593 research outputs found

    Biomechanically tunable nano-silica/p-hema structural hydrogels for bone scaffolding

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    Innovative tissue engineering biomimetic hydrogels based on hydrophilic polymers have been investigated for their physical and mechanical properties. 5% to 25% by volume loading PHEMA-nanosilica glassy hybrid samples were equilibrated at 37◦C in aqueous physiological isotonic and hypotonic saline solutions (0.15 and 0.05 M NaCl) simulating two limiting possible compositions of physiological extracellular fluids. The glassy and hydrated hybrid materials were characterized by both dynamo-mechanical properties and equilibrium absorptions in the two physiological-like aqueous solutions. The mechanical and morphological modifications occurring in the samples have been described. The 5% volume nanosilica loading hybrid nanocomposite composition showed mechanical characteristics in the dry and hydrated states that were comparable to those of cortical bone and articular cartilage, respectively, and then chosen for further sorption kinetics characterization. Sorption and swelling kinetics were monitored up to equilibrium. Changes in water activities and osmotic pressures in the water-hybrid systems equilibrated at the two limiting solute molarities of the physiological solutions have been related to the observed anomalous sorption modes using the Flory-Huggins interaction parameter approach. The bulk modulus of the dry and glassy PHEMA-5% nanosilica hybrid at 37◦C has been observed to be comparable with the values of the osmotic pressures generated from the sorption of isotonic and hypotonic solutions. The anomalous sorption modes and swelling rates are coherent with the difference between osmotic swelling pressures and hybrid glassy nano-composite bulk modulus: the lower the differences the higher the swelling rate and equilibrium solution uptakes. Bone tissue engineering benefits of the use of tuneable biomimetic scaffold biomaterials that can be “designed” to act as biocompatible and biomechanically active hybrid interfaces are discussed

    Enamel Erosion Reduction through Coupled Sodium Fluoride and Laser Treatments before Exposition in an Acid Environment: An In Vitro Randomized Control SEM Morphometric Analysis

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    (1) Background: Erosive lesions of dental enamel are steadily increasing owing to both the availability of exogenous acid and the production of endogenous acid. The aim of this study was to investigate the erosion-inhibiting potential of a diode laser irradiation and topical application of fluoride used alone or in combination on the enamel surface of extracted teeth before exposure to an acidic solution. (2) Methods: The four axial enamel surfaces of 40 healthy molars were used for four study groups: (A) no treatment; (B) application of fluoride gel for 120 s; (O) a diode laser application for 120 s; and (X) a combined laser/fluoride for 120 s. Each enamel surface was examined by SEM (scanning electron microscopy). (3) Results: At 700× magnification, it was possible to detect the enamel prisms of the test area of groups A, B, and O, while no structures such as enamel prisms were highlighted for group X because they were covered by an amorphous layer. The mean number of prisms ×1000 µm2 was 7.2 units with an SD of 0.72 for group A, 8 units with an SD of 0.96 for group B, and 4.8 units with a SD of 0.4 for group O. Student’s t-test showed no significant difference between group A and B with a p = 0.054. Group O showed a significant reduction of prims ×1000 µm2 compared with group A (p = 0.0027) and group B (p = 0.0009). Student’s t-test showed no significant difference between groups A and B with a p = 0.054. Group O showed a significant reduction of prims density with respect to group A (p = 0.0027) and group B (p = 0.0009). (4) Conclusions: This amorphous layer might be correlated with the effect of laser on enamel, which reduces both water and carbonate ion; increases the crystallinity of hydroxyapatite, and improves the mechanical properties of enamel; which is responsible for greater protection expressed by the enamel of group X against acid attacks

    Some aspects of the human body's hydraulics

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    This paper presents some aspects related to the human body's hydraulics in the desire to make readers aware of how to maintain all the blood vessels of the human body in order to maintain the entire healthy, functional, young, vigorous circulatory system for a while the longest possible. The problem is complex because it has to be viewed from all points of view and not only as an isolated system in the body, having aspects of feedback on the whole physiopathology belonging to the human body. The highly circulating system needs permanent maintenance. Self-maintenance is done through various physiological mechanisms tightly linked to each other, including the lymphatic, digestive, renal, lung, nervous, glandular system… It is not possible to completely separate the physiology of a system from the other adjacent systems because they all work synergistically, being permanently controlled by the central and peripheral nervous system

