3,570 research outputs found

    Solving the SME finance puzzle: an examination of demand and supply failure in the UK

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    Following economic instability after the Global Financial Crisis, the financing of small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) growth and productivity has become central to UK government policy for sustainable economic development, evidenced by the establishment of the British Business Bank and Regional Investment Funds. This paper considers demand-side and supply-side failures in the contemporary UK SME finance market. Adopting mixed methods, binary logit regression analysis of the 2015 UK Small Business Survey of 15,502 SMEs is sense-checked using qualitative participatory findings from 6 SME finance support advisors. Findings confirm the importance of SME size, age, management capability and use of appropriate, timely external advice. They support the resource-based view of SME access to finance, contributing to borrower discouragement and under investment, suggesting the need for improved support to upskill entrepreneurs’ financial management and investment readiness and the concept of an ‘holistic entrepreneurial finance ecosystem’ approach to assist UK SME finance

    Implementasi Program Percepatan Pembangunan Infrastruktur Desa Dan Kelurahan (Ppidk) Kasus Desa Kuala Panduk Kabupaten Pelalawan Tahun 2013-2014

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    The problem in this study is whether the Group of Governmental Kuala Panduk Village as a contractor at the village level and BPMPD Pelalawan as policy makers, understand and can implement this program in accordance with the instructions and the extent of public support in the review of social, cultural, political and economic factors a factor that into effect in practice. Theoretical concept that is in use is policy and policy implementation.This research uses descriptive method. In collecting the data, researchers use interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. These results indicate that the Infrastructure Development Acceleration Program Implementation Village and Village (PPIDK) Case Kuala Panduk Village, Pelalawan Regency Year 2013 to 2014 have not been up to equitable development, increase revenue and employment for the people of the village of Kuala Panduk due to budget constraints

    Biologi dan Statistik Demografi Thrips Parvispinus Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) pada Tanaman Cabai (Capsicum Annuum Linnaeus)

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    Thrips parvispinus Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) merupakan hama penting pada tanaman cabai di Indonesia. Hama ini dapat ditemukan pada semua bagian tanaman, khususnya bunga dan daun. Informasi mengenai biologi dan statistik demografi T. parvispinus masih terbatas. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari biologi dan statistik demografi serangga hama ini. Sebanyak 50 individu nimfa instar ke-1 dipelihara pada daun cabai dalam kurungan serangga yang terbuat dari gelas plastik (d = 4 cm dan t = 8 cm). Perkembangan, individu yang hidup dan mati, dan jumlah telur yang diletakkan setiap imago dicatat setiap hari. Pergantian instar ditandai dengan adanya eksuvia. Data yang terkumpul digunakan untuk mendapatkan informasi biologi, seperti perkembangan setiap instar, periode praoviposisi, siklus hidup, lama hidup imago, dan fekunditas. Data hasil pengamatan kemudian disusun dalam bentuk neraca kehidupan untuk mendapatkan data statistik demografi dengan menggunakan metode Jackknife. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, tahap perkembangan pradewasa terdiri atas 5 fase, yaitu telur, 2 stadia nimfa, prapupa, dan pupa dengan rataan perkembangan berturut-turut selama 4,79, 1,36, 3,54, 1,08, dan 1,96 hari. Rataan masa praoviposisi, siklus hidup, lama hidup imago, dan fekunditas berturut-turut adalah 1,11 hari, 13,68 hari, 8,55 hari (betina), 6,00 hari (jantan), dan 15,33 telur. Kurva kesintasan T. parvispinus merupakan kurva tipe III dengan laju pertambahan intrinsik (r) 0,16 individu per imago betina per hari, laju reproduksi bersih (R0) 5,71 individu per induk per generasi, lama generasi (T) dan waktu berlipat ganda (DT) 11,49 hari dan 4,57 hari

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Litter Sekam, Serutan Kayu, dan Jerami Padi terhadap Performa Broiler di Closed House

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    Using varians of litter such us rice hull, wood shavings, straw on keeping the broiler, can affectbroiler performance. Its happen because every single litter has different power of absorbing the water.Closed house is closed cage that build for making a better environment inside the cage. The aim of theresearch was to : (1) Knowing the effect of litter of broiler performance, and (2) Finding the bes tlitterfor broiler performance on the closed house.It was conducted during 26 days since April 14, 2014 to Mei 10, 2015 at the PT Ramajayafarm's on Krawangsari village, sub District Natar, South Lampung District. The chiken used wasbroiler strain cobb with trademark CP 707 product by PT. Chareon pokphand Indonesia tbk for 270chiken. Broiler start to get handling between age of 14 and 26 days.The research method was experimentally with Completely Randomized Design (CRD) weredivided into 3 step and repeated for 6 times, that is p1: rice hull; p2 : wood shavings; p3 : straw. Thedata were analysis with Analysis of Variance and if it shows 5%, then the analyze would be continuedto Ducan test.The result indicated that the treatmentis : (1) The effect of litter from rice hull, wood shavings,straw did not have significant effect (P>0,05) on performance (consumption, body weight gain, feedconversion and income over feed cost) broiler at closed house. (2) The effect varians of litter (ricehull, wood shavings, straw) at closed house having the same effect as consumption, body weight gain,feed conversion and income over feed cost (IOFC) for broiler finisher phas

