187 research outputs found

    On the effect of birefringence on light transmission in Polycrystalline Magnesium Fluoride

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    journal articleLight transmission in polycrystalline magnesium fluoride was studied as a function of the mean grain size at different wavelengths. The mean grain size was varied by annealing hot-pressed billets in argon atmosphere at temperatures ranging from 600 to 800°C for 1 hour. The grain-size and grain-orientation distributions were characterized by electron back scatter diffraction. The scattering coefficients were calculated from the in-line transmittance measured at various wavelengths. The scattering coefficient of polycrystalline magnesium fluoride increased linearly with the mean grain size and inversely with the square of the wavelength of light. It is shown that these trends are consistent with theoretical models based on both a limiting form of the Raleigh-Gans-Debye (RGD) theory of particle scattering and light retardation theories that take refractive-index variations along the light path. Quantitative predictions of the theories are, however, subject to uncertainly due to the restrictive assumptions made in the theories and difficulties in representing the microstructure in the theoretical models. In particular, grain-size distribution has a significant influence on the scattering coefficient calculated using particle-scattering models

    Разработка технологии ручной дуговой и механизированной под слоем флюса сварки нахлесточных соединений пластин

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    В выпускной квалификационной работе разработана технология ручной дуговой и механизированной сварки под слоем флюса нахлёсточных соединений пластин из стали 10Г2С1Д, предложено устройство для сварки. Произведены расчеты режимов сварки. В экономической части ВКР выполнен расчет экономического эффекта от внедрения новой технологии. Рассмотрены вопросы безопасности труда производственных рабочих и охраны окружающей среды. Выпускная квалификационная работа бакалавра выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Word 2016In final qualifying wok the technology of manual arc and mechanized welding under a layer of flux of lap joints of plates from steel 10G2C1D, is developed, the device for welding is suggested. Calculations of welding modes are dene. In economic pat of final qualifying work, the calculation of the economic effect from the introduction of new technology is fulfilled. Issues of labor safety of industrial warblers and environmental protection are considered. The final qualifying work is done in a text editor Microsoft word 2016

    A systematic review of methods used to study fish in saltmarsh flats

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    There is a growing body of research highlighting the importance of saltmarshes as habitats for fish for feeding, refuge from predation and reproduction. However, more work is needed on fish on vegetated marsh flats (or surfaces). We reviewed 60 studies that used 21 methods to sample fish assemblages on saltmarsh flats. Drop samplers, fyke nets and pop nets were most frequently employed, with considerably more studies being conducted in graminoid than succulent marsh. Reporting of sampling temporal and tidal details, environmental variables and fish attributes was inconsistent. Most of the papers focussed on one or more of conservation management, comparisons among habitat types, and the use of saltmarsh (including fish activity type or residency status). Important potential areas of research include the relationships between the fish assemblages of saltmarsh flats and coastal fisheries, the effects of invasive plant species and marsh restoration efforts in areas outside the United States, and the potential effects of sea-level rise on vegetated flats as fish habitat. Sampling methods that provide density measures are likely to be most useful for most of this research. Thus, drop samplers and pop nets are an appropriate choice, the former in graminoid saltmarshes and the latter in succulent saltmarshes

    Buffer layer-assisted growth of Ge nanoclusters on Si

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    In the buffer layer-assisted growth method, a condensed inert gas layer of xenon, with low-surface free energy, is used as a buffer to prevent direct interactions of deposited atoms with substrates. Because of␣an unusually wide applicability, the buffer layer-assisted growth method has provided a unique avenue for creation of nanostructures that are otherwise impossible to grow, and thus offered unprecedented opportunities for fundamental and applied research in nanoscale science and technology. In this article, we review recent progress in the application of the buffer layer-assisted growth method to the fabrication of Ge nanoclusters on Si substrates. In particular, we emphasize the novel configurations of the obtained Ge nanoclusters, which are characterized by the absence of a wetting layer, quasi-zero dimensionality with tunable sizes, and high cluster density in comparison with Ge nanoclusters that are formed with standard Stranski-Krastanov growth methods. The optical emission behaviors are discussed in correlation with the morphological properties

    The Potential for Augmented Reality to Bring Balance betweenthe Ease of Pedestrian Navigation and the Acquisition of Spatial Knowledge

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    Being completely lost in an unfamiliar environment can be inconvenient, stressful and, at times, even dangerous. Maps are the traditional tools used for guidance but many people find maps difficult to use. In recent years, new tools like outdoor Augmented Reality (AR) have become available which allow virtual navigation cues to be directly overlaid on the real world, potentially overcoming the limitations of maps. However, it has been hypothesized that lower effort invested in processing navigation guidance may lead to diminished spatial knowledge (SK) thereby making users of such navigation tools far more vulnerable to getting lost should the tools fail for any reason. This thesis explores the research question of how AR and maps compare as tools for pedestrian navigation guidance as well as for SK acquisition and if there is a potential for AR tools be developed that would balance the two. We present a series of studies to better understand the consequences of using AR in a pedestrian navigation tool. The first two studies compared time-on-task performance and user preferences for AR and Map navigation interfaces on an outdoor navigation task. The results were not aligned with expectations, which led us to build a controlled testing environment for comparing AR and map navigation. Using this simulated setting, our third study verified the assumption that AR can indeed result in more efficient navigation performance and it supported the hypothesis that this would come at the cost of weaker SK. In our fourth study, we used a dual task design to compare the relative cognitive resources required by map and AR interfaces. The quantitative data collected indicated that users could potentially accept additional workload designed to improve SK without incurring significantly more effort. Our fifth and final study explored an interface with additional AR cues that could potentially balance navigation guidance with SK acquisition. The contributions of this thesis include insights into performance issues relating to AR, a classification of user types based on navigation tool usage behavior, a testbed for simulating perfect AR tracking in a virtual setting, objective measures for determining route knowledge, the capacity that pedestrian navigation tool users may have for performing additional tasks, and guidelines that would be helpful in the design of pedestrian navigation tools