189 research outputs found

    Risks Assessment Of Skin Lesion Posed By Arsenic Contaminated Well Water And Rice Consumption From Buyat, North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia

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    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan LingkunganHigh arsenic contaminated well water and rice in most of the area in Buyat have been risen a fierce debate among community, local government and mine industry. The occurrence of high arsenic (As) in groundwater and surface water mostly due to a combination of geological processes and/or anthropogenic activities. In Buyat areas which is located in Ratatotok regency covered about 200 km and about 130,000 people are living within that ranges. About 90 percent of them drink high-arsenic well water and consumed rice with Arsenic (As.). This sampling survey was conducted to investigate the arsenic level concentration in drinking water from well and rice grain and to characterize arsenic-induced skin lesion. Total water arsenic was measured by flow injection analysis using atomic fluorescence detection with inline photooxidation and continuous hydride generation. Rice arsenic was measured by different parts of rice plant and rice samples were oven-dried, digested with HNO3, HCl and perchloric acid, filtered and tested with GFAAS. Then we assess the potential risks posed by community who are living in the area in term of target hazard quotient (THQ). We selected cases (persons with arsenic-induced skin lesions) and control (persons without arsenic-induced skin lesions) from the area concern and at the background sites area for control. Results revealed that, the high level arsenic concentration in drinking water, fish and rice were 0.098 mg liter'1, 3.867 mg kg-1ww and 1.556 mg kg-1ww. The average latency for skin lesions was 6 years from first exposure. We found strong dose- response gradients with both peak and average arsenic water concentrations. Conclusions, The lowest peak arsenic ingested by a confirmed case for water, fish and rice were 0.012 _mg liter'1, 0.011 mg kg- 1ww and 0.022 mg kg-1ww, respectively. Confirmation of case diagnosis and exposure assessment provide the basis for a tailed dose-response evaluation of arsenic-caused skin lesions. We found the highest THQ values in water, fish and rice were 0.010, 0.365 and 0.259, respectively

    Arsenic levels exposure as risk factors to skin lesions at Peoples in North Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    artikel ini telah dipresentasikan di Taiwan pada acara tahunan conference 41st APACPH (Asia Pacific Academic Consortium on Public Health Conference)Arsenic exposure can generate various skin lesions such as keratosis, hyperkeratosis, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, and skin cancer. This study was intended to examine risk factors of rice, drinking water, urinary, and blood arsenic levels to skin lesions at peoples in North Sulawesi. This was a case control study whereas cases (n=54) were people suffering for skin lesion (keratosis or hyperkeratosis) living in Buyat Village (exposure areas) and controls (n=54) were normal people who were living in Buku Village (non exposure areas). Inclusion criteria was age more than 10 years and living at the areas more than 7 years. Arsenic levels was analyzed using AAS-GF while skin lesion diagnosed by a dermatologist. Data analysis was performed using logistic regression. There was significant difference before groups for age, sex, education and occupation p>0.05. In the others, there were significant differences between case and control groups for arsenic levels in rice (0.61??0.27 vs. 0.34??0.12 mg/l, p=0.00), drinking water (0.04??0.03 vs. 0.01??0.01 mg/l, p=0.00), urine (0.13??0.15 vs. 0.00??0.01 mg/l, p=0.00) and blood (0.99??0.08 vs. 0.02??0.03 mg/l, p=0.00). Analyses with logistic regression showed that arsenic levels in rice, drinking water, urine and blood associated with skin lesions, respectively OR=4,14, (95%CI.,1.18-14.51), OR=36.79 (95% CI., 10.44-129.66), OR=5.94 (95%CI., 1.6-21.53), and OR=10.53 ( 95%CI., 2.66-41.75). We conclude that arsenic levels in rice, drinking water, urinary and blood were risk factors to skin lesions

    Risk management of cadmium (Cd) due to Leiognathus sp, Portunus Pelagicus, Anadara sp and Penaeus spconsumption among community in Tallo Subdistric,Makassar, Indonesia

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    risk management of Cadmium (Cd) for people who consumed Leiognathus sp., Portunus pelagicus, Anadara sp. and Penaeus sp., from Tallo River in Tallo Village of Makassar City, Indonesia.This study aimed to investigate the risk management of Cadmium (Cd) for people who consumed Leiognathus sp., Portunus pelagicus, Anadara sp. and Penaeus sp., from Tallo River in Tallo Village of Makassar City, Indonesia. Observational study was used by appliying environmental health risk assessment approach. The Cadmium levels in Leiognathus sp., Portunus pelagicus, Anadara sp. And Penaeus sp, were measured with the Atomic Absorption Spectrometry ???Perkin type 210 Germany???. Ninety six (96) respondent???s body weight, consumption rate and exposure time \ud duration were analyzed quantitatively to calculate the risk quotient (RQ). Result implied that the risk quotient value due to \ud Leiognathus sp. consumption was 0.1655 (for a level of 0.00048 mg/gram). The risk quotient value for consuming Portunus pelagicus was 0.126 (for a level of 0.00021 mg/gram), while the risk quotient value for consuming Anadara sp. was 0.036 (for a level of 0.00106 mg/gram). Furthermore, the risk quotient value for consuming Penaeus sp. was 0.0055 (for a level of 0.00021 mg/gram), respectively. Risk management done by reducing the levels of cadmium, controlling the consumption rate and decreasing the exposure time. This study suggested that the most effective risk management is to control the consumption rate for Leiognathus sp., Portunus pelagicus, Anadara sp. and Penaeus sp. from Tallo River

