62 research outputs found

    13C/15N‐Enriched L‐Dopa as a Triple‐Resonance NMR Probe to Monitor Neurotransmitter Dopamine in the Brain and Liver Extracts of Mice

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    In an attempt to monitor μM-level trace constituents, we applied here 1H-{13C-15N} triple-resonance nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to 13C/15N-enriched L-Dopa as the inevitable precursor of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. The perfect selectivity (to render endogenous components silent) and μM-level sensitivity (700 MHz spectrometer equipped with a cryogenic probe) of triple-resonance allowed the unambiguous and quantitative metabolic and pharmacokinetic analyses of administered L-Dopa/dopamine in the brain and liver of mice. The level of dopamine generated in the brain (within the range 7–76 μM, which covers the typical stimulated level of ~30 μM) could be clearly monitored ex vivo, but was slightly short of the detection limit of a 7T MR machine for small animals. This work suggests that μM-level trace constituents are potential targets of ex vivo monitoring as long as they contain N atom(s) and their appropriate 13C/15N-enrichment is synthetically accessible

    Improved clonality detection in B-cell lymphoma using a semi-nested modification of the BIOMED-2 PCR assay for IGH rearrangement: A paraffin-embedded tissue study

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    The BIOMED-2 PCR protocol for targeting the IGH gene is widely employed for detecting clonality in B-cell malignancies. Unfortunately, the detection of clonality with this method is not very sensitive when paraffin sections are used as a DNA source. To increase the sensitivity, we devised a semi-nested modification of a JH consensus primer. The clonality detection rates of three assays were compared: the standard BIOMED-2, BIOMED-2 assay followed by BIOMED-2 re-amplification, and BIOMED-2 assay followed by semi-nested BIOMED-2. We tested more than 100 cases using paraffin-embedded tissues of various B-cell lymphomas, and found that the clonality detection rates with the above three assays were 63.9%, 79.6%, and 88.0%, respectively. While BIOMED-2 re-amplification was significantly more sensitive than the standard BIOMED-2, the semi-nested BIOMED-2 was significantly more sensitive than both the standard BIOMED-2 and BIOMED-2 re-amplification. An increase in sensitivity was observed in all lymphoma subtypes examined. In conclusion, tumor clonality may be detected in nearly 90% of B-cell lymphoma cases with semi-nested BIOMED-2. This ancillary assay may be useful when the standard BIOMED-2 fails to detect clonality in histopathologically suspected B-cell lymphomas

    Serotonin Augments Gut Pacemaker Activity via 5-HT3 Receptors

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    Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine: 5-HT) affects numerous functions in the gut, such as secretion, muscle contraction, and enteric nervous activity, and therefore to clarify details of 5-HT's actions leads to good therapeutic strategies for gut functional disorders. The role of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), as pacemaker cells, has been recognised relatively recently. We thus investigated 5-HT actions on ICC pacemaker activity. Muscle preparations with myenteric plexus were isolated from the murine ileum. Spatio-temporal measurements of intracellular Ca2+ and electric activities in ICC were performed by employing fluorescent Ca2+ imaging and microelectrode array (MEA) systems, respectively. Dihydropyridine (DHP) Ca2+ antagonists and tetrodotoxin (TTX) were applied to suppress smooth muscle and nerve activities, respectively. 5-HT significantly enhanced spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations that are considered to underlie electric pacemaker activity in ICC. LY-278584, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist suppressed spontaneous Ca2+ activity in ICC, while 2-methylserotonin (2-Me-5-HT), a 5-HT3 receptor agonist, restored it. GR113808, a selective antagonist for 5-HT4, and O-methyl-5-HT (O-Me-5-HT), a non-selective 5-HT receptor agonist lacking affinity for 5-HT3 receptors, had little effect on ICC Ca2+ activity. In MEA measurements of ICC electric activity, 5-HT and 2-Me-5-HT caused excitatory effects. RT-PCR and immunostaining confirmed expression of 5-HT3 receptors in ICC. The results indicate that 5-HT augments ICC pacemaker activity via 5-HT3 receptors. ICC appear to be a promising target for treatment of functional motility disorders of the gut, for example, irritable bowel syndrome