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Keberhasilan Elektronik Government Pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Jepara

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    The use of information and communication technologies very important in the globalization area. Based on the presidential intruction No. 3 of 2003 on local governments to take advantage of information technology white the avilable resources with in thegovernmental activities, including the district of jepara. The use of IT will give birth to an electronic-based system of government (e-Government). Thesuccessful implementation of e-Government is very influentialon the efficiency, effectiveness, seen from the successful elements of the Harvard JFK School of Government are Support, Capacity and Value.This research aims to determine the implementation of e-Government of Jepara and determie the factors that drive and inhibit. Attempt to answer the problems and research objective successfully done white parliaments of Harvard JFK School of Government. Methodology used in this research is qualitative diskripsif.Successful of implementation of the elements of e-Government in Jepara, are; website creation www.jeparakab.go.id, the increasing of infrastructure development the private sectors and do learning improvement one-Government. The success rate ofimplementation of e-Government in Jepara regencyin on their level of maturation.In the development of e-Government it is necessary to support program of e- Government, the need for cooperation on increase the budget, the need for socialization of the exstence of e-Government directly from the government and the use of information tecnology

    Smell Dysfunction in Patients with Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: Impact on Quality of Life

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    Objectives: Patients with primary Sjögren’s syndrome (pSS) often report smell and taste disturbances. However, the correlation between smell impairment and mucosal dryness is not well understood. The objectives of this study were to investigate the following: (1) the prevalence of smell hypofunction in patients with SS; (2) the impact of smell hypofunction on their quality of life (QoL); (3) whether the patients’ smell is correlated with xerostomia; and (4) whether the patients’ smell is affected by taste hypofunction, disease duration, age, smoking or self-reported neuropathy. Methodology: An ethically approved cross-sectional study was conducted on 65 female patients with SS and 62 sex-matched healthy controls. Their smell was assessed using the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test. Their taste acuity was assessed using the Taste Strips Test. A visual analogue scale was used for the self-assessment of smell and taste functions. Xerostomia was assessed by the salivary flow rate, clinical oral dryness score and the Xerostomia Inventory. The patients’ QoL and mental health well-being were assessed using validated questionnaires. Results: In the SS group, the patients’ smell function was impaired in 27/65 patients compared with the controls (15/62, p < 0.05), and it did not correlate with the severity of xerostomia, taste acuity (r = 0.05, p = 0.6) or self-reported nasal dryness (r = −0.02, p = 0.7). In the patients’ group, smell hypofunction was not correlated with disease duration (β = 0.1, 95% CI = −0.07–0.1) or smoking (β = −0.02, 95% CI = −8–7). Age was not correlated with the smell function in the patients’ group (β = −0.1, p = 0.5) but was correlated significantly with smell in the healthy participants’ group (β = −0.3, p = 0.02). Neuropathy affected 81.2% of the patients’ group. Their QoL and mental health well-being were not affected by smell hypofunction. Conclusion: Smell hypofunction appears to be a clinical manifestation in patients with SS, but it does not seem to be associated with the severity of mucosal dryness or with taste disturbance

    Economical and Reliable Expansion Alternative of Composite Power System under Restructuring

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    The paper intends to select the most economical and reliable expansion alternative of a composite power system to meet the expected future load growth. In order to reduce time computational quantity, a heuristic algorithm is adopted for composite power system reliability evaluation is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on Monte-Carlo simulation method. The reliability indices are estimated for system base case and for the case of adding peaking generation units. The least cost reserve margin for the addition of five 20MW generating units sequentially is determined. Using the proposed algorithm an increment comparison approach used to illustrate the effect of the added units on the interruption and on the annual net gain costs. A flow chart introduced to explain the basic methodology to have an adequate assessment of a power system using Monte Carlo Simulation. The IEEE RTS (24-bus, 38-line) and The Jordanian Electrical Power System (46-bus and 92-line) were examined to illustrate how to make decisions in power system planning and expansions
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