    Mitochondria are naturally micro robots - A review

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    The mitochondrion is a natural robot (cell) with a length of about one micron. Between organisms (plant, animal or human) with its organs and the atomic and molecular components are positioned based cells, which are building all the necessary organs body. Years ago, medical specialists who are studying organ disease have considered that is caused by impaired organ or related to other organs. For example, it was considered that all nerve diseases have started from stress due to disorder of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (adrenal glands). Today one knows that psychological stress triggers some metabolic, inflammatory and transcriptional perturbations that ultimately dispose to malady in cellular energetics, involving mitochondrial energy production respiratory stress. Future research on mitochondrial can lead to the elucidation of great issues of life (including the generation of illness, aging and death bodies). The main idea of this paper is that mitochondria are independent cells, flexible, essential for complex life

    Bone modeling for customized hybrid biological prostheses development

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    Faithful modeling of the femur accounting for bone distribution and material orthotropic behavior is presented. In this study, a biofidel femur Finite Element Model (FEM) has been developed from Computerized Tomography (CT) scans using a specific combination of software’s to correctly represent bone physiology and structural behavior. Proper identification of trabecular bone arrangement and distribution in the proximal diaphysis enabled modeling and definition of material properties. The faithful femur model proposed allows us to correctly account for non-isotropic properties to the proximal end explaining the critical structural role played by trabecular bone that should be taken into account in the design of a new innovative prosthetic system

    Biologically structured materials

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    In this paper bio-tissue mathematical modeling serves as a central repository to interface design, simulation, and tissue fabrication. Finite element computer analyses will be used to study the role of local tissue mechanics on endochondral ossification patterns, skeletal morphology and mandible thickness distributions using single and multi-phase continuum material representations of clinical cases of patients implanted with the traditional protocols. New protocols will be hypothesized for the use of the new biologically techno-structured hybrid materials

    Future medicine services robotics

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    It is an entry technique in use recently, albeit in selected centers and represents a further step in the field of minimally invasive surgery. Basically it has the same indications but, at present, is reserved for selected patients. Compared to traditional video-assisted surgery presents some important differences. The surgeon is physically distant from the operative field and sits at a console, equipped with a monitor, from which, through a complex system, controls the movement of the robotic arms. These are fixed the various surgical instruments, tweezers, scissors, dissectors, that team shall present to the operating table to introduce into the cavity operative site. The use of mechanical arms has the advantage of allowing a three dimensional view an image with more stops and to make the most delicate maneuvers purposes and also because the tools are articulated to the distal end. The disadvantage is related to the times longer operative and the difficulty of determining the strength (as can happen in giving the right tension to a surgeon's knot). In the future it can be assumed that robotic surgery will allow, with the development of the experience, the spread of the equipment and improvement of telecommunication systems and data, to operate at ever greater distances. If you think that today, the space centers, you can operate the robots sent to the moon or farther away, it is not hard to believe that it will become usual to operate from side to side of the area, providing you with all the best and specific skills. The first surgical robot called da Vinci, in honor of Leonardo da Vinci, was developed in Silicon Valley by Intuitive Surgical and in 2000 he obtained the authorization of the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in laparoscopic surgery. The present paper wishes to show briefly several models of the main robots placed in the service of human medicine

    Bioresorption control and biological response of magnesium alloy az31 coated with poly-β-hydroxybutyrate

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    Magnesium and its alloys are not normally used as bioresorbable temporary implants due to their high and uncontrolled degradation rate in a physiological liquid environment. The improvement of corrosion resistance to simulated body fluids (SBF) of a magnesium alloy (AZ31) coated with poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) was investigated. Scanning electron microscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, and contact angle measurements were used to characterize surface morphology, material composition, and wettability, respectively. pH modification of the SBF corroding medium, mass of Mg2+ ions released, weight loss of the samples exposed to the SBF solution, and electrochemical experiments were used to describe the corrosion process and its kinetics. The material’s biocompatibility was described by evaluating the effect of corrosion by products collected in the SBF equilibrating solution on hemolysis ratio, cytotoxicity, nitric oxide (NO), and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC). The results showed that the PHB coating can diffusively control the degradation rate of magnesium alloy, improving its biocompatibility: the hemolysis rate of materials was lower than 5%, while in vitro human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) compatibility experiments showed that PHB-coated Mg alloy promoted cell proliferation and had no effect on the NO content and that the T-AOC was enhanced compared with the normal group and bare AZ31 alloy. PHB-coated AZ31 magnesium alloy extraction fluids have a less toxic behavior due to the lower concentration of corrosion byproducts deriving from the diffusion control exerted by the PHB coating films both from the metal surface to the solution and vice versa. These findings provide more reference value for the selection of such systems as tunable bioresorbable prosthetic materials
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