410 research outputs found

    Bioprospecting of novel antimicrobial metabolites from Bacillus subtilis MBTDCMFRI Ba37 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa MBTDCMFRI Ps04 of tropical estuarine habitats of Cochin, India and its application in fish health management

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    Aquaculture is an important economic activity the world over and about 90% of the global production is contributed by Asian countries. Global aquaculture has a persistent goal to maximize the production with optimal profit. Even though the aquaculture is growing at a rapid rate, the practice of aquaculture faces many challenges in its developing path. Intense cultivation in high densities significantly affect the environment by issues of used - up farm water discharges and heavy waste accumulation through hyper nutrification due to excessive feeding and high dietary nutrient composition (Liao and Mayo 1974; Boyd 1985). This has brought stress to the rearing environment and diseases to the cultured species and subsequently decreased the overall productivity due to mass mortality which has led to significant loss to the industry (Irie et al. 2005; Cruz et al. 2012; FAO 2012). Thus, it is necessary to face the challenges and find solutions in order to make aquaculture sustainable. Disease is the result of interaction between the host, pathogen and external environment. At the onset of disease, the harmonious interplay between pathogens and non-pathogens is disturbed result in unhealthy host and thereby infection occurs (Verschuere et al. 2000; Schulze et al. 2006; Zhou et al. 2009; Nemutanzhela et al. 2014). Bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites are the major pathogens affecting aquaculture industry. Among different aquaculture pathogens, bacteria play a major role. It can survive and flourish independently in any aquatic environment. The bacterial fish infections are mainly from the species of Aeromonas, Vibrio, Flavobacterium, Edwardsiella, Yersinia, Pseudomonas, Streptococcus, Renibacterium, Piscirickettsia, Mycobacterium etc. The common bacterial disease symptoms are external reddening and haemorrhage in the peritoneum, body wall and viscera, generically referred to as haemorrhagic septicaemia. The progress of disease leads to ulcerative lesions and mortality of untreated cultured animals (Pridgeon and Klesius 2012). Among the bacterial diseases, vibriosis is caused by a major bacterial fish pathogen Vibrio spp. which is ubiquitous in all aqua cultured species (Jayaprakash et al. 2005; Thompson et al. 2010). In tropical countries, penaeid shrimp culture is highly affected by V. harveyi which causes their mass mortality (Austin & Zhang 2006). Another Vibrio species which affects the shrimp culture are V. alginolyticus, V. damsela, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. splendidus and V. penaeicida (Saulnier et al. 2000)

    The importance of “being modern”: an examination of second generation British Indian Bengali middle class respectability

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    This thesis investigates the way that second generation British Indian Bengali middle class, predominantly Hindu respondents, have attempted to communicate their “modern” middle class respectability through their social practices, work and lifestyles. In their reproduction of this respectability, they attempt to distance negative British South Asian stereotypes prevalent in the media, work institutions and in day-to-day life; sometimes to the extent of ‘othering’ other South Asians generally or British Bangladeshi Muslim Sylhetis specifically. Second generation’s adaptive responses to racism and stigmatised stereotypes prevalent in British society also reaffirms the British Indian Bengali’s presumptions of their ethnic distinctiveness and justifying homogenising racist stereotyping of these ‘other’ South Asian groups. This thesis examines several aspects of their lives that are affected by these distinguishing tactics, through: presentation of their ethnicity; middle class identity; position of women within “the community”; ideas of love and romance and “type” of marriage. Additionally, there is an examination of how the second generation are increasingly challenging the assertion that all South Asians are primarily driven by ethnicity, religion and regional-language markers in their search for a marriage partner. Marriage trends amongst British Indian Bengalis are showing distinct moves away from finding a partner through ascribed statuses. Likewise, the second generation in their social interaction also exhibit a weaker sense of identification with their regional-language groups

    Analysis of Inter-Event Times in Linear Systems under Region-Based Self-Triggered Control

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    This paper analyzes the evolution of inter-event times (IETs) in linear systems under region-based self-triggered control (RBSTC). In this control method, the state space is partitioned into a finite number of conic regions and each region is associated with a fixed IET. In this framework, studying the steady state behavior of the IETs is equivalent to studying the existence of a conic subregion that is positively invariant under the map that gives the evolution of the state from one event to the next. We provide necessary conditions and sufficient conditions for the existence of a positively invariant subregion (PIS). We also provide necessary and sufficient conditions for a PIS to be asymptotically stable. Indirectly, they provide necessary and sufficient conditions for local convergence of IETs to a constant or to a given periodic sequence. We illustrate the proposed method of analysis and results through numerical simulations.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2201.0209

