432 research outputs found

    La difficile prise en main des petits périmètres irrigués par les agriculteurs en Algérie : cas du périmètre de Ladrat

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    Un enjeu important pour la réussite du transfert de gestion des systèmes irrigués à des associations d'irrigants est l'appropriation par les agriculteurs de ces nouvelles organisations. Cet enjeu est en particulier présent dans les pays qui ont connu une forte intervention de l'État dans le secteur agricole. En Algérie, les pouvoirs publics ont entamé, à la fin des années 1990, un processus de concession des ouvrages d'irrigation de petite et moyenne hydraulique à des associations d'irrigants. La présente étude analyse le fonctionnement et la gouvernance de l'association d'irrigants qui gère le périmètre irrigué de Ladrat, dans la wilaya de Médéa. Le bureau exécutif de l'association perpétue des pratiques de gestion très administratives. L'association a une capacité d'action limitée, qui se traduit notamment par un taux élevé de non-paiement du service de l'eau. Les conflits ne sont pas gérés par une négociation au niveau de l'association, qui fait souvent appel à l'administration. Tout cela traduit une faible appropriation de l'association par les agriculteurs. Malgré toutes ces difficultés, les agriculteurs se déclarent majoritairement favorables à une gestion associative. Ils critiquent plutôt le fonctionnement administratif de l'association et leur manque d'implication dans la gouvernance. Le manque d'appropriation par les agriculteurs des associations d'irrigants constituées par l'État n'implique ainsi pas nécessairement que ces agriculteurs refusent le principe d'une gestion des périmètres irrigués par des associations d'irrigants. (Résumé d'auteur

    Planification de la maintenance d'un parc de turbines-alternateurs par programmation mathématique

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    RÉSUMÉ Une population grandissante de groupes turbines-alternateurs dans les centrales hydroélectriques arrive à sa fin de vie utile et les gestionnaires appréhendent la concurrence des arrêts pour des rénovations majeures avec un nombre tel que les ressources disponibles dans une même période ne seraient pas suffisantes. Ces retraits du réseau peuvent durer jusqu'à une année entière et mobilisent des ressources importantes en plus de la perte de production électrique. Les prévisions à la hausse des ventes à l'export et des rythmes de production sévères font craindre la mise à l'arrêt de beaucoup de groupes en même temps. Actuellement, le jugement des experts est au coeur des décisions des retraits qui se basent essentiellement sur des inspections périodiques et des mesures effectuées in-situ et dont les résultats sont centralisés chez l'équipe de planification des retraits. La nature aléatoire des phénomènes de dégradations qui ont lieu, font en sorte que la capacité de prévision de l'usure par l'inspection a un caractère de court-terme. Une vision des rénovations majeures sur le long terme est activement recherchée par les gestionnaires dans un souci de justification et de rationalisation des ressources budgétaires allouées aux rénovations. Les gestionnaires disposent d’une quantité impressionnante de données. Parmi elles, figurent la production horaire de chaque groupe depuis plusieurs années, l'historique des réparations sur chaque organe ainsi que les retraits majeurs effectués depuis les années 1950. Dans ce projet de recherche, nous nous proposons de résoudre le problème de planification de la maintenance d’un parc de 90 groupes turbines-alternateurs du réseau de production d'Hydro- Québec sur un horizon de 50 ans. Nous développons une méthodologie scientifique et rationnelle de préparation des plans des retraits qui serviront de support à la prise de décision en exploitant les données de mesures et les historiques disponibles tout en respectant un ensemble de contraintes techniques et économiques. Pour respecter la confidentialité de certaines données, toutes les dénominations originales ont été modifiées pour les rendre anonymes. Ce problème de planification est traité comme un problème d’optimisation avec contraintes. D'abord, un groupe est étudié pour ressortir les organes les plus influents. Un modèle de taux de défaillance est développé pour prendre en compte les caractéristiques technologiques de l'organe et d'utilisation du groupe. Ensuite, des stratégies de remplacements et de réparations sont----------ABSTRACT A growing number of Hydro-Québec's hydro generators are at the end of their useful life and maintenance managers fear to face a number of overhauls exceeding what can be handled. Maintenance crews and budgets are limited and these withdrawals may take up to a full year and mobilize significant resources in addition to the loss of electricity production. In addition, increased export sales forecasts and severe production patterns are expected to speed up wear that can lead to halting many units at the same time. Currently, expert judgment is at the heart of withdrawals which rely primarily on periodic inspections and in-situ measurements and the results are sent to the maintenance planning team who coordinate all the withdrawals decisions. The degradations phenomena taking place is random in nature and the prediction capability of wear using only inspections is limited to shortterm at best. A long term planning of major overhauls is sought by managers for the sake of justifying and rationalizing budgets and resources. The maintenance managers are able to provide a huge amount of data. Among them, is the hourly production of each unit for several years, the repairs history on each part of a unit as well as major withdrawals since the 1950's. In this research, we tackle the problem of long term maintenance planning for a fleet of 90 hydro generators at Hydro-Québec over a 50 years planning horizon period. We lay a scientific and rational framework to support withdrawals decisions by using part of the available data and maintenance history while fulfilling a set of technical and economic constraints. We propose a planning approach based on a constrained optimization framework. We begin by decomposing and sorting hydro generator components to highlight the most influential parts. A failure rate model is developed to take into account the technical characteristics and unit utilization. Then, replacement and repair policies are evaluated for each of the components then strategies are derived for the whole unit. Traditional univariate policies such as the age replacement policy and the minimal repair policy are calculated. These policies are extended to build alternative bivariate maintenance policy as well as a repair strategy where the state of a component after a repair is rejuvenated by a constant coefficient