    Association Between Arsenic Level in Drinking Water with Skin Disorders in Buyat Village North Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Artikel ini telah dipresentasikan pada 41st APACPH Conference di Taiwan pada tanggal 3-6 Desember 2009.Objectives. Arsenic contamination of groundwater is a severe public health crisis in Buyat Village Kotabunan Sub-district, Bolaang Mangondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province Indonesia, where the population is exposed to arsenic in drinking water through tube wells used for groundwater collection. In this study, we explored the association between Arsenic levels in drinking water with skin disorders on Buyat Communities. Methods. We used baseline data from subject 86, which as 43 case and 43 control who were recruited into the Health Effects (Skin disorders). This study was Case control study on the health effects of arsenic exposure from drinking water in Buyat Village. We conducted analyses with Chi-Square and Odd Ratio. Results. We found a strong dose???response association with all measures of arsenic exposure in drinking water and skin lesions. Arsenic levels in drinking water from tube well of Buyat Village was about 0.01-0.10 mg/L (average 0.056 mg/L). A significance was observed between Arsenic levels in drinking water and skin disorders with p=0.017 (Odd Ratio = 2,87, 95% CI: 1.194-6.934). Conclusions. Our study provides insight into potentially modifiable host characteristics and identifies factors that may effectively target susceptible population subgroups for appropriate interventions. Keywords : Drinking Water, Arsenic, Skin Disorder


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    Masalah lingkungan terutama pencemaran kawasan pesisir cenderung menampakkan gejala yang mengkhawatirkan. Pencemaran laut pada umumnya terjadi karena adanya pemusatan penduduk, pariwisata, dan industrialisasi di daerah pesisir sehingga menimbulkan pencemaran ekosistem air oleh logam berat terutama Cd. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besar risiko kesehatan nelayan yang mengonsumsi kerang darah yang mengandung Cd di Wilayah Pesisir Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian observasional dengan rancangan Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh nelayan di Wilayah Pesisir Kota Makassar yang mengonsumsi kerang darah. Penarikan sampel penelitian ini secara proporsional random sampling yaitu nelayan yang mengonsumsi kerang darah berjumlah 78 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara responden dan pemeriksaan kadar Cd di Laboratorium Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian. Data diolah dengan SPSS, Excel dan disajikan dalam tabel dan peta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi pada kerang darah berkisar antar 0,320-3,741 mg/kg. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini bahwa semua responden yang mengonsumsi kerang darah memiliki besar risiko atau RQ >1, yang mengindikasikan bahwa masyarakat di sekitar Wilayah Pesisir Kota Makassar mempunyai risiko yang tinggi untuk terpapar Cd sehingga perlu untuk dikendalikan


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    Penggunaan pestisida disamping untuk mengontrol hama dan penyakit pada tanaman, pestisida juga berdampak negatif berupa adanya residu pestisida. Pestisida yang sering digunakan di Indonesia adalah golongan organoklorin yang merupakan racun kronis dan sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Salah satu jen??s pestisida Organoklorin yang banyak ditemukan residunya yaitu lindan. Residu pestisida bukan hanya dari bahan, namun juga berasal dari penyerapan akar dari dalam tanah, pada tanaman yang dipanen umbinya. Wortel salah satu jenis sayuran berumbi yang banyak di jual di pasar Terong dan Swalayan Ramayana M???tos. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi residu pestisida golongan organoklorin dengan bahan aktif lindan pada wortel di Pasar Terong dan Swalayan Ramayana M???tos. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey. Sampel wortel yang berasal dari pasar Terong dan Swalayan Ramayana M???tos Makassar terlebih dahulu di potong-potong kecil, kemudian dihaluskan dan diperiksa dengan menggunakan Kromatografi gas model 3700 di Laboratorium Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Hasil dibandingkan dengan Batas Maksimum Residu menurut SNI 7313 tahun 2008. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Residu Pestisida golongan organoklorin dengan bahan aktif lindan pada sampel wortel dari pasar terong dan Swalayan Ramayana M???tos Makassar masih memenuhi syarat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi. Disarankan kepada konsumen untuk mencuci dan mengupas kulit wortel sebelum dikonsumsi dan para pedagang sayuran agar tetap menjaga kebersihan wortel saat dijual sehingga mutunya terjamin dan aman bagi kesehatan.\ud Kata Kunci : Residu Pestisida, Lindan, Worte


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    Logam berat merupakan unsur berbahaya di perairan sehingga pada kawasan pesisir Kota Makassar perlu dilakukan pemantauan sediman sebagai indikator pencemaran logam berat di perairan karena sifatnya yang mudah terakumulasi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian observasional dengan pendekatan deskriptif menggunakan rancangan Analisis Risiko Lingkungan (ARL) dengan tujuan mengetahui konsentrasi logam berat Cadmium (Cd) dan besar risiko cemaran logam tersebut pada sedimen wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sedimen yang di ambil pada di 5 kecamatan yang berbatasan langsung dengan pesisir Kota Makassar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Cadmium (Cd) pada sedimen air laut di wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar, pada titik I (0,559 mg/kg), titik II (0,373 mg/kg), titik III (0,187 mg/kg), titik IV (0,186 mg/kg), dan titik V???VIII tidak terdeteksi (Tt). Sehingga besar risiko lingkungan yang terjadi di wilayah pesisir Kota Makassar akibat paparan Cadmium, berkisar pada 0,1???1,0 dengan kategori risiko rendah


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    This study aims to examine the extent of Dutch intervention in destroying Aceh's sovereignty, and what efforts were attempted by Sultan Muhammad Daud Syah in restoring the sovereignty after his exile. The methods used are heuristics, critical interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that the Dutch violated the laws of war by kidnapping the two consorts and their children so that the Sultan would surrender. The contribution of Sultan Muhammad Daud Syah in his exile to restore Aceh's sovereignty was to provide financial support and hold communication with the fighters in the interior. In addition, he also asked for reinforcements from foreign powers (Japan) to expel the Dutch colonialists in Aceh
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