8 research outputs found
Finite element analysis of wooden chair strength in free drop
Wooden furniture is being widely used in all countries due to its convenience and being produced from
the natural raw material. In furniture design esthetic, ergonomics and safety are the main criteria. Safety
means the strength of furniture. Unfortunately, most of the time the strength of furniture is not taken
into account in design as much as esthetic and ergonomics. This leads to the use of excess material
meaning high cost or usage of less material causing some dangers in use. In literature, the first study
of finite element method (FEM) in furniture design was in 1966. The technological developments in
software and hardware promoted those studies. In those researches, the strength analysis had been
done for different kinds of wood. In one of the latest studies, irregular types of sitting on the chair had
been analyzed by FEM. In our study, the chair produced from southern red oak (Quercus falcata), pine
red (Pinus resinosa) and Spruce Engelmann (Picea engelmannii) wood are simulated by free drop from
two different heights defined in packaging standards. The strength at different parts and corners of the
chair is analyzed as free dropped on its front legs by ANSYSTM. In this study, some suggestions are
developed for furniture designers and manufacturers
Taraklı’daki Sivil Mimarlık Örnekleri ile Ali Pektaş Evi’nin Restorasyonu
Geçmişimizden bize emanet edilen, günümüzde ise gelecek kuşaklarımıza bırakma borcumuz olan mimari eserleri
araştırmak, onları yaşatmak hepimizin görevidir. Restorasyon konusunda çeşitli örnek mimari yapıları bulunan
Taraklı geçmişten günümüze kadar gelen, Osmanlı mimarisine ait örnekleriyle kültürel mirasımızın var olduğu
önemli bir yerleşim birimidir. Taraklı’nın sahip olduğu anıtsal ve sivil yapıların etkin bir restorasyonu için fiziksel
yapısı, tarihsel mimari değerleri ve çevresiyle ile birlikte ele alınıp incelenmiştir. Ali Pektaş Evi’nin rölöve analiz
çalışmaları yapılarak restitüsyon önerisi doğrultusunda restorasyon çalışmaları proje ve resimlerle desteklenmiş,
uygulama aşamasında uygulanan tekniklerle birlikte yapının özgünlüğü bozulmadan gerekli denetim altında
kontrolleri yapılarak çalışmalar tamamlanmıştır
Civil Architecture of Examples is in Taraklı and Ali Pektaş of Home’s Restoration
Geçmişimizden bize emanet edilen, günümüzde ise gelecek kuşaklarımıza bırakma borcumuz olan mimari eserleriaraştırmak, onları yaşatmak hepimizin görevidir. Restorasyon konusunda çeşitli örnek mimari yapıları bulunanTaraklı geçmişten günümüze kadar gelen, Osmanlı mimarisine ait örnekleriyle kültürel mirasımızın var olduğuönemli bir yerleşim birimidir. Taraklı’nın sahip olduğu anıtsal ve sivil yapıların etkin bir restorasyonu için fizikselyapısı, tarihsel mimari değerleri ve çevresiyle ile birlikte ele alınıp incelenmiştir. Ali Pektaş Evi’nin rölöve analizçalışmaları yapılarak restitüsyon önerisi doğrultusunda restorasyon çalışmaları proje ve resimlerle desteklenmiş,uygulama aşamasında uygulanan tekniklerle birlikte yapının özgünlüğü bozulmadan gerekli denetim altındakontrolleri yapılarak çalışmalar tamamlanmıştır.It is our duty of all of us to investigate and keep alive the architectural works that have been entrusted to us in ourpast and which we owe to our future generations. Taraklı, which has various examples of architecturalconstructions regarding restoration, is an important settlement unit where the cultural heritage is present withexamples belonging to Ottoman architecture coming from the past to the present day. The physical structure ofTaraklı for the effective restoration of monumental and civil structures is studied and studied together with itshistorical architectural values and surroundings. Ali Pektaş House's restoration analysis works were carried outand the restoration work was supported with projects and pictures by the restitution suggestion and studies werecompleted with necessary controls under the supervision without deteriorating the originality of the constructiontogether with the techniques applied during the application phase. The restoration works of Ali Pektaş House havebeen completed with necessary controls under the supervision without deterioration of the originality of therestoration work done with the projects and pictures and the techniques applied with application techniques
Investigation and modelling the effects of water proofing and water repellent admixtures dosage on the permeability and compressive strengths of concrete
TURGAY, Tahsin/0000-0003-0304-1097WOS: 000375817400072In this study, structural waterproofing products, structural water insulation applications and effects of waterproofing admixtures on the concrete were experimentally investigated. Different dosages in the concrete mixture (0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%) were used to determine the effect of the chemical additive on the permeability of the concrete and the compressive strength the chemical additives. Maximum particle diameter of the aggregate used in the concrete mixture was selected 32 mm accordance to the Turkish Standard 802 "Design of concrete mixes" (TS 802) [1]. The selected aggregate granulometry of concrete mixture is located in B32 section of this granulometry curve and by using PC 42.5 cement, 320 kg/m(3) dosage concretes were produced in laboratory by adding four different kinds of aggregates. The compressive strength and permeability of the hardened concrete samples were measured after 14 days. The measured results showed that while maximum compressive strength were measured as 36.1 N/mm(2) on the concrete samples prepared with 2% chemical additive the minimum