596 research outputs found

    Moving Beyond Co-Construction of Knowledge to Enable Self‑Determination

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    It is increasingly recognised that co-construction of knowledge which brings together researcher-derived understanding, with local, practitioner or non-researcher understanding is necessary to address current global challenges. Emerging empirical evidence suggests challenges remain in bridging across scales and ensuring inclusion of the marginalised. It is unclear whether espoused approaches are in practice enhancing the wellbeing of those currently on the front lines of ecological, social and political crises, or, whether they are inadvertently increasing inequality. In this article, we explore co-construction from our experience as embedded researcher–practitioners through two case studies: the ecological restoration of fisheries by the Skolt Sámi in Finland, and the conservation of agro-ecological and forest management practices by peasant communities in Paraguay. We challenge the idea that co-construction of knowledge is sufficient to engage with regressive institutional and political dynamics that continue to marginalise, arguing for a focus on self-determination to be the foundation for co-construction

    Fiber Treating Metabolic Syndrome

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    The number of individuals diagnosed with metabolic syndrome has risen dramatically in recent years. Although not a disease itself, metabolic syndrome significantly raises the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus, both considered to be epidemics. Therefore, it is critical to promote aggressive therapies that effectively combat conditions associated with the metabolic syndrome. However, treating metabolic syndrome is complicated due to the complex nature of its pathophysiology coinciding with the many health abnormalities metabolic syndrome is often associated with, including but not limited to, insulin resistance, central obesity, hypertension, and atherogenic dyslipidemia. One promising compound that has been demonstrated to alleviate metabolic syndrome is fiber. The various types of fiber work through multiple mechanisms of action in the human body and can potentially result in weight loss in addition to blood glucose control and the lowering of cholesterol. Therefore, increasing intake of dietary fiber might prevent or even reverse some of the negative health anomalies associated with metabolic syndrome. The purpose of this review is to provide a cursory overview of the core components of metabolic syndrome and address how fiber intake may combat these conditions

    Apgar and Fishbein, Changing Industrial Organization

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    Building Bridges to an Uncertain Future Lived Now: Lessons from the Use of Participatory Action Research and Theory of Change Towards A Realistic Community-Based Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation System

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    Building on experience from the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems implemented by WorldFish in the Visayas and Mindanao regions of the Philippines, known as the VisMin Hub, we describe the development and evolution of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system emerging from the facilitated action-reflection cycles of testing and adopting theories of change carried out with community partners through participatory action research (PAR). The former guides our community partners and us, as members of the potentially emergent PAR groups, towards the realization of the community’s vision; the latter facilitates learning to understand what, how and why change is unfolding. Unlike the conventional M&E system where indicators are pre-set at the beginning of program implementation, these processes result in an organically-evolved, communitybased participatory M&E system that is continuously revised according to contexts to guide communities towards realizing their visions. Its ultimate outcome is enhanced people’s capacity to own the product and process, giving rise to an internally-driven change. Towards the end, the paper offers an iterative discussion of learnings from implementing such an approach
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