    Étude de la mort cellulaire via CD40 et BCR en fonction de l'activation cellulaire

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    Le CD40 est une glycoprotéine transmembranaire de type I appartenant à la superfamille des récepteurs des facteurs de nécrose tumorale (TNFRs). Il est exprimé à la surface des cellules hématopoïétiques, principalement les cellules B, et les cellules nonhématopoïétiques telles que les cellules épithéliales et les fibroblastes. Son principal ligand, le CD154, est exprimé de façon transitoire à la surface de différents types cellulaires tels que les lymphocytes T activés. Le CD40 est capable d'interagir avec les deux formes du CD154: la forme membranaire et la forme soluble. Le CD40 joue un rôle important dans la réponse immunitaire humorale. Son engagement avec le CD154 induit la prolifération et la différenciation des cellules B, la commutation isotypique des anticorps, la formation du centre germinal, l’augmentation de la génération de cellules B mémoire et la survie des cellules B. D'autres études ont démontré son implication dans la mort cellulaire. En effet, nos études ont démontré que la signalisation via CD40 conduit à une mort rapide des cellules B, principalement observée dans les lignées de cellules B transformées par le virus d'Epstein-Barr (EBV) alors qu'il est bien documenté que son engagement sur des cellules B immatures les protège de la mort induite via le récepteur des cellules B (BCR). Il n’est cependant pas connu si l’effet apoptotique du CD40 se produit dans des lignées de lymphocytes B qui ne sont pas transformées par EBV. Le travail illustré dans ce mémoire porte sur l'étude du rôle du CD40 dans la mort cellulaire des Ramos qui est un modèle de cellules B immatures, EBV négatives, et à comprendre son influence sur la signalisation apoptotique induite via le BCR. Nos résultats montrent que le CD40 n’induit pas la mort des cellules Ramos mais leur activation par l’ester de phorbol (PMA) les sensibilise à la mort via le CD40, qui est plus significative suite à son interaction avec le ligand (CD154) résistant au clivage. Par contre, cette interaction est aussi capable d'inhiber la mort cellulaire induite via le BCR aussi bien sur les cellules au repos ou activées par le PMA. Cette inhibition de la mort cellulaire est comparable avec les deux formes du CD154. L’ensemble des études suggèrent que le CD40 peut réguler la réponse immune en induisant des signaux de survie nécessaires à la production d'anticorps et peut participer à la résolution de celle-ci en induisant la mort cellulaire des cellules B activées. Par ailleurs, le CD40 peut aussi constituer une cible thérapeutique pour les traitements des lymphomes B.CD40 is a type I glycoprotein belonging to the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFRs) superfamily. The CD40 is expressed on hematopoietic cells, mainly B cells, and on nonhematopoietic cells such as epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Its classical ligand, CD154, is transiently expressed on different cell types such as activated T cells. CD40 is able to interact with both the membrane-bound and the soluble forms of CD154. CD40 plays an important role in the humoral immune response. Its ligation with CD154 induces B cell proliferation and differentiation, antibody class switching, germinal center formation, memory B cell generation and B cell survival. Other studies have demonstrated its implication in cell death. Indeed, our studies have demonstrated that signalling via CD40 leads to a rapid B cell death mainly observed in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)- transformed B cell lines, although it is well documented that the engagement of CD40 on immature B cells rescues them from IgM-mediated death. However, it is unknown if CD40-mediated cell death occurs in non-EBV B cell lines. The work presented in this thesis focuses on the study of the role of CD40 in Ramos cell death, which is an immature B-cell model, EBV negative, and on its influence on the apoptotic signaling induced via the B-cell receptor (BCR). Our results show that CD40 is unable to induce Ramos cell death but Ramos activation with the phorbol ester (PMA) sensitises them to death via CD40, which is more significant following its interaction with the ligand (CD154) resistant to cleavage. However, CD40 interaction with CD154 is also able to protect both resting and activated Ramos from BCR-mediated death and this occurs equally well with both forms of CD154. Together these studies suggest that CD40 can regulate the immune response by delivering survival signals necessary for antibody production and can contribute to the resolution of the immune response by inducing death in activated B cells. Furthermore, CD40 can also represent a therapeutic target in B cell lymphomas