    On Asymptotic Behavior of Inter-Event Times in Planar Systems under Event-Triggered Control

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    This paper analyzes the asymptotic behavior of inter-event times in planar linear systems, under event-triggered control with a general class of scale-invariant event triggering rules. In this setting, the inter-event time is a function of the ``angle'' of the state at an event. This allows us to analyze the inter-event times by studying the fixed points of the ``angle'' map, which represents the evolution of the ``angle'' of the state from one event to the next. We provide a sufficient condition for the convergence or non-convergence of inter-event times to a steady state value under a scale-invariant event-triggering rule. With the help of ergodic theory, we provide a sufficient condition for the asymptotic average inter-event time to be a constant for all non-zero initial states of the system. Then, we consider a special case where the ``angle'' map is an orientation-preserving homeomorphism. Using rotation theory, we comment on the asymptotic behavior of the inter-event times, including on whether the inter-event times converge to a periodic sequence. We also analyze the asymptotic average inter-event time as a function of the ``angle'' of the initial state of the system. We illustrate the proposed results through numerical simulations.Comment: The previous version of the paper now has been split into two separate papers, one on event-triggered control and one on self-triggered control. The updated part on self-triggered control may be accessed at arXiv:2212.1427

    An autopsy series of an oft-missed ante-mortem diagnosis: hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis

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    Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is a rare and potentially fatal syndrome resulting from a hyperactivated immune system. Diverse patient profiles and clinical presentations often result in misdiagnosis. This article describes the varied clinical presentations and autopsy findings in three patients with this entity. The etiopathogenesis of HLH, its disparate and confounding clinical features, the diagnostic criteria, and management principles are also briefly reviewed

    Image Quality Measures for Gender Classification

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    The major problem that we are facing in biometric systems is the use of fake biometric identifiers. Fake biometric identifiers can be of the form where one person imitates as another by falsifying data and thereby gaining an illegitimate advantage. This can be achieved either by using fake self manufactured synthetic or reconstructed samples. Gender classification has become an essential part in most human computer interactions especially in high security areas where gender restrictions are provided. In this paper, software based multi-biometric system that is used to classify real and fake face samples and a gender classification are presented. The main objective of the paper is to improve biometric detection in a fast, non intrusive way which maintains the generality that is lacking in other anti-spoofing methods. The proposed method incorporates liveness detection, extracts 25 general image quality measures from the input image and then classifies the input into real or fake sample. Algorithm for Gender classification is developed in accordance with the facial features. There features are classified into two i) appearance based ii) Geometric based. The image quality assessment algorithm is developed and tested with ATVS database. The gender classification with image quality assessment is developed and tested with medical students database. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15017

    Electronic Travel Aid for Visually Impaired People Along with a Panic Alert System

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    There are many issues over which humans have no control. Blindness is one of such issues. It snatches the vivid visual beauty of the world from an individual’s life.But missing the beauty of nature becomes one of the last worries of such people as they have to face numerous difficulties in order to perform even the most basics of tasks in their day to day life. One of their most important problems is of transport, such as crossing roads, traveling in trains, or in any other public places. A visually impaired person to survive the fittest in this world, the person must go through all the obstacles without the guidance of others. One of the most important measures to avoid the obstacle by the blind is to provide an assistive implementation, which can help to wander on their own. The main aim of this project is to provide an assistive technology used for the purpose of enhancing the mobility of the blind pedestrian which is commonly referred to as Electronic Travel Aid (ETA) and to motivate the blind without having the inferior feeling of their problem and pay away the blind to move on their own . In this project, a smart guiding ETA is used to guide the user to sense the obstacle before them. This device eliminates the requirement of human assistance for blind while traveling outside. It will identify all obstacles in the path with the help of various sensors installed in it. The microcontroller will retrieve data and pass it on as vibrations which will notify the user about hurdles

    Analysis of Training Functions in a Biometric System

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    One of the commonly used Biometric methods is Face Classifica tion . Face images a re obtained from FEI face database. In this paper, different Training F unctio ns of Neural Network a re studied . In this research, a face recognition sy stem i s suggested based on feedforward backpro pagation neural network Neural Network (BPNN) model. Each model i s constructed separately with one input layer, 3 hidden layers and one output layer). Four ANN training algorithms (TRAINLM, TRAINBFG, TRAINGDX, and TRAINRP ) a re used to train each model se parately. Performances using each of the training algorithms were evaluated based on mean square error an d the best training algorithm i s found for the face recognition
