50 research outputs found
Cherenkov gluons at RHIC and LHC
The coherent hadron production analogous to Cherenkov radiation of photons
gives rise to the ring-like events. Being projected on the ring diameter they
produce the two-bump structure recently observed for the away-side jets at
RHIC. The position of the peaks and their height determine such properties of
the hadronic medium as its nuclear index of refraction, the parton density, the
free path length and the energy loss of Cherenkov gluons. Beside comparatively
low energy gluons observed at RHIC, there could be high energy gluons at LHC,
related to the high energy region of positive real part of the forward
scattering amplitude and possessing different characteristics.Comment: 6 pages, talk at QM2006 modified with new reference
The two types of Cherenkov gluons at LHC energies
Beside comparatively low energy Cherenkov gluons observed at RHIC, there
could be high energy gluons at LHC, related to the high energy region of
positive real part of the forward scattering amplitude. In both cases they give
rise to particles emitted along some cone. The characteristics of the cones
produced by these two types of gluons are different. Therefore different
experiments are needed to detect them. The cosmic ray event which initiated
this idea is described in detail.Comment: 6 pages, talk at IWCF2006, Hangzhou, Chin
Modelling of the Municipality Entrepreneurial Community Functioning Using the Methods of System Dynamics
The purpose of this research is to develop an imitation system-dynamic model for the municipality entrepreneurial network functioning. The model is implemented on an experimental level in the environment of simulation moderation Powersim Studio 7. On the one hand it gives us the opportunity to monitor the state of communications and exchange at various periods of time. On the other hand it allows to determine the architecture of links, levels and flows of exchange between network participants as well as the most effective conditions for the realization of commodity-money relations both inside and outside the network. The introduction of inside money into the entrepreneurial network is considered to be a method of exchange effectiveness increase. The parameter, reflecting their usage in the network, acts as the main regulator of exchange and at the same time it is the controlling parameter of the model. Simulation experiments result, expressed in resulting coefficients (liquidity, cooperation, exchange synchronization), allows you to assess numerically the system state at different control parameter values. It makes the designed model an effective support tool for optimizing decisions and managing a complex economic system, which is the entrepreneurial network of the municipality. © 201
The entrepreneurial network simulation model for the supporting system of management decisions making at a municipal level
The article deals with a system dynamic model implemented in the AnyLogic simulation environment. It gives proof of its advantages concerning the municipality entrepreneurial network model, which was previously realised in Powersim environment. It also formulates the prospects of this investigation development. This is the working out of an information support system of management decisions making based on a Java-application. Such an application can be obtained by the simulation model exporting to Java-code by means of AnyLogic. Data warehouses, interfaces and other applications can be integrated with this application. The system obtained in this way will become even a more effective tool for the management decisions making support. © 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved.Present study was carried out under financial support of the Russian Fund of Fundamental Research grant № 19-010-00974 "Experimental institutional models of the autonomy of local communities finances in context of public confidence decreasing in forms of participation in the budget process"
The influence of the geomagnetic field and of the uncertainties in the primary spectrum on the development of the muon flux in the atmosphere
In this paper we study the sensitivity of the flux of atmospheric muons to
uncertainties in the primary cosmic ray spectrum and to the treatment of the
geomagnetic field in a calculation. We use the air shower simulation program
AIRES to make the calculation for two different primary spectra and under
several approximations to the propagation of charged particles in the
geomagnetic field. The results illustrate the importance of accurate modelling
of the geomagnetic field effects. We propose a high and a low fit of the proton
and helium fluxes, and calculate the muon fluxes with these different inputs.
Comparison with measurements of the muon flux by the CAPRICE experiment shows a
slight preference for the higher primary cosmic ray flux parametrization.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.
Wavelets: mathematics and applications
The notion of wavelets is defined. It is briefly described {\it what} are
wavelets, {\it how} to use them, {\it when} we do need them, {\it why} they are
preferred and {\it where} they have been applied. Then one proceeds to the
multiresolution analysis and fast wavelet transform as a standard procedure for
dealing with discrete wavelets. It is shown which specific features of signals
(functions) can be revealed by this analysis, but can not be found by other
methods (e.g., by the Fourier expansion). Finally, some examples of practical
application are given (in particular, to analysis of multiparticle production}.