    Cartilage-Specific Over-Expression of CCN Family Member 2/Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CCN2/CTGF) Stimulates Insulin-Like Growth Factor Expression and Bone Growth

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    Previously we showed that CCN family member 2/connective tissue growth factor (CCN2) promotes the proliferation, differentiation, and maturation of growth cartilage cells in vitro. To elucidate the specific role and molecular mechanism of CCN2 in cartilage development in vivo, in the present study we generated transgenic mice overexpressing CCN2 and analyzed them with respect to cartilage and bone development. Transgenic mice were generated expressing a ccn2/lacZ fusion gene in cartilage under the control of the 6 kb-Col2a1-enhancer/promoter. Changes in cartilage and bone development were analyzed histologically and immunohistologically and also by micro CT. Primary chondrocytes as well as limb bud mesenchymal cells were cultured and analyzed for changes in expression of cartilage-related genes, and non-transgenic chondrocytes were treated in culture with recombinant CCN2. Newborn transgenic mice showed extended length of their long bones, increased content of proteoglycans and collagen II accumulation. Micro-CT analysis of transgenic bones indicated increases in bone thickness and mineral density. Chondrocyte proliferation was enhanced in the transgenic cartilage. In in vitro short-term cultures of transgenic chondrocytes, the expression of col2a1, aggrecan and ccn2 genes was substantially enhanced; and in long-term cultures the expression levels of these genes were further enhanced. Also, in vitro chondrogenesis was strongly enhanced. IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA levels were elevated in transgenic chondrocytes, and treatment of non-transgenic chondrocytes with recombinant CCN2 stimulated the expression of these mRNA. The addition of CCN2 to non-transgenic chondrocytes induced the phosphorylation of IGFR, and ccn2-overexpressing chondrocytes showed enhanced phosphorylation of IGFR. Our data indicates that the observed effects of CCN2 may be mediated in part by CCN2-induced overexpression of IGF-I and IGF-II. These findings indicate that CCN2-overexpression in transgenic mice accelerated the endochondral ossification processes, resulting in increased length of their long bones. Our results also indicate the possible involvement of locally enhanced IGF-I or IGF-II in this extended bone growth

    CCN Family Member 2/Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CCN2/CTGF) Has Anti-Aging Effects That Protect Articular Cartilage from Age-Related Degenerative Changes

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    To examine the role of connective tissue growth factor CCN2/CTGF (CCN2) in the maintenance of the articular cartilaginous phenotype, we analyzed knee joints from aging transgenic mice (TG) overexpressing CCN2 driven by the Col2a1 promoter. Knee joints from 3-, 14-, 40-, and 60-day-old and 5-, 12-, 18-, 21-, and 24-month-old littermates were analyzed. Ccn2-LacZ transgene expression in articular cartilage was followed by X-gal staining until 5 months of age. Overexpression of CCN2 protein was confirmed through all ages in TG articular cartilage and in growth plates. Radiographic analysis of knee joints showed a narrowing joint space and other features of osteoarthritis in 50% of WT, but not in any of the TG mice. Transgenic articular cartilage showed enhanced toluidine blue and safranin-O staining as well as chondrocyte proliferation but reduced staining for type X and I collagen and MMP-13 as compared with those parameters for WT cartilage. Staining for aggrecan neoepitope, a marker of aggrecan degradation in WT articular cartilage, increased at 5 and 12 months, but disappeared at 24 months due to loss of cartilage; whereas it was reduced in TG articular cartilage after 12 months. Expression of cartilage genes and MMPs under cyclic tension stress (CTS) was measured by using primary cultures of chondrocytes obtained from wild-type (WT) rib cartilage and TG or WT epiphyseal cartilage. CTS applied to primary cultures of mock-transfected rib chondrocytes from WT cartilage and WT epiphyseal cartilage induced expression of Col1a1, ColXa1, Mmp-13, and Mmp-9 mRNAs; however, their levels were not affected in CCN2-overexpressing chondrocytes and TG epiphyseal cartilage. In conclusion, cartilage-specific overexpression of CCN2 during the developmental and growth periods reduced age-related changes in articular cartilage. Thus CCN2 may play a role as an anti-aging factor by stabilizing articular cartilage