162 research outputs found

    Eureka Discovers Culture Girls, Fujoshi, and BL: Essay Review of Three Issues of the Japanese Literary Magazine, Yuriika (Eureka)

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    Eureka (or Yuriika) is a mainstream Japanese literary magazine specialising in poetry and criticism. Established by Date Tokuo (1920–61) in 1956, the magazine has played a very important role for decades, introducing cutting edge Western art and literary theories and recognising new texts and talents as well as rediscovering the old. With a few exceptions such as a 1981 issue on girls' comics, however, the magazine has rarely dealt with women writers and artists—until relatively recently. Given this general background, the November 2005 Culture Girls issue has a special historical significance. From this issue onwards Eureka has paid much more attention than before to a wide range of 'Culture Girls' favourite topics, artists, and genres

    The wor(l)dmaking of centenarian poets: Mado Michio and Shibata Toyo

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    Effects of excitation light intensity on parathyroid autofluorescence

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    The intraoperative identification and preservation of the parathyroid glands are vital techniques, which are largely dependent on a surgeon’s experience. Therefore, a simple and reproducible technique to identify the parathyroid glands during surgery is needed. Parathyroid tissue shows near-infrared (NIR) autofluorescence, which enables the intraoperative identification of the parathyroid gland. We herein present two cases that underwent surgery on the parathyroid glands, which were observed using the NIR fluorescence imaging system LIGHTVISION® (Shimazu, Kyoto, Japan). In a case of papillary thyroid carcinoma, the system was adopted to preserve normal parathyroid glands during left hemithyroidectomy. The left lower parathyroid gland was identified using the imaging system under white light; however, its autofluorescence was visualized more clearly with the excitation light of NIR. In a case of primary hyperparathyroidism due to MEN1, the system was adopted to identify and remove all of the parathyroid glands during total parathyroidectomy. The autofluorescence of diseased glands was weaker than that of normal glands, even with the excitation light of NIR. When the parathyroid glands were irradiated with a red laser pointer, the intensity of autofluorescence significantly increased. However, the largest gland, which was pathologically proven to contain strongly proliferating chief cells, did not show autofluorescence. These results suggest that normal or less diseased parathyroid glands, which are generally small and difficult to identify during surgery, showed relatively strong autofluorescence. A stronger excitation light increases the autofluorescence of parathyroid glands, which enhances sensitivity for detecting parathyroid glands during surgery. In conclusion, LIGHTVISION® is a useful device to identify parathyroid glands and an additional excitation light of a red laser pointer increases the detection sensitivity

    A Novel Method for Rearing Zebrafish by Using Freshwater Rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus)

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    The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has become a powerful model organism for studying developmental processes and genetic diseases. However, there remain several problems in previous rearing methods. In this study, we demonstrate a novel method for rearing zebrafish larvae by using a new first food, freshwater rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus). Feeding experiments indicated that freshwater rotifers are suitable as the first food for newly hatched larval fish. In addition, we revisited and improved a feeding schedule from 5 to 40 days postfertilization. Our feeding method using freshwater rotifers accelerated larval growth. At 49 dpf, one pair out of 10 pairs successfully produced six fertilized eggs. At 56, 63, and 71 dpf, 6 out of the 10 pairs constantly produced normal embryos. Our method will improve the husbandry of the zebrafish

    IL-19 Contributes to the Development of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis by Altering Lipid Metabolism

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    Interleukin (IL)-19, a member of the IL-10 family, is an anti-inflammatory cytokine produced primarily by macrophages. Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is a disease that has progressed from nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and is characterized by inflammation and fibrosis. We evaluated the functions of IL-19 in a NAFLD/NASH mouse model using a 60% high fat diet with 0.1% methionine, without choline, and with 2% cholesterol (CDAHFD). Wild-type (WT) and IL-19 gene-deficient (KO) mice were fed a CDAHFD or standard diet for 9 weeks. Liver injury, inflammation, and fibrosis induced by CDAHFD were significantly worse in IL-19 KO mice than in WT mice. IL-6, TNF-α, and TGF-β were significantly higher in IL-19 KO mice than in WT mice. As a mechanism using an in vitro experiment, palmitate-induced triglyceride and cholesterol contents were decreased by the addition of IL-19 in HepG2 cells. Furthermore, addition of IL-19 decreased the expression of fatty acid synthesis-related enzymes and increased ATP content in HepG2 cells. The action of IL-19 in vitro suppressed lipid metabolism. In conclusion, IL-19 may play an important role in the development of steatosis and fibrosis by directly regulating liver metabolism and may be a potential target for the treatment of liver diseases

    Immune Modulation by Telomerase-Specific Oncolytic Adenovirus Synergistically Enhances Antitumor Efficacy with Anti-PD1 Antibody

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    The clinical benefit of monotherapy involving immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) such as anti-programmed death-1 antibody (PD-1 Ab) is limited to small populations. We previously developed a telomerase-specific oncolytic adenovirus, Telomelysin (OBP-301), the safety of which was confirmed in a phase I clinical study. Here, we examined the potential of OBP-502, an OBP-301 variant, as an agent for inducing immunogenic cell death (ICD) and synergistically enhancing the efficacy of OBP-502 with PD-1 Ab using CT26 murine colon cancer and PAN02 murine pancreatic cancer cell lines. OBP-502 induced the release of ICD molecules such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and high-mobility group box protein 1 (HMGB1) from CT26 and PAN02 cells, leading to recruitment of CD8-positive lymphocytes and inhibition of Foxp3-positive lymphocyte infiltration into tumors. Combination therapy involving OBP-502 intratumoral administration and PD-1 Ab systemic administration significantly suppressed the growth of not only OBP-502-treated tumors but also tumors not treated with OBP-502 (so-called abscopal effect) in CT26 and PAN02 bilateral subcutaneous tumor models, in which active recruitment of CD8-positve lymphocytes was observed even in tumors not treated with OBP-502. This combined efficacy was similar to that observed in a CT26 rectal orthotopic tumor model involving liver metastases. In conclusion, telomerase-specific oncolytic adenoviruses are promising candidates for combined therapies with ICIs

    パロディ ノ アル ニホンゴ キョウイク

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    パロディには、1)原典、2)模倣(敬愛)、3)作り変え(批評性)が不可欠である。また、多くの場合、4)滑稽味を伴う。その語源「パラ」には、対立と親密性の両義が含まれている。本稿はこうしたパロディの特徴、とりわけその二重性と批評性、カーニヴァル的な再生予祝機能に注目し、それを利用した日本語教授法を考察する。 四技能習得の手段としてパロディを用いる場合、とくに読み・書きでは、能動的・開放的な作業を促すことができる。それとともに、文学離れの現状や日本に対する固定観念に対処するためにも、パロディ使用は有効である。その場合、従来文学テキストを扱うときにありがちだった大作家や名作、日本らしさ志向、小説偏重に捕われずに、翻訳や読解以外の方法を積極的に取り入れたい。 例として、筒井康隆による『サラダ記念日』のヤクザ版パロディ、「カラダ記念日」と、井上ひさしの『吉里吉里人』の一節を使う授業を取り上げる。前者では、短歌や文語文法についての予備知識もない学生に、比較的短時間で本歌とパロディを比べさせ、自作のパロディ短歌を作らせるところまで持っていく。後者では、『坊っちゃん』他名作の冒頭の吉里吉里語訳と日本語の原文、すなわちパロディの原典とを比べ読むことによって、学習者は、日本人なら誰でも知っている(はずの)名文に触れるとともに、パロディ特有のカーニヴァル的転倒を体験することができる。 限られた授業時間では、長大な文を扱うことはできない。しかし、その場限りの断片ではなく、過去や未来とつながるものをめざしたい。それには、パロディが大いに役立つと考える。The aim of this article is to explore various possibilities of using parody for Japanese-language teaching. Parody requires: 1) a prior text, 2) imitation, and 3) transformation. While 2) is often associated with respect for 1), 3) is closely connected with the subversive and carnivalesque nature of parody. Parody pre-serves its object at the same time as it revolts against it. This structural and attitudinal ambivalence can also be explained etymologically: "para" means both "counter/against" and "beside/near." Given this double-sidedness, parody can be used as an effective tool in second-language teaching, reducing fear and encouraging active participation of the learner. Use of parody in language classes can also contribute to alleviating the general tendency away from literature and the stereotype preconceptions regarding Japan. Yet this is by no means an attempt to revive the traditional reading/translation of literary texts in language class. Texts should be selected not on the basis of their canonicity or "Japaneseness," but for their regenerative and critical merit. Genres other than fiction should also be taken into consideration. Two examples of using parodic texts for a late intermediate (or early advanced) Japanese course are presented. First, Tsutsui Yasutaka\u27s "Karada Kinenbi," which parodies Tawara Machi\u27s Salad Anniversary. In a relatively short period of time, students with no prior knowledge acquire a basic understanding of tanka, literary/poetic style, and parody to the extent that they can appreciate Tsutsui\u27s text and create their own parodies of Salad Anniversary. The second example involves a short excerpt from Inoue Hisashi\u27s Kirikirijin. Celebrated texts by Soseki, Kawabata, and others are "translated" into the Kirikiri language. These "translations" accompanied by the protagonist\u27s comments provide the students with an entertaining and dialogic introduction to the modern Japanese literary canon