134 research outputs found

    Preservative agent of Indigenous plants in Sumatra Picung (Pangium Edule Renw) as Traditional food Preservative

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    Sumatra is one of the most bio-diverse islands in Indonesia as well as diverse in food recipe. Picung (Pangium Edule Reinw) has long been used as an ingredient in traditional cuisine in Sumatra. Processing techniques, ingredients and spices are known by local people. Picung is one of indigenous plants in Sumatra have effective in food preservative and widely used. To be effective as preservative, Picung should be prepared in certain technique and recipe


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    Damar merupakan resin resin alami yang dihasilkan oleh tanaman dari famili Dipterocarpaceae dan Burseraceae. Sumatera Barat adalah satu propinsi penghasil damar yang penting di Indonesia dengan sentra produksi Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Pemanfaatan damar di Indonesia sebagian kecil untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembatik dalam negeri dan sebagian besar diekspor. Padahal damar dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan baku utama pernis yang dapat digunakan pada industri mebel dan bagian tertentu bangunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakteristik damar yang diperoleh dari Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan dan menentukan komposisi yang tepat pada pembuatan pernis yang memanfaatkan damar tersebut. Selain damar juga digunakan terpentin dan minyak kemiri sebagai bahan penyusun pernis. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa di Pesisir Selatan didapatkan jenis damar mata kucing dan damar batu. Karakteristik damar mata kucing yang didapatkan antara lain warna kuning bening, titik leleh 71 0C, densiti 0,68 g/cm dan kehilangan berat suhu 105 0C 18 jam 0,84%. Komposisi terpilih pernis yang dihasilkan dengan waktu pengeringan yang sama dengan pernis komersil adalah 23% damar, 54% terpentin dan 23% minyak kemiri

    Analisis post mortem kulit kambing mentah yang diolah di UPTD penyamakan kulit Padang Panjang

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    Tujuan dari studi ini untuk mengetahui persentase kulit mentah yang memenuhi syarat untuk disamak dan kulit mentah reject serta untuk mengetahui tingkat kualitas kulit mentah dari sumber baik dari dalam atau dari luar kota yang menggunakan jasa UPTD penyamakan kulit. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive random sampling terhadap 100 lembar kulit kambing mentah tanpa memperhatikan memenuhi syarat atau tidak sebelum proses penyamakan. Pengolahan data menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan Microsoft Excel. Hasil pengamatan panelis di UPTD pengolahan kulit mentah yang memenuhi syarat untuk disamak adalah 93,22±4,15% dan rata-rata kulit reject adalah 6,45±1,33%. Kualitas kulit mentah dari beberapa daerah yang menggunakan jasa UPTD untuk penyamakan kulit sebagian besar adalah kualitas 2 dan kualitas 3. Berdasarkan pengamatan dimensi rata-rata kulit mentah awet garam memiliki luas 4,78 ft2, panjang 88,81 cm, lebar 64,31 cm dan ketebalan 1,49 mm. Berdasarkan cacat pada kulit mentah nilai tertinggi disebabkan karena benjolan caplak yaitu 14%

    Effect of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate on Physical, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Cassava Starch Bioplastic Composites

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    The development of bioplastic composites from various natural polymers reinforced with Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC) has become a field of increasing interest. In this study, the effect of PCC on the physical, mechanical and thermal properties of a cassava starch matrix composite was examined. The bioplastic composites were made of cassava starch and mixed with glycerol as a plasticizer and 0-10% by weight of PCC. The material was then poured into a mold and oven dried. The physical, thermal and mechanical properties of bioplastic/PCC composites were investigated using Tensile Strength measurements, X-Ray Diffraction, Thermogravimetric Analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). The optimum tensile strength was obtained upon the addition of 4 % PCC. The addition of PCC improved the thermal stability of bioplastic/PCC composites. The results of X-ray Diffraction testing showed an increase in the crystallinity of the bioplastic/PCC composites with increase in PCC content but there is a decrease in the moisture absorption. SEM images indicated that the PCC filler content was incorporated into the matrix. In general, FTIR indicated the bioplastic/PCC composites were hydrophilic and the addition of PCC reduced the hydrophilic properties by damaging the hydrogen bonding between starch molecules and water

    Optimization of Sugar Palm Business Management to Increase Farmers' Income and Prosperity in Bukik Barisan Sub-District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency, West Sumatera Province

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    This paper aims to discuss how the actual potential of existing sugar palm development in farm households. The study was conducted using case study method, where the primary data is the main data used to address the research questions. Data were collection using questionnaire which were analysed with qualitative and quantitative approach. The result of the research shows that sugar palm is a commodity that has prospect to be developed to increase income and improve welfare of poor farmers. The potential of sugar palm business development was analysed in terms three aspects: 1) condition of land availability; 2) Manpower owned for palm sugar business; And 3) Experience about palm sugar plants business. Perceptions of farmers are also quite supportive for the development of palm sugarbusiness, although including the medium category because they look very open toaccept innovation

    Characteristics of Tanning Leather Using Gambir on PH 4 and 8

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    Tannery production process in Indonesia is still using chromium sulfate or mimosa in general. Gambier (Uncaria gambier Roxb.) extract could be used as material for tanners because it contains tannin. This study aimed to investigate the characteristics of tanned leather using gambier solution at pH 4 and 8. Standard tanning method was used which includes the processing of goat leather with salt, acid and then tanned with gambier extracts. Observation of tanned leather refers to the SNI-06-0463-1989-A and ISO 0234:2009. The results showed that characteristics of tanned leather with solution of gambier at pH 4 and 8 respectively i.e.: degrees of tanning 29.87% and 39.55%, tensile strength 279.94 kg/cm2 and 433.85 kg/cm2, leather conditions was limp, light gray colour and yellow, thickness of 0.12 mm and 0.11 mm, and density 0.74 g/cm3 and 0.74 g/cm3. Tanned leather from different pH conditions generally has the same characteristic and meet standards
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