Rigorous proofs of mathematical statements are omitted, and the reader is
referred to the corresponding literature.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Latex, Phys. Atom. Nuc
On inconsistency of experimental data on primary nuclei spectra with sea level muon intensity measurements
For the first time a complete set of the most recent direct data on primary
cosmic ray spectra is used as input into calculations of muon flux at sea level
in wide energy range GeV. Computations have been performed
with the CORSIKA/QGSJET and CORSIKA/VENUS codes. The comparison of the obtained
muon intensity with the data of muon experiments shows, that measurements of
primary nuclei spectra conform to sea level muon data only up to several tens
of GeV and result in essential deficit of muons at higher energies. As it
follows from our examination, uncertainties in muon flux measurements and in
the description of nuclear cascades development are not suitable to explain
this contradiction, and the only remaining factor, leading to this situation,
is underestimation of primary light nuclei fluxes. We have considered
systematic effects, that may distort the results of the primary cosmic ray
measurements with the application of the emulsion chambers. We suggest, that
re-examination of these measurements is required with the employment of
different hadronic interaction models. Also, in our point of view, it is
necessary to perform estimates of possible influence of the fact, that sizable
fraction of events, identified as protons, actually are antiprotons. Study of
these cosmic ray component begins to attract much attention, but today nothing
definite is known for the energies GeV. In any case, to realize whether
the mentioned, or some other reasons are the sources of disagreement of the
data on primaries with the data on muons, the indicated effects should be
thoroughly analyzed
QCD in the nuclear medium and effects due to Cherenkov gluons
The equations of in-medium gluodynamics are proposed. Their classical lowest
order solution is explicitly shown for a color charge moving with constant
speed. For nuclear permittivity larger than 1 it describes emission of
Cherenkov gluons resembling results of classical electrodynamics. The values of
the real and imaginary parts of the nuclear permittivity are obtained from the
fits to experimental data on the double-humped structure around the away-side
jet obtained at RHIC. The dispersion of the nuclear permittivity is predicted
by comparing the RHIC, SPS and cosmic ray data. This is important for LHC
experiments. Cherenkov gluons may be responsible for the asymmetry of dilepton
mass spectra near rho-meson, observed in the SPS experiment with excess in the
low-mass wing of the resonance. This feature is predicted to be common for all
resonances. The "color rainbow" quantum effect might appear according to higher
order terms of in-medium QCD if the nuclear permittivity depends on color.Comment: 29 p., 4 figs; for "Phys. Atom. Nucl." volume dedicated to 80th
birthday of L.B. Okun; minor corrections on pp. 11 and 13 in v
Two-dimensional discrete wavelet analysis of multiparticle event topology in heavy ion collisions
The event-by-event analysis of multiparticle production in high energy hadron
and nuclei collisions can be performed using the discrete wavelet
transformation. The ring-like and jet-like structures in two-dimensional
angular histograms are well extracted by wavelet analysis. For the first time
the method is applied to the jet-like events with background simulated by event
generators, which are developed to describe nucleus-nucleus collisions at LHC
energies. The jet positions are located quite well by the discrete wavelet
transformation of angular particle distribution even in presence of strong
background.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
A study on the sharp knee and fine structures of cosmic ray spectra
The paper investigates the overall and detailed features of cosmic ray (CR)
spectra in the knee region using the scenario of nuclei-photon interactions
around the acceleration sources. Young supernova remnants can be the physical
realities of such kind of CR acceleration sites. The results show that the
model can well explain the following problems simultaneously with one set of
source parameters: the knee of CR spectra and the sharpness of the knee, the
detailed irregular structures of CR spectra, the so-called "component B" of
Galactic CRs, and the electron/positron excesses reported by recent
observations. The coherent explanation serves as evidence that at least a
portion of CRs might be accelerated at the sources similar to young supernova
remnants, and one set of source parameters indicates that this portion mainly
comes from standard sources or from a single source.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA
Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy