20 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical Character of Hepatic Angiomyolipoma: For Its Management

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    Hepatic angiomyolipoma (AML) is notoriously difficult to diagnose without an invasive surgery even with the recent development of the various imaging modalities. Additionally, recent reports showed its malignant behavior after the surgery; it is important to diagnose the character of each tumor including the possible malignant potential and determine the postoperative management for each case. For this purpose, we have reviewed reports and focused on the immunohistochemical staining with p53 and ki67 of the tumors showing the representative case of 60-year-old female. The imaging study of her tumor showed the character similar to the hepatocellular carcinoma, and she underwent the hepatectomy. The resected tumor stained positive for HMB-45 that is a marker of the AML, and 30–50% of the tumor cells were positively stained with Ki67 that is a mitotic marker. Also, the atypical epithelioid cells displayed p53 immunoreactivity. These results suggest the malignant potential of our tumor based on the previous reports; therefore the careful followup for this case is necessary for a long period whether it shows metastasis, sizing up, and so forth

    Seasonal variation of non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) during mild cold exposure

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    Background: The physiological function of non-shivering thermogenesis (NST) has been investigated in recent years, and some studies have discussed the importance of NST with respect to human cold adaptation. The present study aimed to clarify individual and seasonal variations in NST that occurred as a result of mild cold exposure.Methods: Seventeen male university students participated in the present study during summer and winter. The climate chamber used was programmed so that ambient temperature dropped from 28°C to 16°C over an 80-min period. Physiological parameters of test subjects were recorded during the experiments.Results: Increases in oxygen intake (VO2) during cold exposure were significantly greater without shivering in winter than they were in summer. Respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was significantly lower during thermoneutral baseline and cold exposure in winter than it was during the same periods in summer. In addition, there was a significant negative correlation between ΔVO2 and ΔRER.Conclusions: Increase of VO2 without shivering indicated increase of NST, and decrease of RER depends on the metabolization of fat in winter. These results suggested that NST activity was activated by seasonal acclimatization, and individual variation of NST depends on individual variation of fat metabolism

    A Rapid Optical Clearing Protocol Using 2,2'-Thiodiethanol for Microscopic Observation of Fixed Mouse Brain

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    Elucidation of neural circuit functions requires visualization of the fine structure of neurons in the inner regions of thick brain specimens. However, the tissue penetration depth of laser scanning microscopy is limited by light scattering and/or absorption by the tissue. Recently, several optical clearing reagents have been proposed for visualization in fixed specimens. However, they require complicated protocols or long treatment times. Here we report the effects of 2,2'-thiodiethanol (TDE) solutions as an optical clearing reagent for fixed mouse brains expressing a yellow fluorescent protein. Immersion of fixed brains in TDE solutions rapidly (within 30 min in the case of 400-mu m-thick fixed brain slices) increased their transparency and enhanced the penetration depth in both confocal and two-photon microscopy. In addition, we succeeded in visualizing dendritic spines along single dendrites at deep positions in fixed thick brain slices. These results suggest that our proposed protocol using TDE solution is a rapid and useful method for optical clearing of fixed specimens expressing fluorescent proteins


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    Heterogeneous distribution of doublecortin-expressing cells surrounding the rostral migratory stream in the juvenile mouse

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    In the postnatal mammalian brain, neural stem cells of the ventricular-subventricular zone continue to generate doublecortin (Dcx)-expressing immature neurons. Throughout life, these immature neurons migrate to the olfactory bulb through the rostral migratory stream (RMS). In this study, we investigated the distribution of these putative immature neurons using enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) expression in the area surrounding the RMS of the juvenile Dcx-EGFP mice. Through the combined use of an optical clearing reagent (a 2,2 '-thiodiethanol solution) and two-photon microscopy, we visualized three-dimensionally the EGFP-positive cells in the entire RMS and its surroundings. The resulting wide-field and high-definition images along with computational image processing methods developed in this study were used to comprehensively determine the position of the EGFP-positive cells. Our findings revealed that the EGFP-positive cells were heterogeneously distributed in the area surrounding the RMS. In addition, the orientation patterns of the leading process of these cells, which displayed the morphology of migrating immature neurons, differed depending on their location. These novel results provide highly precise morphological information for immature neurons and suggest that a portion of immature neurons may be detached from the RMS and migrate in various directions