5 research outputs found

    Kualitas Gizi Dan Kecernaan Bahan Organik Secara in Vitro Hay Rumput Untuk Sapi Antar Pulau Di Stasiun Karantina Tenau Kupang

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    A study was conducted to evaluate nutrient composition and in-vitro digestibility of organic matter of native grass hay usually used to feed Bali cattle in the Quarantine of Tenau Kupang and cattle during shipping. Method use were sampling the hay grass from five piles of grasses, identifying the species, analyzing nutrient composition and examining in-vitro digestibility of organic matter. Results of the study showed that the dominant hay grasses in Quarantine were native grass and kume grass (Sorghum plumosum var. timorense). Nutrient content of the native grass are dry matter (92.21%), ash (3.85%) and crude protein (5.01%). These numbers are higher than numbers in kume grass but organic matter and neutral detergent fiber. The in-vitro digestibility of organic matter was higher in native grass (48.01%) than that in kume grass (40.81%). It was concluded that hay grass used to feed cattle in the Quarantine and cattle during shipping are dominated by native grass and kume grass. Nutrient composition especially dry matter, ash and crude protein in native grass are higher than numbers in kume grass but organic matter and neutral detergent fiber. Consequently, in-vitro digestibility of native grass is higher than that in kume grass

    Nilai Nutrien Rumput Lapangan Dan Daun Gamal Dengan Beberapa Formula Urea Gula Lontar Blok

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    Nutrient Values Of Native Grass And Gliricidia Leafs With Several Blocks Of Sugar Palm Urea. A study, conducted by applying Completely Randomized Design, has been conducted to analyze nutrient content of native grass, Gliricidia leafs and urea which was mixed with palm sugar. The study took place in the Laboratory of Nutrient and Feed of Almira, Kupang from July to December 2009. Feedstuff consist of native grass forage, Gliricidia leafs, sugar palm 35%, corn meal 18%, rice bran 32%, urea 2%, salt 5%, mineral 3% and lime 5%. Observed variables consist of proximate analyses (dry matter, crude protein, crude fiber, fat, ash, free Nitrogen extract matter, Calcium and Phosphor). The results show that the nutrient values of all ration formula treatments are not significantly differ (P<0.05). It can be concluded that all nutrient content of all five ration formulations are similar

    Kecernaan Bahan Kering Dan Bahan Organik Ransum Ternak Kambing Kacang Yang Diberi Suplementasi Dedak Padi Dan Daun Turi

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    Dry And Organic Matter Digestibility Of Kacang Goats Offered Native Grass Supplemented With Rice Meal And Sesbania Leafs. A study on the effect of rice meal and sesbania leafs supplementation on dry and organic matter digestibility of kacang goats offered native grass has been carried out using 12 male goats (6-9 months old) in a block completely randomized design. The goats were grouped into 4 and then each group was treated as R0 = 100% native grass (control), R1 = 75% native grass + 20% sesbania leafs + 5% rice meal, R2 = 50% native grass + 40% sesbania leafs + 10% rice meal or R3 = 25% native grass + 60% sesbania leafs + 15% rice meal. Replication was 3 times for each treatment so there are 12 experimental units. Data was analyzed by Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the difference among treatments was further analyzed by Duncan\u27s multiple range tests. Results showed that there is a strong significant difference (P<0.01) among dry matter digestibility. Further test showed that there is a strong significant difference (P<0.01) between R3 and either R0, R1 or R2. Between R2 and R0 there is only a significant (P<0.05) difference. There is no difference (P>0.05) between R2 and R1 as well as R1 and R0. Organic matter digestibility was significantly (P<0.01) differ among treatments. Further test showed that a strong significant (P<0.01) difference was recorded between R3 and either R0, R1 or R2. Similarly, the difference between R2 and R0 as well as R1 and R0 was recorded. There is no significant difference (P>0.05) between R2 and R1. It can be concluded that dry and organic matter digestibility of kacang goats increases according to the increase of sesbania leafs and rice meal supplementation. It was suggested to use sesbania leafs and rice meal in the ration of fattening goats and also it was suggested a further experiment by using different ration formulation composed of these feedstuffs

    Produksi Jerami Arbila (Phaseolus Lunatus L) Pascapanen Akibat Penambahan Level Bokashi Feses Sapi dan Chromolaena yang Berbeda

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    ABSTRAKArbila merupakan legume pakan yang jeraminya merupakan pakan hijauan yang berkualitas bagi ruminansia, dan produksi jeraminya ditentukan oleh kualitas tanah. Level bokashi yang ditambahkan mempengaruhi kualitas tanah, yang tentu berdampak pada produksi jerami arbila. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi produksi jerami arbila pasca panen akibat pemberian level bokashi yang berbeda. Penelitian tersebut telah dilaksanakan selama 5 bulan di Desa Noelbaki. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan, terdiri atas P0 = tanpa bokashi (kontrol), P10 = penambahan bokashi 10 ton/ha, P20 = bokashi 20 ton/ha, P30 = bokashi 30 ton/ha, P40 = bokashi 40 ton/ha. Variabel yang diamati adalah  produksi bahan segar jerami (PBSJ) (ton/ha), produksi bahan kering jerami (PBKJ), produksi bahan organik jerami  (PBOJ) arbila. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis varians dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil analisis varians menunjukkan bahwa level pemberian pupuk bokashi berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap PBSJ arbila serta berpengaruh nyata (P<0,05) terhadap PBKJ dan PBOJ arbila. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diketahui rataan PBSJ arbila berkisar 0,46-2,52 ton/ha, PBKJ arbila berkisar 0,07-0,18 ton/ha, dan PBOJ arbila berkisar 0,04-0,16 ton/ha. Hasil uji Duncan menunjukkan bahwa nilai PBSJ, PBKJ dan PBOJ arbila tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan P40. Disimpulkan bahwa semakin meningkatnya level bokashi Chromolaena dan feses sapi, produksi jerami arbila semakin tinggi. Level bokashi feses sapi dan Chromolaena terbaik adalah 40 ton/ha.Kata kunci: arbila, bokashi, jerami, hijauan ABSTRACTArbila’s straw is a quality feed for ruminants. Production of these straw is determined by soil quality. The level of bokashi added influences the quality of the soil and therefore influences the straw production. This research aimed to evaluate arbila’s straw production post-harvest in different levels of bokashi. This research was carried out for 5 months at Noelbaki. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications consisting of P0 = without bokashi (control), P10 = addition of 10 tons of bokashi / ha, P20 = 20 tons of bokashi / ha, P30 = 30 tons of bokashi / ha, P40 = bokashi 40 tons / ha. The observed variables were the straw fresh weight production (SFW) (tons/ha), straw dry matter production (SDM) (tons/ha), straw organik matter production (SOM) (tons/ha). Data were analyzed for variance and continued with Duncan test. Analysis of variance showed that the level of bokashi fertilizer had a very significant effect (P <0.01) on SFW and significantly affected (P <0.05) SDM and SOM. The average SFW in this study ranged from 0.46 to 2.52 tons/ha, HDM ranges from 0.07 to 0.18 tons/ha, and SOM ranges from 0.04 to 0.16 tons/ha. Duncan's test shows that the highest SFW, SDM and SOM are found in P40. It was concluded that arbila’s straw production increases with the level of Chromolaena and cattle manure bokashi added. Highest production was shown in group with 40 ton/ha bokashi.Keywords: bokashi, forage, Phaseolus lunatus L, stra