2,015 research outputs found

    Fostering household formation: evidence from a Spanish rental subsidy

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    In Southern Europe youngsters leave their parental home significantly later than in Northern Europe and the United States. In this paper, we study the effect of a monthly cash subsidy on the probability that young adults live apart from parents and childbearing. The subsidy, introduced in Spain in 2008, is conditional on young adults renting accommodation, and it amounts to almost 20 percent of the average youngsters' wage. Our identification strategy exploits the subsidy eligibility age threshold to assess the causal impact of the cash transfer. Difference-in-Differences estimates show positive effects of the policy on the probability of living apart from parents, living with a romantic partner, and chidbearing for 22 year-olds compared to 21 year-olds. Results persist when the sample is expanded to include wider age ranges. The effect is larger among young adults earning lower incomes and living in high rental price areas. This is consistent with the hypothesis that youngsters delay household formation because the cost is too high relative to their income

    Virtual Processes and Superradiance in Spin-Boson Models

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    We consider spin-boson models composed by a single bosonic mode and an ensemble of NN identical two-level atoms. The situation where the coupling between the bosonic mode and the atoms generates real and virtual processes is studied, where the whole system is in thermal equilibrium with a reservoir at temperature β1\beta^{-1}. Phase transitions from ordinary fluorescence to superradiant phase in three different models is investigated. First a model where the coupling between the bosonic mode and the jthj-th atom is via the pseudo-spin operator σ(j),z\sigma^{,z}_{(j)} is studied. Second, we investigate the generalized Dicke model, introducing different coupling constants between the single mode bosonic field and the environment, g1g_{1} and g2g_{2} for rotating and counter-rotating terms, respectively. Finally it is considered a modified version of the generalized Dicke model with intensity-dependent coupling in the rotating terms. In the first model the zero mode contributes to render the canonical entropy a negative quantity for low temperatures. The last two models presents phase transitions, even when only Hamiltonian terms which generates virtual processes are considered

    TASTE. III. A homogeneous study of transit time variations in WASP-3b

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    The TASTE project is searching for low-mass planets with the Transit Timing Variation (TTV) technique, by gathering high-precision, short-cadence light curves for a selected sample of transiting exoplanets. It has been claimed that the "hot Jupiter" WASP-3b could be perturbed by a second planet. Presenting eleven new light curves (secured at the IAC80 and UDEM telescopes) and re-analyzing thirty-eight archival light curves in a homogeneous way, we show that new data do not confirm the previously claimed TTV signal. However, we bring evidence that measurements are not consistent with a constant orbital period, though no significant periodicity can be detected. Additional dynamical modeling and follow-up observations are planned to constrain the properties of the perturber or to put upper limits to it. We provide a refined ephemeris for WASP-3b and improved orbital/physical parameters. A contact eclipsing binary, serendipitously discovered among field stars, is reported here for the first time.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables; accepted for publication in A&

    Vascular Architecture of the Lactating and Non-Lactating Teat of the Bitch: A Scanning Electron- and Light Microscope Study

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    Tissues from fourteen mammary glands of eight bitches were prepared for scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts and for histology to study the vasculature of the lactating and non-lactating teats. The densely-meshed mammary dermal capillary network formed ridges and troughs. The teat ducts were vascularized by a relatively densely-meshed capillary network which drained into veins longitudinally oriented to the ducts. Between eight and fifteen teat duct openings were seen on the tip of the teat, that were sometimes divided by a septum. The inner vascularization of the teat showed that the main papillary arteries divided into undulating secondary papillary arteries which presented numerous semi-constrictions and loops. Their structure may help during erection of the teat. Arteriovenous anastomoses found at different points may participate in blood flow maintenance during suckling, heat regulation and teat erection. Veins freely anastomosed and ran longitudinally to the axis of the teat. They exhibited numerous bicuspid valves. In non-lactating teats, vessels showed the same main architecture and characteristics mentioned above, although these were considerably less marked. The structure of the vascular elements in the teat of the bitch could favor blood flow during suckling and suggest that vessels adapt to the physiological situation

    Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting - Sources and Techniques

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    Energy harvesting technology is attracting huge attention and holds a promising future for generating electrical power. This process offers various environmentally friendly alternative energy sources. Especially, radio frequency (RF) energy has interesting key attributes that make it very attractive for low-power consumer electronics and wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Ambient RF energy could be provided by commercial RF broadcasting stations such as TV, GSM, Wi-Fi, or radar. In this study, particular attention is given to radio frequency energy harvesting (RFEH) as a green technology, which is very suitable for overcoming problems related to wireless sensor nodes located in harsh environments or inaccessible places. The aim of this paper is to review the progress achievements, the current approaches, and the future directions in the field of RF harvesting energy. Therefore, our aim is to provide RF energy harvesting techniques that open the possibility to power directly electronics or recharge secondary batteries. As a result, this overview is expected to lead to relevant techniques for developing an efficient RF energy harvesting system

    The Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters. XIII. ACS/WFC Parallel-Field Catalogues

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    As part of the Hubble Space Telescope UV Legacy Survey of Galactic Globular Clusters, 110 parallel fields were observed with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys, in the outskirts of 48 globular clusters, plus the open cluster NGC 6791. Totalling about 0.30.3 square degrees of observed sky, this is the largest homogeneous Hubble Space Telescope photometric survey of Galalctic globular clusters outskirts to date. In particular, two distinct pointings have been obtained for each target on average, all centred at about 6.56.5 arcmin from the cluster centre, thus covering a mean area of about 23arcmin223\,{\rm arcmin^{2}} for each globular cluster. For each field, at least one exposure in both F475W and F814W filters was collected. In this work, we publicly release the astrometric and photometric catalogues and the astrometrised atlases for each of these fields.Comment: 30 pages, 23 figures. Accepted by MNRA

    Phase Diagram of Multilayer Magnetic Structures

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    Multilayer "ferromagnet-layered antiferromagnet" (Fe/Cr) structures frustrated due to the roughness of layer interfaces are studied by numerical modeling methods. The "thickness-roughness" phase diagrams for the case of thin ferromagnetic film on the surface of bulk antiferromagnet and for two ferromagnetic layers separated by an antiferromagnetic interlayer are obtained and the order parameter distributions for all phases are found. The phase transitions nature in such systems is considered. The range of applicability for the "magnetic proximity model" proposed by Slonczewski is evaluated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    IAC-Star: a Code for Synthetic Color-Magnitude Diagram Computation

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    The code IAC-star is presented. It generates synthetic HR and color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and is mainly aimed to star formation history studies in nearby galaxies. Composite stellar populations are calculated on a star by star basis, by computing the luminosity, effective temperature and gravity of each star by direct bi-logarithmic interpolation in the metallicity and age grid of a library of stellar evolution tracks. Visual (broad band and HST) and infrared magnitudes are also provided for each star after applying bolometric corrections. The Padua (Bertelli et al. 1994, Girardi et al. 2000) and Teramo (Pietrinferni et al. 2004) stellar evolution libraries and various bolometric corrections libraries are used in the current version. A variety of star formation rate functions, initial mass functions and chemical enrichment laws are allowed and binary stars can be computed. Although the main motivation of the code is the computation of synthetic CMDs, it also provides integrated masses, luminosities and magnitudes as well as surface brightness fluctuation luminosities and magnitudes for the total synthetic stellar population, and therefore it can also be used for population synthesis research. The code is offered for free use and can be executed at the site {\tt http://iac-star.iac.es}, with the only requirement of referencing this paper and crediting as indicated in the site.Comment: Astronomical Journal, in pres