    Using Oxford’s Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) to Assess the Strategy Use of a Group of First and Third Year EFL Algerian University Students

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    The present study aims at investigating the patterns of language learning strategy use employed by two groups of students enrolled in a three-year English degree course in the department of English of the University of Algiers 2, each one including 56 learners among first and third-year students. To reach this objective, Oxford’s Strategy Inventory of Language Learning (SILL) (1990) along with a background questionnaire (a modified version of Oxford’s background questionnaire) administered to first-year and third-year students. The findings indicate that participants from both years use language learning strategies, but with differences in type and frequency. Third-year students reported a high frequent use of metacognitive strategies, whereas first-year students reported a high use of compensation strategies. The results also indicate that female subjects’ strategy use was higher than that of male subjects in all the types and categories of the Strategy Inventory of Language Learning. Based on the findings of the present study, some pedagogical implication were suggested to encourage students to reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses in skills and content courses and self-regulate learning so as to make progress with teachers’ assistance

    Polymer-based membranes for oily wastewater remediation

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    The compounds found in industrial wastewater typically show high toxicity, and in this way, they have become a primary environmental concern. Several techniques have been applied in industrial effluent remediation. In spite of the efforts, these techniques are yet to be ineffective to treat oily wastewater before it can be discharged safely to the environment. Membrane technology is an attractive approach to treat oily wastewater. This is dedicated to the immobilisation of TiO2 nanoparticles on poly(vinylidene fluoride–trifluoro ethylene) (PVDF-TrFE) porous matrix by solvent casting. Membranes with interconnected pores with an average diameter of 60 µm and a contact angle of 97°, decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles, are obtained. The degradation of oily wastewater demonstrated the high photocatalytic efficiency of the nanocomposite membranes: Under sunlight irradiation for seven hours, colourless water was obtained.This work was supported by the Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES) Algeria. This work was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the strategic project UID/FIS/04650/2013 by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020-Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizacao (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941, and project PTDC/CTM-ENE/5387/2014

    Alpha2beta1 Integrin (VLA-2) Protects Activated Human Effector T Cells From Methotrexate-Induced Apoptosis

