78 research outputs found

    Lack of Association between the Reasons for and Time Spent Doing Physical Activity

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    Low levels of Physical Activity (PA) and sedentarism are associated with the onset of different pathologies and health problems. Regular physical activity has been linked with being beneficial to the health of the general population. Within this framework of analysis, the aim of the present study was to analyze the association between the time spent doing physical activity and the expressed motives for doing so, from which the innovative aspect of the paper emerges: the use of the time spent doing PA as a study variable of the phenomenon. The data analyzed come from the latest special Eurobarometer survey about the sport and physical activity done in Europe. Using an exploratory factorial analysis and a structural equations model, a six-dimensional factorial model was found that explains the reasons for doing PA, demonstrating that there is no relationship between the reasons for and time spent doing PA. The motivation is not a variable that explains the time spent doing PA, and another type of variable must be used to explain the phenomenon if PA is to be incentivized. Weaknesses of the study are that it works with individuals as a group and that the fundamental dependence on age is not introduced, which could determine interest in practicing PA. Similarly, the impact of the conditions of implementing PA, education, and family history should also be introduced into the model

    Effect of eSport sponsorship on brands: an empirical study applied to youth

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    This paper contributes to the understanding of sponsorship in eSports, shedding light on an enormously important topic that has been little explored in academia. ESport is growing internationally, mainly due to the easy access to technology, but also as a response to access to different competitions on the part of the general public, and especially youth. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect that eSport sponsorship has on the health of a brand sponsoring a competition. The field work was carried out by means of a questionnaire distributed among the Internet population, differentiating between children in the age bracket 8 and 14 years and youth between 15 and 25 years, with a total of 1,619 responses. The questionnaire measured the health of the brand through analysing the variables related to the purchase funnel and the brand's advertising campaigns. The results suggest that sponsoring an eSports league has positive effects on the brand. The study also contributes some findings that are applicable to managers in the area of marketing, suggesting some future related lines of research

    Beyond university dropout. An approach to university transfer

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    Degree transfer is understood as the increasingly common phenomenon among students of changing university degrees or university, especially after the first or second years of the degree. The profile of students who transfer (3,861students, 8.3% of students) is constructed based on microdata from the University Pre-enrolment Register of Catalonia and an explanatory model is validated by means of Multivariate Logistic Regression. Transfer refers to both changing the area of knowledge or the university and occurs most frequently in engineering, experimental sciences and social sciences degrees. The profile of the student who transfers is male, does not balance paid employment with studying, has completed baccalaureate in a private or a state-funded private school, and is upper middle class with both parents with a higher-level education working in higher management positions or liberal occupations. His level of use of social networks and digital communication tools is very high

    Los usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos: una aproximación de segmentación sobre hábitos deportivos y satisfacción

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    La heterogeneidad de los usuarios de centros deportivos ha incrementado en los últimos años. Como consecuencia, estos clientes demandan servicios y un trato por parte del centro muy personalizados. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar los diferentes perfiles de usuarios de los centros deportivos públicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. Los datos se recogieron en una encuesta a 791 clientes de centros deportivos públicos. Mediante un análisis clúster y un análisis discriminante se han obtenido cuatro perfiles diferenciados de usuarios. El trabajo contribuye a conocer en profundidad quienes son los clientes y qué estrategias pueden seguir los gerentes de las instalaciones para satisfacer sus necesidades

    La satisfacción de los clientes de los centros deportivos municipales de Barcelona

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar y analizar las variables que más influyen en la satisfacción del cliente en los centros deportivos de Barcelona. Los datos fueron recogidos en una encuesta entre los clientes actuales de centros deportivos municipales. Un análisis factorial aplicado a esta información revela cinco dimensiones que subyacen a los múltiples componentes de la oferta de servicios en dichas instalaciones: su calidad, los recursos humanos, la comunicación, el entorno social y la relación calidad-precio. Las variables generadas fueron incorporadas a un modelo de regresión múltiple en el que la variable dependiente fue la satisfacción del cliente. De acuerdo con los resultados las mujeres y los usuarios mayores de 60 años valoran más positivamente el servicio recibido, mientras que a mayor nivel de estudios, más exigentes son los clientes. Finalmente, un gerente debe prestar atención en primer lugar a la calidad de las instalaciones seguido de la comunicación, los recursos humanos, la relación calidad precio y el entorno social, por este orden

    An Analysis of the Determinants of Sport Expenditure in Sports Centers in Spain

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    The sports center sector is undergoing a complete transformation. Knowing users' behavior regarding sport expenditure is needed to be able to act in terms of the future of the sector. This study analyzes the expenditure of people in Spain who are members of sports centers. Adult members were asked about their sport expenditure in several defined categories. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) and a multiple logistic regression analysis were carried out. The results show that the variables of time of participation, federation membership, and income have predictive value in terms of sport expenditure. Age and educational level also explain the significant di erences in sport expenditure in its di erent categories. This study suggests the importance of identifying the behavior of sports center users with reference to sport expenditure as an essential component of the future strategy of the sector

    Value Added Contributions of Science Parks the Case of the Barcelona Scientific Park

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    Science parks are institutions that support the creation and development of high technology-based companies. They are designed to provide value-added services together with high-quality space and facilities and to promote interaction amongst universities, R&D institutions, companies, and markets. Although Spain is among the countries that have been investing heavily in these institutions, there is lack of feedback from the tenant companies' perspective with respect to the value added that they receive from science parks. The objective of this study is to evaluate the services that the Barcelona Science Park offers to its tenants by gathering information from the companies currently located in the park and those that have graduated. By comparing the results obtained from the two groups of companies, incubated and graduated, we examine whether the opinions differ about their appreciation of the services that they benefited from during their stay in the Park than those currently remaining

    La evaluación de competencias en la Educación Superior: el caso de un máster universitario

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    La implantación de las competencias es una tarea que ha ido incorporándose paulatinamente por los docentes de la universidad española con la entrada en vigor del EEES. A pesar de ello, aún se está lejos de alcanzar los niveles óptimos de evaluación de las mismas. Este artículo permite reflexionar sobre algunas buenas prácticas al respecto y sobre las dificultades y limitaciones que aparecen al querer implantar un cambio en las metodologías docentes, en el marco de un máster universitario. Los resultados indican el grado en que se han evaluado y adquirido tanto las competencias genéricas como específicas en la educación superior

    Similitudes y diferencias en el gasto sanitario de alta tecnología diagnóstica por comunidades autónomas

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la variabilidad entre comunidades autónomas en el gasto sanitario en ATD, estudiando si el gasto per cápita en ATD está aumentando y si existe algún colectivo (población de la tercera edad, inmigración, etc.) en el que puedan identificarse unas pautas de consumo diferenciadas a la población en general

    Aproximación empírica al análisis del absentismo de los estudiantes universitarios. Estudio del caso de la Facultad de Economía y Empresa (UB)

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    Los trabajos alrededor del absentismo de los estudiantes en las aulas universitarias no han sido uno de los objetivos preferentes de los autores en materia de investigación educativa. Habitualmente se ha hecho una aproximación a los datos disponibles de absentismo como una variable interviniente o como una variable propia del proceso educativo, pero no como una variable dependiente en el sentido estricto del término