water absorption were measured as 4% on the same samples. However, while minimum compressive strength were measured as 28.5 N/mm(2) on the concrete samples prepared with 0% (Reference samples) chemical additives the maximum water absorption were measured as 5.9% on the same samples. Statistical analyses were conducted to determine the relationship between experimental parameters on the compressive strength and water absorption of the hardened concrete samples. By using Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) prediction models were developed based on the experimental inputs to predict the compressive strength and water absorption of the hardened concrete samples. The results showed that both statistical and ANFIS methods' results have perfect match with experimental results. The prediction models can be used to predict the compressive strength and water absorption of concrete samples for known and unknown experimental inputs values. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved
Silindirik çelik sıvı tankları; su, petrol ve endüstriyel kimyasallar gibi çeşitli sıvıları depolamak için yaygın olarakkullanılmaktadırlar. Ayrıca son yıllarda nükleer enerji santrallerinde soğutma amaçlı kullanımları yaygınlaşmaktadır. Çelik sıvıtanklarındaki petrol veya diğer tehlikeli kimyasallar, deprem esnasında oluşan hasarlar sebebi ile büyük finansal ve çevreselzarara neden olabilmektedirler. Önemli mühendislik yapıları olan bu tankların, doğal titreşim periyotları 0,1 sn.- 0,5 sn.aralığındadır. Bu kısa periyotta meydana gelen maksimum deprem enerjisinden dolayı tanklarda hasarlar oluşabilir. Bu çalışmaiçin, silindirik çelik tanklardaki deformasyonlar, burkulmalar çok kısa sürede meydana geldiği için 0,22 saniyelik El-Centrodeprem kaydı kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, yıkıcı ve kısa süreli kuvvetler altında yapıların dinamik analizinde ANSYSWorkbench “Explicit Dynamics” aracı çok iyi sonuçlar ürettiğinden, seçilen bu süre ve deprem verisi, doğrusal olmayan analiziçin ideal olmuştur. Su ve tank duvarı arasındaki etkileşimi sağlamak için suyun modellenmesinde, “Eulerian Body” ağ tekniği,“Explicit Dynamics” aracında tercih edilmiştir. Analizde üstü-açık tank modeli, üstü-konik model ve üstü-kubbe şeklindekapatılan model kullanılmış ve üç farklı cidar kalınlığı için analizler tekrar edilmiştir. Tank cidar kalınlığına ve tankın kapakşekline bağlı olarak, meydana gelen deformasyon ve burkulmaların sebepleri irdelenmiştir. Analiz sonucunda, silindirik çeliksıvı tanklarının kubbe şeklinde kapatılmasının deformasyonları ve burkulmaları azalttığı görülmüştür.Cylindrical steel tanks are widely used to store variety liquids such as water, petroleum, and industrial chemicals. They also have been becoming widespread for cooling in nuclear power plants last years. Steel liquid tanks can be exposed during earthquakes and also they can cause great financial and environmental damage with their containing petroleum or other hazardous chemical liquid. The natural vibration periods of these tanks, which are important engineering works, are in the range of 0,1 s - 0,5 s. If there is no mechanism to absorption the maximum earthquake energy that occurs in this short period, the tank will resonate and damage will occur. For this study, deformations in cylindrical steel tanks were used for earthquake recording of 0.22 seconds since buckling occurred in a very short period. In addition, this time and earthquake values are ideal for nonlinear analysis because ANSYS Workbench “Explicit Dynamics” tool provides very good results in the dynamic analysis of structures under destructive and short-term forces. In order to provide the interaction between the water and the tank wall, the "Eulerian Body" mesh technique is preferred in “Explicit Dynamics” model. In the analysis, an open-top tank model, a conical model and a torisperical closed model were used and the analyzes were repeated for three different tank wall thicknesses. Depending on the shell thickness of the tank and the shape of the tank roof, the causes of deformation and buckling were examined. As a result of the analysis, it was seen that torispherical closing of the cylindrical steel liquid tanks reduced deformation and buckling
Improving of Lightweight Concrete Properties Produced with Pumice Aggregate of Nevşehir Region with Fly Ash Substitution
In this study, it was aimed to determine the effects of industrial waste fly ash substitution on physical and mechanical properties of lightweight concrete. In this respect, lightweight concrete samples were produced by the use of fly ash as a cement replacement material in different proportions (1%, 3% and 5%). In lightweight concrete production, the Nevşehir region acidic pumice has been used as aggregate. The physical and mechanical properties of these lightweight concrete samples were investigated and microstructural analysis was carried out. To determine the physical differences, dry unit volume weight, capillary water absorption, porosity, compactness and freezethaw experiments were conducted. For the determination of mechanical properties, tensile splitting strength and compressive strength tests were applied. SEM images have been interpreted to examine the structural differences occurring within the material. As a result of the study, it was determined that the physical and mechanical properties of the ligtweight concrete were improved with the increase in the amount of fly ash. The best results were obtained from sample with 5% fly ash substitution. The use of industrial waste in a large sector such as construction, which adversely affects the ecological balance, will be an opportunity to dispose of waste