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    β1 integrins are critical for T cell migration, survival and costimulation. The integrin α2β1, which is a receptor for collagen, also named VLA-2, is a major costimulatory pathway of effector T cells and has been implicated in arthritis pathogenesis. Herein, we have examined its ability to promote methotrexate (MTX) resistance by enhancing effector T cells survival. Our results show that attachment of anti-CD3-activated human polarized Th17 cells to collagen but not to fibronectin or laminin led to a significant reduction of MTX-induced apoptosis. The anti-CD3+collagen-rescued cells still produce significant amounts of IL-17 and IFNγ upon their reactivation indicating that their inflammatory nature is preserved. Mechanistically, we found that the prosurvival role of anti-CD3+collagen involves activation of the MTX transporter ABCC1 (ATP Binding Cassette subfamily C Member 1). Finally, the protective effect of collagen/α2β1 integrin on MTX-induced apoptosis also occurs in memory CD4+ T cells isolated from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients suggesting its clinical relevance. Together these results show that α2β1 integrin promotes MTX resistance of effector T cells, and suggest that it could contribute to the development of MTX resistance that is seen in RA

    Solar photocatalytic membranes: an experimental and artificial neural network modeling approach for niflumic acid degradation

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    The presence of contaminants of emerging concern (CEC), such as pharmaceuticals, in water sources is one of the main concerns nowadays due to their hazardous properties causing severe effects on human health and ecosystem biodiversity. Niflumic acid (NFA) is a widely used anti-inflammatory drug, and it is known for its non-biodegradability and resistance to chemical and biological degradation processes. In this work, a 10 wt.% TiO2/PVDF–TrFE nanocomposite membrane (NCM) was prepared by the solvent casting technique, fully characterized, and implemented on an up-scaled photocatalytic membrane reactor (PMR). The photocatalytic activity of the NCM was evaluated on NFA degradation under different experimental conditions, including NFA concentration, pH of the media, irradiation time and intensity. The NCM demonstrated a remarkable photocatalytic efficiency on NFA degradation, as efficiency of 91% was achieved after 6 h under solar irradiation at neutral pH. The NCM proved effective in long-term use, with maximum efficiency losses of 7%. An artificial neural network (ANN) model was designed to model NFA’s photocatalytic degradation behavior, demonstrating a good agreement between experimental and predicted data, with an R2 of 0.98. The relative significance of each experimental condition was evaluated, and the irradiation time proved to be the most significant parameter affecting the NFA degradation efficiency. The designed ANN model provides a reliable framework l for modeling the photocatalytic activity of TiO2/PVDF-TrFE and related NCM.This research was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) grant numbers SFRH/BD/122373/2016 and COVID/BD/151786/2021 and contract 2020.02802.CEECIND.This work was supported by Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES) and Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Projects UID/FIS/04650/20132019 and UID/QUI/50006/2019 and project PTDC/FIS-MAC/28157/2017. H. Salazar and P. M. Martins thank the FCT for the grants SFRH/BD/122373/2016 and COVID/BD/151786/2021, and the contract 2020.02802.CEECIND. Financial support from the Basque Government Industry and Education Departments under the ELKARTEK program is also acknowledged

    Genetic ablation of calcium-independent phospholipase A2Îł induces glomerular injury in mice

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    Glomerular visceral epithelial cells (podocytes) play a critical role in the maintenance of glomerular permselectivity. Podocyte injury, manifesting as proteinuria, is the cause of many glomerular diseases. We reported previously that calcium-independent phospholipase A(2)Îł (iPLA(2)Îł) is cytoprotective against complement-mediated glomerular epithelial cell injury. Studies in iPLA(2)Îł KO mice have demonstrated an important role for iPLA(2)Îł in mitochondrial lipid turnover, membrane structure, and metabolism. The aim of the present study was to employ iPLA(2)Îł KO mice to better understand the role of iPLA(2)Îł in normal glomerular and podocyte function as well as in glomerular injury. We show that deletion of iPLA(2)Îł did not cause detectable albuminuria; however, it resulted in mitochondrial structural abnormalities and enhanced autophagy in podocytes as well as loss of podocytes in aging KO mice. Moreover, after induction of anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis in young mice, iPLA(2)Îł KO mice exhibited significantly increased levels of albuminuria, podocyte injury, and loss of podocytes compared with wild type. Thus, iPLA(2)Îł has a protective functional role in the normal glomerulus and in glomerulonephritis. Understanding the role of iPLA(2)Îł in glomerular pathophysiology provides opportunities for the development of novel therapeutic approaches to glomerular injury and proteinuria
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