определенные документы и решения суда СССР (на русском языке) стали признаваться в Греции. Данная статья предоставляет возможность взглянуть на  двустороннее Соглашение по судебной помощи в гражданских и уголовных делах, подписанное в 1981 году между греческой республикой и бывшим СССР. Это соглашение применяется с декабря 1995 года в отношении греческих и российских гражданских и уголовных дел. Внимание в статье сосредоточено на 5 главе Соглашения, имеющей дело исключительно с проблемой признания и применения решений и прочих российских инструментов по гражданским вопросам. Одновременно статья служит обзором признанного и непризнанного греческого прецедентного права

    Assessment of Magnesia Refractories Corrosion by Iron-Rich Slags

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    High purity magnesia refractories have been tested for their resistance to iron-rich converter slags of ferronickel production. Laboratory tests were performed using crucibles made from magnesia refractories filled with slag at temperatures up to 1700 &deg;C and contact times of 1, 2, 4, or 8 h. SEM observations and microanalyses performed on both refractories and slag indicated the progressive substitution of Mg in magnesia refractories by iron and production of magnesiowustite ((Mg, Fe)O), thus forming an affected intermediate zone with a depth depending on contact time and temperature. At the most aggressive conditions investigated, i.e., temperature 1700 &deg;C and 8 h contact time, the maximum depth of the intermediate affected zone measured was 1.57 mm. Thermodynamic simulation of the system with FactSage 7.0 confirmed the formation of magnesiowustite with progressively higher rates of Mg substitution by Fe that decreases the melting point of (Mg, Fe)O, resulting in the progressive corrosion of the converters&rsquo; lining

    Assessment of Magnesia Refractories Corrosion by Iron-Rich Slags

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    High purity magnesia refractories have been tested for their resistance to iron-rich converter slags of ferronickel production. Laboratory tests were performed using crucibles made from magnesia refractories filled with slag at temperatures up to 1700 °C and contact times of 1, 2, 4, or 8 h. SEM observations and microanalyses performed on both refractories and slag indicated the progressive substitution of Mg in magnesia refractories by iron and production of magnesiowustite ((Mg, Fe)O), thus forming an affected intermediate zone with a depth depending on contact time and temperature. At the most aggressive conditions investigated, i.e., temperature 1700 °C and 8 h contact time, the maximum depth of the intermediate affected zone measured was 1.57 mm. Thermodynamic simulation of the system with FactSage 7.0 confirmed the formation of magnesiowustite with progressively higher rates of Mg substitution by Fe that decreases the melting point of (Mg, Fe)O, resulting in the progressive corrosion of the converters’ lining

    Antimony Extraction from Galena Concentrates

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    The extraction of antimony and arsenic from galena concentrates by leaching with strongly alkaline sodium sulphide solution are investigated. The effects of leaching parameters including sodium sulphide and sodium hydroxide concentrations in the leaching solution, pulp density, reaction time and temperature on the extraction of antimony and arsenic are studied. It is indicated that high antimony extraction rates approaching 90–100% were obtained. However, arsenic extraction remained low at all experimental conditions considered, ranging between 2.5 and 4%, demonstrating that under these conditions, only certain arsenic-containing minerals are dissolved. The process presented is appropriate for antimony extraction with significant benefits associated with an increased value of galena concentrate and its own market value